下腹肌 Singing Lessons歌唱的奥秘
Lesson 1第一课
Comprehensive Lesson歌唱概述
When teaching, it is best to first teach an overall comprehensive lesson to let the students know the whole picture, and then afterwards go into details. Otherwi if one starts with details, then the student can’t pick up the meaning and significance as well, and los interest, and slowing down the learning process.教导歌唱前,最好先对歌唱这门学问进行概述,让学员对此有一个整体认识,然后再作详细分解。否则,若一开始就进入细节,学员可能很难抓住要领,因而失去兴趣,而不能坚持下去。
a)Any instrument has 3 parts任何乐器都有3大组成部分:
1) 发声主体 (vibrating body, e.g. a string on a guitar);
2) 共鸣体 (e.g.晒书城 the sound box on an acoustic guitar, or an
3) 动力体 (the strength ud in playing to make a sound);
b)In singing there are 5 parts歌唱的乐器却有5个部分:
1) 发声主体:声带以及相关联的喉肌(vocal chords and throat muscles);
四十用英语怎么写2) 共鸣体:口腔、喉腔、咽腔、胸腔、鼻腔和头腔(all the resonating cavities);
3) 动力体:呼吸器官(wind and wind organs);
若隐若现的反义词幼儿园小班工作总结4) 语言器官:vocal organs ( to make words);
5) 辨音器官:Discerning organ ,to discern the accuracy of notes);
To sing well all 5 must be in place若要有优美的歌唱,以上5个部分都必须发挥正常又正确的功能。