同义或近义替换类:当今中国英语界衡量一个人英语水平高低的一个标志就是在于其是否能够用三种或者三种以上方法来表达同一种语言信息。意识到这一点,应考者就会发现,单就英语而言,对于中国学生所进行考核的知识点是相对固定的。各个层次的考核都不会超出这些范围,只不过在不同层次上的切入点有所变化而已。这类知识储备的意义在于,英语中有这样的题型:Replace the underlined part without changing it’s original meaning. 另外,现在英语的命题特征是标准化程度很高,而标准化程度很高的具体特征就是在所给出的四个选项中选取一个、排除三个。这类特征给我们的启示就是:同义或近义选项同时排除长方体表面积计算公式, 矛盾选项正确答案必居其一。
As soon as=no sooner than=hardly when=scarcely when 两个动作衔接紧密
As well as= and= along with =coulpe with 也,还有, 共同存在,相辅相成
Account for =explain =explain away =take up 解释说明,占据
Accu sb of = charge sb with =blame sb for = complain over (of) 指控, 谴责, 抱怨
As long as = so long as = provided (that) = under the condition that 只要, 在。。。。条件下
Becau = in that 由于, 因为
Becau of = on account of =result from = owing to = due to 归因于。。。。。。
Come up with = put forward = rai 想出主意,提出观点
Come across = run into = encounter = to meet unexpectedly 偶然遇到, 碰巧遇到
Consist of = include = be compod of = be made up of 整体包含部分
Consider…..as = regard………as = e……as = view…….as = think of ………as 把。。。。。。当作。。。。。, 认为。。。。。。。。
Deal with = cope with = handle 处理, 应付
Experience = go through 经历
Forever = for good = for keeps 永远, 永久
For example = for instance = such as 例如 (前两个只需要举一个例子即可, 而such as的中文意思为诸如,后面至少需要列举两个例子。)
For all = inspite of 尽管, 虽然
Filter through = sink in = to be understood gradually 人们渐渐理解,人们渐渐接受
In favor of sb = in sb’s favor 支持某人
Finally = at last – eventually 最后, 最终
Get over = iron out 克服困难, 度过难关
Go through = experience 经受, 经历
Get to know = reali 逐渐意识到
Hardly = scarcely 几乎不
However = nevertheless = on the contrary = by contrast = unfortunately 然而, 可是
In detail = at length 详细地
In the first place = at the beginning 首先
Important = esntial =crucial = fatal = significant = play a key role in 重要的
In one word = in short = in brief = in wit = in conclusion 总之
In fact = in truth = in reality 实际上
Lead to = cau = make = produce = result in = bring about 断背山安妮海瑟薇导致, 造成
Make sure = e that 确保
Make up = invent = coin 虚构,杜撰,编造
More than = not only 超过, 不仅仅
No more = not any more = no longer = not any longer = ud to 不再
Nothing but = only 仅仅
Note = realize = take notice of 注意到
Obvious = apparent = evident = marked = pronounced 明显的, 显而易见的
On one’s part = in one’s opinion = to sb 依据某人的观点
Out of a sudden = suddenly 突然
Out of = from 出自。。。。。。。
Probable = likely 极可能
Provided that = as long as = so long as = under the condition that 只要。。。。。。, 在。。。。。。。条件下。
Personally = in person 亲自
Prevent sb from doing sth = keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事
In question = in dispute 有争论的
Replace = take the place of 取代
Suggestion = proposal 建议, 提议
Some = about 大约
Subquently = conquently 结果是
Stand = bear = tolerate =endure = put up with 忍受
Speak of = mention 谈论
So far as = as far as = to the degree that 在。。。。。程度上
Take into acount = take into consideration= take account of 予以考虑
There be = there stands = there lies = there exists = there remains 客观存在
Though = aithough = much as 尽管。。。。。,10以内连加连减口算题 虽然。。。。。。。。
Thanks to = becau of = owing to 幸亏, 由于
Thus = in this way 因此, 故而
To the degree that = to the extent that 在。。。。。。。程度上
Unwilling = reluctant 不情愿, 勉强
Be worth = be worthy of 值得
Yield to = submit to 屈服,现场直播英文 让步
易混淆词汇: 英语中高级阶段测试中,词汇类的考核80%以上集中于易混淆词汇,需要引起应考者的高度重视。英语的易混淆词汇包括两大类,即词形上的易混淆和词义上的易混淆。
Adapt(改变, 调节)-----------adopt(采纳)------------adept(擅长于。。。。。)
Accept(接受)----------except(除了。。。。。之外)---------expect(预料, 期盼)
Apply for(申请获得。。。。。)-------apply to(把。。。。。。应用于。。。。。。。。)
Arrive(由彼及此)-----------reach(由此及彼)-------------get to(双向多口语)
Avoid(避免)-----------prohibit(禁止)-----------reject(拒绝接受无用或者有瑕疵的人或物)----------repel(驱逐, 击退)
Bring up(家庭对儿女的抚养)---------cultivate经略相公(社会对人的培育)-----------educate(教育机构的培养)------------rai(人对动物的饲养)
Consider(考虑)--------considering(考虑到。。。。。。, 鉴于。。。。。。, 由于。。。。。。)---------considerable(程度上极大的)------------considerate (周到的, 体贴的)
Chance某事发生的可能性----------opportunity(良机, 机遇)
Constantly(连续地,不断地)-------consistently(始终如一地, 前后一致地)