将相和说课稿>刘冠廷Opening my eyes in the morning, I heard noi outside the window. After carefully listening, I found that it is the wind that screaming relentless and trying hard cealessly to crush into the warm room. I felt that I was to be blown away by the cold wind. It flapped me like a big fan and cut my face like a little knife. Becau there were a mix of leaves and plastic bags circling in the air ahead of me, I had to care enough not to be stuck in that dirty eddy and went away as fast as I could. Though the sun had finally come out, the wind still refud to give in. It was determined to be the leading actor of that day, singing scrannel songs over and over again in faltto. Looking around, you could notice that it was so powerful that it almost had kept everything under its control. Look! All the trees were swaying in its embrace. People’s clothes were flying higher and higher. The wind acted like a kid who was always entangling you in spite of your rejection. How naughty!张謇纪念馆