序号 | 刊物简称 | 刊物全称 | 出版社 | 网址 |
1. | TIFS 个人所得税扣多少 | IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security | IEEE | www.ieee/organizations/society/sp/tifs.html |
2. | TDSC | IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing | IEEE | puter/tdsc/ |
3. | TISSEC | ACM Transactions on Information and System Security | ACM | tisc.acm/ |
磁化率 |
序号 | 刊物简称 | 刊物全称 | 出版社 | 网址 |
1. | Journal of Cryptology | Springer | www.iacr/jofc/jofc.html | |
2. | Journal of Computer Security | IOS Press | www2./jcs/ | |
3. | IEEE Security & Privacy | IEEE | puter/curity/ | |
4. | Computers & Security | Elvier | www.elvier.nl/inca/publications/store/4/0/5/8/7/7/ | |
5. | JISec | Journal of Internet Security | Nahum Goldmann. | www.addcure/JiSec/index.asp |
6. | Designs, Codes and Cryptography | Springer经典战争片 | /east/home/math/numbers?SGWID=5-10048-70-35730330-0 | |
7. | IET Information Security | IET | www.ietdl/IET-IFS | |
8. | EURASIP Journal on Information Security | Hindawi | /journals/is | |
序号 | 刊物简称 | 刊物全称 | 出版社 | 网址 |
1. | CISDA | Computational Intelligence for Security and Defen Applications | IEEE | www.cidefen/ |
2. | CLSR | Computer Law and Security Reports | Elvier | /science/journal/02673649 |
3. | Information Management & Computer Security | MCB University Press | /info/journals/imcs/imcs.jsp | |
4. | Information Security Technical Report | Elvier | /locate/istr | |
序号 | 会议简称 | 会议全称 | 出版社 | 网址 |
1. | S&P | IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy | IEEE | www.ieee-curity/TC/SP-Index.html |
2. 冬天喝什么汤 | CCS | ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security | ACM | www.acm/sigs/sigsac/ccs/ |
3. | CRYPTO | International Cryptology Conference | Springer-Verlag | www.iacr/conferences/ |
序号 | 会议简称 | 会议全称 | 出版社 | 网址 | |
1. | Security | USENIX Security Symposium | USENIX | www.unix/events/ | |
2. | NDSS | ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium | Internet Society | www.isoc/isoc/conferences/ndss/ | |
3. | Eurocrypt | Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques | Springer | www.iacr/conferences/eurocrypt2009/ | |
4. | IH | Workshop on Information Hiding | Springer-Verlag | www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/ihws.html | |
5. | ESORICS | European Symposium on Rearch in Computer Security | Springer-Verlag | www.laas.fr/%7Eesorics/ | |
6. | RAID | International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection | Springer-Verlag | www.raid-symposium/ | |
7. | ACSAC | Annual Computer Security Applications Conference | IEEE | www.acsac/ | |
8. | DSN | The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks | IEEE/IFIP | www.dsn/ | |
9. | CSFW | IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop | www.ieee-curity/CSFWweb/ | ||
10. | TCC | Theory of Cryptography Conference | Springer-Verlag | cs.nyu.edu/~tcc08/ | |
11. | ASIACRYPT | 奋发有为的意思Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security | Springer-Verlag | www.iacr/conferences/ | |
12. | PKC | International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography | Springer-Verlag | www.iacr/workshops/pkc2008/描写人物动作的句子 | |
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