Lesson 1
1)Little donkeys thread their way among the throngs of people.
little donkeys went in and out among the people and from one side to another
2)Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaa r, the noi of the entr ance fades a way, and you come to the muted cloth -market.
Then as you pass th rough a big crowd to go deeper into the market,the noi of the entranc e gradually disappear, a nd you come to the much quieter clot h-market.
3)they n arrow down t heir choice and begin th e really r ious busines s of beating the price d own
they dro p some of it ems that the y don't real ly want and begin to bar gain rious ly for a low price.
4)he will price the i tem high, an d yield litt le in the ba「gaining
He will ask for a h igh price fo r the item a nd refu to cut down th e
price by a ny significa nt amount.
5)As you approac h it, a tink ling and ban ging and cla shing begins to impinge on your ear
As y ou get near it, a variet y of sounds begin to str ike your ear.
x. l)—条蜿蜒的小路淹没在树荫深处
A zig -zag path Io s itlf i n the shadow y distance o f the woods.
吹吹At the bazaar there are m any stalls w here goods o f every cone eivable kind are sold.
I r eally don't know what it is that has made him so angry.
The newl y unearthed bronze va is pleasing in form and engraved wit h delicate a nd intricate traditional designs.
Beyo nd the mount ains there i s a vast gra ssland that extends as f ar as
the ey e can e.
Th ey decided t o buy that h ou with, a garage atta ched.
南瓜英语The teache rs make a po int of being strict with the student s.
This little girl is very much attach ed to her fa ther.
To achi eve the four modernizati ons, we make a point of learning fro m
the advanc ed science a nd technolog y of other c ountries.
10)黄昏临近时,天渐渐地暗下来了。As dusk fell, d aylight fade d away. 11)徒工仔细地观察他的师傅,然后照着干。
Th e apprentice watched his master care fully and th en followed suit.
12)吃完饭弗兰克常常帮助洗餐具。Frank of ten took a h and in the w ashing-up af ter dinner.
L esson 2 1)S erious-looki ng man spoke to one anot her as if th ey were obli vious of the crowds
abou t them.
They were so abso rbed in thei r conversati on that they emed not to pay any a ttention to the people a round them. 2)The cab driver's doo r popped ope n at the ver y sight of a traveler.
As soon as the taxi driver saw a trave ler, he imme diately open ed the
3)The ra ther arresti ng spectacle of little o Id Japan adr ift amid bei ge concrete skyscrapers is very symb ol of the in cessant stru ggle between the kimono and the mini shirt.
The tr aditional fl oating hou s among high modern buil dings repres
ent the cons tant struggl e between ol d tradition and new deve lopment.
4 )lexperienc ed a twinge of embarrass ment at the prospect of meeting the mayor of Hir oshima in my socks.
1 suf fered from a strong feel ing of shame when I thou ght of the s cene
of meet ing the mayo r of Hiroshi ma wearing m y socks only . 5)the few Americans a nd Germans s eemed just a s inhibited asl was.
The few America ns and Germa ns emed ju st as restra ined as 1 was.
6)After three days i n Japan, the spinal colu mn become xtraordinari lyflexible. After three days in Japa n one gets q uite ud to bowing to p eople as a
r itual to sho w gratitude. 7)1 was ab out to make my little bo w of asnt, when the me aning of the last word s sank in, j olting me ou t of my sad reverie.
1 w as on the po int of showi ng my agreem ent by noddi ng when I su ddenly reali zed what he meant. His wo rds shocked me out my sa d dreamy thi nking. 8)1 thought some howlhad be en spared.
I thought for some reason or other no harm had bee n done to me .
ere is not a soul in the hall. The me eting must h ave been put off.
The b ook looks ve ry much like a box. (The book looks much the sam
e as a box.)
3}四川话和湖北话很相似,有时难以区别。S ichuan diale ct sounds mu ch the same as Hubei did lect. It is sometimes di fficult to t ell
one from the other.
Th e very sight of the monu ment reminds me of my go od friend wh o was killed in the batt le.
He was so deep in thought that he was obli vious of wha t his friend s were talki ng about.
6)他干的事与她毫无关系。What he did had not hing to do w ith her. 7)她睡不着觉,女儿的病使她心事重重。
好看的符号网名She cou Idn't fall a sleep as her daughter's illness was
very much on her mind.
8 )这件事长期以来一直使我放心不下。
I have had the matt er on my mind for a long time.
He loves such gatheri ngs at which he rubs sho ulders with
young people and exchang e opinions w ith them on various subj ects.
抒情片段It was only after a few minute s that his w ords sank in .
11)土壤散发着青草的气味。The soil s mells of fre sh grass.
12)我可以占用你几分钟吋间吗?Coul d you spare me a few min utes? 13)你能匀出一张票子给我吗?Could y ou spare me a ticket?差别英语
1 4)那个灰头发上了年纪的人是铜匠。That elderly grey -haired man
mith by trad
is a coppers
Lesson 4
1 )She thinks that her si sterhas hel d life alway s in the pal m of one ha n d.“
She thinks that her si ster has a f irm control of her life.
2)‘‘ no,’ is a word the w orld never I earned to sa y to her.
She could alway s have anyth ing she want ed, and life was extreme
ly generous to her.
3)Johnny Carso n has much t o do to keep up with my quick and wi tty tongue.什么能止咳
J ohnny Carson , who is fam ous for his witty and gl ib tongue, h
as to try ha rd if he wan ts to catch up with me.
4)lt em s to melha ve talked to them always with one fo ot raid in flight..
It ems to me that I have talked to th em always re
ady to leave as quickly as possible.
5)She washed us in a riv er of make-b elieve.
She impod on u s lots of fa Isity.
6)b urned us wit h a lot ofk nowledgewe didn't neces sarily need toknow. imp od on us a lot of know ledge that i s totally us eless to us
7)Like goo d looks and money, quick ness pasd her by.
She i s not bright just as she is neither good-looking rich.
8)A dress down to the groun d, in this h ot weather.
D ee wore a ve ry long dres s even on su ch a hot day .
9)You can e me try in g to move a condor tw obefore Im ake it.
You can e me t rying to mov e my body a couple of
conds before I finally m anage to pus h mylf up .