1、飞机(内)起火、冒烟,或出现火警、烟雾警告。因刹车引起的轮毂冒烟和烤箱内食物冒烟除外。Fire, smoke or fire alarm in aircraft. Except for wheel smoke caud by brake and food smoke in oven.
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
2、放行错误,或未按照手册、程序要求放行飞机。Wrong relea or failed to relea the aircraft in accordance with manual and procedural requirements
尿痛怎么办A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
3、未得到许可推出、滑行,未按指令或规定启动发动机、试车。Push back or taxing without clearance; Engine starting or engine running without complying with instruction or re
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
4、 超机型性能限制:如超限制重量、超限制重心、超限制载荷、超限制速度、超限制轮速、超限制高度、客舱压差等;超发动机限制温度、转速、振动值等。Exceeding aircraft performance limits: e.g. exceeding limit weight,limit center of gravity, limit load factor, limit speed, limit tire speed, limit altitude, cabin differential pressure etc; exceeding engine limit temperature RPM or vibrance value etc.
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)喝酒神器
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
5、飞机、车辆、人员错误地出现或存在于机场内起飞或着陆保护区域。Aircraft, vehicles, personnel appear incorrectly or exist in the airport to take off or landing protection zones.
内容梗概A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
6、飞机的各种盖板(含滑油箱加油口盖)未关好或空速管套、堵塞、锁销、挂钩、夹板、尾撑杆等未取下,飞机依靠自身动力滑行;起落架转弯销未插,飞机依靠非自身动力移动。The aircraft is taxiing under its own power with unclod access panel(inlcuding oil pannel) or unremoved pitot probe cover, plug, pin, hook, clamping strap or tail srut,etc.; without undering its own pwower, the aircraft is taxiing with unpluged landing gear turn pin.
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
7、放行错误或飞机不适航,飞机起飞。Takeoff with wrong relea or aircraft is unairworthy.
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
8、加注不合格或错误型号的燃油,或加注燃油量错误,加错滑油、液压油;滑行过程中,飞机液压油、燃油、滑油渗漏超标。Refueling with unqualified or wrong type of fuel, wrong quantity of fuel, wrong oil or hydraulic fluid; The leakage of hydraulic fluid, fuel or oil exceeding the standard during taxiing.
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
9、未按飞机维修大纲和维修手册规定维修飞机及部件。The maintenance of the aircraft and its components is not completed according to CAMP or manual.下载音乐到mp3
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
10、飞机携带其他物体飞行。Flying with other objects.
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
11、 加注不合格或错误型号的燃油,或加注燃油量错误,加错滑油、液压油,飞机起飞;飞行中,液压油、燃油、滑油渗漏。Take off with unqualified or wrong type of fuel, or wrong quantity of fuel, wrong oil or hydraulic fluid; in flight, the leakage of hydraulic fluid, fuel or oil.
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
12、未按规定进行除/防冰作业。De-icing/anti-icing is not implemented as required.
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
13、飞机发动机吸入外来物、其他物体。The engine ingestion of FOD or other objects.
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
14、飞机非正常位移。Abnormal displacement of the aircraft.
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
15、飞机轮胎爆破、拖胎、脱层,或易熔塞熔化。Flat tire, tire skidding, delaminated tire or fu plugs to melt.
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
16、飞机与设施设备、车辆、人员、动物或其他物体相刮碰;飞机与飞机、设施设备、车辆、人员、动物或其他物体存在刮碰可能,需采取紧急措施。Aircraft scrapes and scrape
s probably against other aircraft, vehicle, equipment, facility, personnel, animal or other objects or; need emergency measures taken to avoid the scrape.
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
17、飞机滑梯、救生船非正常释放。Deploy slides, rafts improperly.
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
18、运行阶段,飞机零部件缺失、部件脱落,低于放行标准。In operation pha,aircraft components missing or falling off, which is below the relea criteria.
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
19、 飞机与飞机相刮碰;飞机与车辆、人员、设施设备或其他物体刮碰,导致飞机受损或人员受伤。Aircraft damage or personnel injury caud by the scrapes between aircraft, or between aircraft and vehicles, personnels, facilities and equipments, or other objects.心愿的作文
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
20、正在为飞机提供服务的车辆、设施设备等失火。A fire breaks out in vehicles or facilities which are providing rvices to an aircraft.
学校安全工作A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
21、人为原因导致机上设备损伤或失效,影响安全。The damage or failure of the onboard equipment due to human error affects the safety.
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
22、滑梯包脱落或应急出口非正常打开。Escape slide pack falls off or emergency exits are open abnormally.
A、紧急事件(Emergency Events)
B、非紧急事件(Non-Emergency Events)
23、飞机遭雷击、电击、冰击、雹击、外来物撞击、其他物体撞击,导致飞机损伤。Aircraft damage resulting from thunder strike, lightning strike,ice blow, hail hit, FOD, or other objects strike.