Steps to install cracked ARM Compiler, if you do not have licend copy
**You must u Windows XP with SP3 (No Vista, No Windows 7)
1. ack, modify MAC address for file rvsd.dat :
(1)Start -> run -> CMD -> ipconfig/all,Physical Address item indicate the MAC address.
(2)Edit rvds.dat by arch HOSTID,19 position will be matched申通时效, then substitute the string following HOSTID with your genuine MAC address,怎么腌制牛排更嫩then save the modification.
2. Unplug Ethernet cable and disable all WiFi, Make sure No network is active, this is important.
3. Install RVDS 3.1
(1) ---> tup folder is c:\Program Files\ARM
Choo next until you e the installation diagram as follow,then choo RVCT Only.
(2)When prompt install ARM Licen Wizard,STOP here.
Copy all files ack to c:\Program Files\ARM
拉血是怎么回事女性 Go back ARM Licen Wizard and choo Install Licen
(3) Brow the rvds.dat saved at c:\Program Files\ARM, lect and Add.
(4) Do not let Install change rvsd.dat file location, this is important.
(5) Click Finish and exit ARM installation program.
4. Brow through c:\Program Files\ARM and run crack.bat by double clicks, when process crack, ecc ems like no respon,柳暗花明什么意思 plea wait until the crack console screen clod automatically.
5. Open a console by Start -> run -> CMD and run "知用armcc --vsn"
If cracked ARM compiler installed successfully, then following info will be shown:
ARM/Thumb C/C++ Compiler, RVCT3.1 [Build 569]
Software supplied by: mammoth//ZWTiSO 2005
电脑无法上网6. Plug back Ethernet and/or enable WiFi.
7. Install ActivePerl by clicking
8. Done!