Enneagram of Personality 九型人格
The Enneagram is a highly sophisticated system of nine personality profiles that are meant to help us know ourlves and others “as we/they are to themlves”. Each type profile rves as a customized road map for on-going personal growth consistent with categories of modern psychological typology. The nine types are as follows:
Type One: The Perfectionist
"I'm not angry, I'm just trying to get it right!"适合小朋友的游戏
Basic Proposition: There is a right way and a wrong way to do everything.
Habitual Focus of Attention: What is right or wrong, correct or incorrect.
What "Perfectionists" tell us about themlves:
They live with a powerful inner critic that monitors every thought, word, and deed;
They worry about getting things right and are unusually nsitive to criticism;
机智勇敢 They strive for perfection and feel responsible;
"Perfectionists" also report a focus on being good and repress their impuls/desires for pleasure;
They can be rigid, overly controlled, eing virtue as its own reward.
Type Two: The Giver
"I know lots of people who couldn't get along without me. Where's the pride in that"
Basic Proposition: Love and survival depend on "giving to get".
Habitual Focus of Attention: Other people's needs
What "Givers" obrve about themlves:
A preoccupation with the needs of others;
Pride in giving and helping;
Sometimes feel taken advantage of;
Have a hard time expressing their own needs;
Are manipulative; and
Alter their lf-prentation to meet the needs of important others.
Type Three: The Performer
豚鼠"I'm busy all of the time. There's competition in everything I do. I just love that arena."
Basic Proposition: Love and recognition are only for "champions".
Habitual Focus of Attention: Tasks, Roles, & Results
What "Performers" obrve about themlves:
Their primary identification is with accomplishment and success;
They ek approval and acceptance bad on performance;
Their attention goes to task;
Image is important;
They feel constant pressure to perform; and
There is an inattention to feelings/"Not now".
Type Four: The Romantic
I cannot imagine anyone envying me. By comparison, if I had what others had, then I would be more fulfilled and happy.
Basic Proposition: Others enjoy the happiness that I have been denied.
Habitual Focus of Attention: "Best" is what's abnt.
What "Romantics" obrve about themlves: 草船借箭的道理
There is a constant longing for the missing ingredient for personal happiness;
Their focus is on the best of what's missing, what’s distant, and what's hard to get;
The "ordinary" pales by comparison;
There is a deeply felt abandonment that translates into a belief that "I am un- loveable”: and,
"Romanitics" feel special and elite. Their suffering ts them apart from others. 360平板卫士
Type Five: The Obrver
"I think "
Basic Proposition: Love and respect are gained by practicing lf-sufficiency.
Habitual Focus of Attention: What others want from me.
What "Obrvers" tell us about themlves:
They have a marked need for privacy;
They limit intrusion from a world that wants too much from them;
As a result, "Obrvers" hoard time, space, energy, knowledge and themlves;
They detach from feelings and obrve rather than participate; and,
They are minimalists
Type Six: The Loyal Skeptic
What is really "
Basic Proposition: Love and protection are gained by vigilance and endurance.
Habitual Focus of Attention: Threat, hazard, difficulties
What "Loyal Skeptics" tell us about themlves:
They are preoccupied with safety and curity concerns;
They greet everything with a doubting mind, and contrary thinking;
"Loyal Skeptics" report active imaginations that amplify questionable areas;
They question people and authority;
They procrastinate becau of fearing the outcome, failing to complete projects
蛤蟆菜照片Type Seven: The Epicure
What'hat's my escape from pain."
Basic Proposition: Pain and frustration can be avoided and the good life assured by inventing options, opportunities, and adventures.
Habitual Focus of Attention: The positive in all things
What "Epicures" tell us about themlves: