序号 | 检测 对象 | 项目/参数 | 领域 代码 | 检测标准(方法)名称及编号 (含年号) | 限制 范围 | 说明 | |
序号 | 名称 | ||||||
1 | 毒品类/阿片类 | 1 | 吗啡 | 2107.05 | 体外阿片类、苯丙胺类、度冷丁、大麻和氯胺酮等毒品的检测方法SJB 005-2001; | ||
生物检材中单乙酰吗啡、吗啡、可待因的测定 SF/Z JD0107006-2010; | |||||||
生物检材中苯丙胺类兴奋剂、度冷丁和氯胺酮的测定 SF/Z JD0107004-2010; | |||||||
2 | 单乙酰吗啡 | 血液中吗啡的GC/MS定量分析方法 SJB-T-18-2003 | |||||
3 | 海洛因 | ||||||
4 | 度冷丁 | ||||||
2 | 毒品类/苯丙胺类 | 1 | 苯丙胺 | 2107.05 | 体外阿片类、苯丙胺类、度冷丁、大麻和氯胺酮等毒品的检测方法 SJB 005-2001; | ||
2 | 甲基苯胺 | 生物检材中苯丙胺类兴奋剂、度冷丁和氯胺酮的测定 SF/Z JD0107004-2010 | |||||
3 | 亚甲基二氧甲基苯丙胺(MDMA) | 血液、尿液中154种毒(药)物的检测 液相色谱-串联质谱法SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | |||||
4 | 亚甲基二氧苯丙胺(MDA) | ||||||
3 | 毒品类/大麻 | 1 | 大麻酚 | 2107.05 | 体外阿片类、苯丙胺类、度冷丁、大麻和氯胺酮等毒品的检测方法SJB 005-2001 | ||
2 | 四氢大酚 | ||||||
3 | 大麻二酚 | ||||||
4 | △9-四氢大麻酸 | 尿液中△9-四氢大麻酸的测定》SF/Z JD0107007-2010 | |||||
华生行为主义4 | 毒品类/氯胺酮 | 1 | 氯胺酮 | 2107.05 | 体外阿片类、苯丙胺类、度冷丁、大麻和氯胺酮等毒品的检测方法SJB 005-2001; | ||
生物检材中苯丙胺类兴奋剂、度冷丁和氯胺酮的测定 SF/Z JD0107004-2010 血液、尿液中154种毒(药)物的检测 液相色谱-串联质谱法SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | |||||||
5 | 医用合成药类/巴比妥类药物 | 1 | 巴比妥 | 2107.03 | 常见药物、杀虫剂及毒鼠强的筛选分析方法 SJB 021-2002; | ||
2 | 苯巴比妥 | 生物检材中巴比妥类药物的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法SF/Z JD0107008-2010 | |||||
3 | 速可眠 | ||||||
4 | 异戊巴比妥 | ||||||
5 | 硫喷妥 | ||||||
6 | 医用合成药类/苯二氮卓类药物 | 1 | 地西泮 | 2107.03 | 常见药物、杀虫剂及毒鼠强的筛选分析方法 SJB 021-2002; 血液、尿液中154种毒(药)物的检测 液相色谱-串联质谱法SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | ||
2 | 氯硝西泮 | ||||||
3 | 硝基安定 | ||||||
4 | 艾司唑仑 | ||||||
5 | 阿普唑仑 | ||||||
6 | 医用合成药类/苯二氮卓类药物 | 6 | 三唑仑 | 2107.03 | 常见药物、杀虫剂及毒鼠强的筛选分析方法 SJB 021-2002; 血液、尿液中154种毒(药)物的检测 液相色谱-串联质谱法SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | ||
7 | 咪达唑仑 | ||||||
7 | 医用合成药类/吩噻嗪类药物 | 1 | 氯丙嗪 | 2107.03 | 常见药物、杀虫剂及毒鼠强的筛选分析方法 SJB 021-2002; 血液、尿液中154种毒(药)物的检测 液相色谱-串联质谱法SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | ||
2 | 异丙嗪 | ||||||
8 | 医用合成药类/三环类抗抑郁药 | 1 | 阿米替林 | 2107.03 | 常见药物、杀虫剂及毒鼠强的筛选分析方法 SJB 021-2002; 血液、尿液中154种毒(药)物的检测 液相色谱-串联质谱法SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | ||
2 | 多虑平 | ||||||
3 | 丙咪嗪 | ||||||
9 | 医用合成药类/其它类 | 1 | 氯氮平 | 2107.03 | 常见药物、杀虫剂及毒鼠强的筛选分析方法 SJB 021-2002; | ||
2 | 阿托品 | ||||||
3 | 利多卡因 | 血液、尿液中154种毒(药)物的检测 液相色谱-串联质谱法SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | |||||
4 | 咖啡因 | ||||||
10 | 天然药物类/尼古丁 | 1 | 尼古丁 | 2107.04 | 常见药物、杀虫剂及毒鼠强的筛选分析方法 SJB 021-2002; 血液、尿液中154种毒(药)物的检测 液相色谱-串联质谱法SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | ||
11 | 杀虫剂类/有机磷类农药 | 1 | 敌敌畏 | 2107.06 | 常见药物、杀虫剂及毒鼠强的筛选分析方法 | ||
2 | 甲胺磷 | SJB 021-2002; | |||||
3 | 乙酰甲胺磷 | 血液、尿液中154种毒(药)物的检测 液相色谱-串联质谱法SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | |||||
4 | 马拉硫磷 | ||||||
5 | 乐果 | ||||||
6 | 甲基对硫磷 | ||||||
7 | 对硫磷 | ||||||
12 | 杀虫剂类/氨基甲酸酯类农药 | 1 | 呋喃丹 | 2107.06 | 常见药物、杀虫剂及毒鼠强的筛选分析方法 SJB 021-2002; | ||
2 | 速灭威 | ||||||
3 | 灭多威 | 血液、尿液中154种毒(药)物的检测 液相色谱-串联质谱法SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | |||||
13 | 杀虫剂类/拟除虫菊酯类农药 | 1 | 氰戊菊酯 | 2107.06 | 常见药物、杀虫剂及毒鼠强的筛选分析方法 SJB 021-2002; | ||
2 | 氯氰菊酯 | ||||||
3 | 溴氰菊酯 | 血液、尿液中154种毒(药)物的检测 液相色谱-串联质谱法SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | |||||
4 | 胺菊酯 | ||||||
5 | 二氯苯醚菊酯 | ||||||
14 | 杀鼠剂类/毒鼠强 | 1 | 毒鼠强 | 2107.08 | 常见药物、杀虫剂及毒鼠强的筛选分析方法 SJB 021-2002; | ||
血液、尿液中毒鼠强的测定 气相色谱法SF/Z JD0107003-2010 | |||||||
15 | 挥发性毒物类/氰化物 | 1 | 氰化物 | 2107.02 | 血液中氰化物的测定 气相色谱法 SF/Z JD0107002-2010 | ||
16 | 挥发性毒物类/醇类 | 1 | 甲醇 | 2107.02 | 血液中乙醇的测定 顶空气相色谱法SF/Z JD0107001-2010 | ||
2 | 乙醇 | ||||||
17 | 气体毒物类/一氧化碳 | 1 | 碳氧血红蛋白饱和度 | 2107.01 | 血液中碳氧血红蛋白饱和度的检测方法 SJB 016-2001 | ||
18 | 天然药物类/乌头生物碱 | 1 | 乌头碱 | 2107.04 | 生物检材中乌头碱、新乌头碱和次乌头碱的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 SF/Z JD0107009-2010 | ||
2 | 新乌头碱 | ||||||
3 | 次乌头碱 | ||||||
19 | 金属毒物类/元素 | 1 | 铬 | 2107.09 | 血液中Cr、Cd、As、Tl和Pb的电感耦合等离子体质谱定量方法SJB-T-23-2008 | ||
2 | 镉 | ||||||
3 | 砷 | ||||||
4 | 铊 | ||||||
5 | 铅 | ||||||
七夕的祝福语句 20 | 有毒动物/河豚毒素 | 1 | 河豚毒素 | 2107.11 | 生物检材中河豚毒素的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 SJB-T-26-2010 | ||
21 | 血液/血痕 | 1 | 确证试验/人血红蛋白(Hb) | 2105 | 种属鉴定与ABO血型物质检测规范SJB-B-1-2003 | ||
亲权鉴定技术规范 SF/Z JD0105001-2010 | |||||||
2 | ABO血型检验 | 法庭科学DNA实验室规范GA/T 382-2002 | |||||
3 | STR及性别检验 | 法庭科学DNA实验室检验规范GA/T 383-2002 | |||||
4 | 线粒体DNA序列测定 | 人血红蛋白检测 金标试剂条法 GA 765-2008 | |||||
22 | 精液/精斑 | 1 | 确证试验/人前列腺特异性抗原(PSA) | 2105 | 亲权鉴定技术规范 SF/Z JD0105001-2010 法庭科学DNA实验室规范GA/T 382-2002 法庭科学DNA实验室检验规范GA/T 383-2002 人精液PSA检测金标试剂条法 GA 766-2008 | ||
2 | STR及性别检验 | ||||||
23 | 唾液/唾液斑 | 1 | STR及性别检验 | 2105 | 法庭科学DNA实验室规范GA/T 382-2002 法庭科学DNA实验室检验规范GA/T 383-2002 亲权鉴定技术规范 SF/Z JD0105001-2010 | ||
24 | 毛发 | 1 | STR及性别检验 | 2105 | 法庭科学DNA实验室规范GA/T 382-2002 法庭科学DNA实验室检验规范GA/T 383-2002 亲权鉴定技术规范 SF/Z JD0105001-2010 | ||
2 | 线粒体DNA序列测定 | ||||||
25 | 骨/牙 | 1 | STR及性别检验 | 2105 | 法庭科学DNA实验室规范GA/T 382-2002 | ||
法庭科学DNA实验室检验规范GA/T 383-2002 | |||||||
2 | 线粒体DNA序列测定 | 亲权鉴定技术规范 SF/Z JD0105001-2010 | |||||
26 | 指甲 | 1 | 线粒体DNA序列测定 | 2105 | 法庭科学DNA实验室规范GA/T 382-2002 | ||
法庭科学DNA实验室检验规范GA/T 383-2002 | |||||||
亲权鉴定技术规范 SF/Z JD0105001-2010 | |||||||
27 | 组织/器官 | 1 | STR及性别检验 | 2105 | 法庭科学DNA实验室规范GA/T 382-2002 | ||
法庭科学DNA实验室检验规范GA/T 383-2002 | |||||||
亲权鉴定技术规范 SF/Z JD0105001-2010 | |||||||
28 | 羊水 | 1 | STR及性别检验 | 2105 | 法庭科学DNA实验室规范GA/T 382-2002 | ||
法庭科学DNA实验室检验规范GA/T 383-2002 | |||||||
亲权鉴定技术规范 SF/Z JD0105001-2010 | |||||||
29 | 录音资料 | 1 | 录音真实性 | 2301 | 声像资料鉴定通用规范 SF/Z JD0300001-2010 录音资料鉴定规范 SF/Z JD0301001-2010 | ||
2 | 录音处理 | 2301 | 声像资料鉴定通用规范SF/Z JD0300001-2010 录音资料鉴定规范 SF/Z JD0301001-2010 录音处理规范SJB-D-2Ⅵ-2007 | ||||
3 | 录音内容辨听 | 2301 | 声像资料鉴定通用规范 SF/Z JD0300001-2010 录音资料鉴定规范 SF/Z JD0301001-2010 | ||||
4 | 语音同一性 | 2301 | 声像资料鉴定通用规范 SF/Z JD0300001-2010 录音资料鉴定规范 SF/Z JD0301001-2010 | ||||
30 | 图像资料 | 1 | 录像真实性 | 2302 | 声像资料鉴定通用规范SF/Z JD0300001-2010 录像资料鉴定规范 SF/Z JD0304001-2010 | ||
2 | 图像图片真实性 | 2302 | 声像资料鉴定通用规范 SF/Z JD0300001-2010 录像资料鉴定规范 SF/Z JD0304001-2010 图像图片真实性鉴定规范 SJB-D-2Ⅴ-2007 | ||||
3 | 录像处理 | 2302 | 声像资料鉴定通用规范 SF/Z JD0300001-2010 录像资料鉴定规范 SF/Z JD0304001-2010 录像处理规范 SJB-D-2Ⅶ-2007 | ||||
4 | 图像图片处理 | 2302 | 声像资料鉴定通用规范 | ||||
SF/Z JD0300001-2010 | |||||||
录像资料鉴定规范 | |||||||
SF/Z JD0304001-2010 | |||||||
图像图片处理规范SJB-D-2Ⅷ-2007 | |||||||
5 | 录像过程分析 | 2302 | 声像资料鉴定通用规范 | ||||
SF/Z JD0300001-2010 | |||||||
录像资料鉴定规范 | |||||||
SF/Z JD0304001-2010 | |||||||
6 | 人像同一性 | 2302 | 声像资料鉴定通用规范 SF/Z JD0300001-2010 录像资料鉴定规范 SF/Z JD0304001-2010 | ||||
30 | 图像资料 | 7 | 物像同一性 | 2302 | 声像资料鉴定通用规范 | ||
SF/Z JD0300001-2010 | |||||||
录像资料鉴定规范 | |||||||
SF/Z JD0304001-2010 | |||||||
31 | 微量物证 | 1 | 纸张鉴定 | 2203.13 | 纸张和纸板尺寸、偏斜度的测定GB/T 451.1-2002 | 只做: | |
纸和纸板厚度的测定 | 1、外观检验 | ||||||
GB/T 451.3-2002 | 2、厚度、白度等物理特性 | ||||||
纸和纸板 粗糙度的测定(空气泄漏法) 本特生法和印刷表面法GB/T 22363-2008 | 3、荧光特性、紫外和红外反射特性 | ||||||
纸和纸板透气度的测定 | 4、有机成分 | ||||||
GB/T 458-2008 | 5、无机成分 | ||||||
纸、纸板和纸浆亮度(白度)的测定 漫射/垂直法 | |||||||
GB/T 7974-2002 | |||||||
纸和纸板镜面光泽度测定 (20° 45° 75°)GB/T 8941-2007 | |||||||
刑事技术微量物证的理化检验 第8部分:显微分光光度法 | |||||||
GB/T 19267.8-2008 | |||||||
激光喇曼光谱分析方法通则JY/T 002-1996 | |||||||
微束X射线荧光光谱仪检验 | |||||||
规程SJB-D-7-2007 | |||||||
文件材料鉴定规范SF/Z JD0201008-2010 | |||||||
(纸张鉴定部分) | |||||||
31 | 微量物证 | 2 | 墨水鉴定 | 2203.12 | 刑事技术微量物证的理化检验 第8部分:显微分光光度法 | 只做: | |
GB/T 19267.8-2008 | 1、外观特性 | ||||||
2、显微形态 | |||||||
3、荧光、紫外光和红外光特性 | |||||||
激光喇曼光谱分析方法通则JY/T 002-1996 | 4、反射光谱、拉曼光谱特性 | ||||||
文件材料鉴定规范SF/Z JD0201008-2010 | |||||||
(墨水鉴定部分) | |||||||
3 | 油墨鉴定 | 2203.14 | 刑事技术微量物证的理化检验 第8部分:显微分光光度法 | 只做: | |||
GB/T 19267.8-2008 | 1、外观特性 | ||||||
2、显微形态 | |||||||
激光喇曼光谱分析方法通则JY/T 002-1996 | 3、荧光、紫外光和红外光特性 | ||||||
文件材料鉴定规范SF/Z JD0201008-2010 | 4、反射光谱、拉曼光谱特性 | ||||||
(油墨鉴定部分) | |||||||
31 | 微量物证 | 4 | 墨粉鉴定 | 2203.14 | 只做: | ||
1、外观特性 | |||||||
激光喇曼光谱分析方法通则JY/T 002-1996 | 2、显微形态 | ||||||
微束X射线荧光光谱仪检验规程SJB-D-7-2007 | 3、无机和有机成分 | ||||||
文件材料鉴定规范SF/Z JD0201008-2010 | |||||||
(墨粉鉴定部分) | |||||||
5 | 粘合剂鉴定 | 2203.15 | 刑事技术微量物证的理化检验 第1部分:红外吸收光谱法 | 只做: | |||
GB/T 19267.1-2008 | 1、外观特性 | ||||||
红外光谱分析方法通则 | 2、显微形态 | ||||||
GB/T 6040-2002 | 3、荧光特性 | ||||||
4、有机成分 | |||||||
5、显色反映 | |||||||
激光喇曼光谱分析方法通则JY/T 002-1996 | |||||||
文件材料鉴定规范SF/Z JD0201008-2010 | |||||||
(粘合剂鉴定部分) | |||||||
30 | 微量物证 | 6 | 油漆鉴定 | 2203.05 | 刑事技术微量物证的理化检验 第1部分:红外吸收光谱法 | 只做: | |
GB/T 19267.1-2008 | 1、外观特性 | ||||||
红外光谱分析方法通则 | 2、显微形态 | ||||||
GB/T 6040-2002 | 3、有机成分 | ||||||
打印的英文 | 4无机成分 | ||||||
激光喇曼光谱分析方法通则JY/T 002-1996 | |||||||
微束X射线荧光光谱仪检验规程SJB-D-7-2007 | |||||||
油漆鉴定规范 SF/Z JD0203001-2010 | |||||||
№ | Test Object | Item/Parameter | Code of Field | Title, Code of Standard or Method | Limitation | Note | |
№ | Item/ Parameter | ||||||
1 | Illicit drugs/ opiates | 1 | Morphine | 2107.05 | Analytical method for opium, amphetamines, pethidine, marijuana and ketamine | ups电源是什么东西 | |
SJB 005-2001; | |||||||
Determination of monoacetylmorphine, morphine and codeine in biological specimens | |||||||
2 | Monoacetylmorphine | SF/Z JD0107006-2010; | |||||
3 | Heroin | Determination of amphetamines, pethidine and ketamine in biological specimens SF/Z JD0107004-2010; | |||||
4 | Pethidine | Quantitative analysis for morphine in blood by GC/MS SJB-T-18-2003 | |||||
2 | Illicit drugs/amphetamines | 1 | Amphetamine | 2107.05 | Analytical method for opium, amphetamines, pethidine, marijuana and ketamine SJB 005-2001; | ||
2 | Methamphetamine | 30岁男人 | |||||
3 | Methylenedioxymethamphetamine(MDMA) | Determination of amphetamines, pethidine and ketamine in biological specimens SF/Z JD0107004-2010 Determination of 154 drugs in blood and urine by LC-MS/MS SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | |||||
4 | Methylenedioxyamphetamine(MDA) | ||||||
3 | Illicit drugs/cannabis | 1 | Cannabinol | 2107.05 | Analytical method for opium, amphetamines, pethidine, marijuana and ketamine , SJB 005-2001; | ||
2 | Tetrahydro cannabinol | ||||||
3 | Cannabidiol | ||||||
4 | △9-THC-COOH | Determination of △9-THC-COOH in urine SF/Z JD0107007-2010 | |||||
4 | Illicit drugs/ketamine | 1 | Ketamine | 2107.05 | Analytical method for opium, amphetamines, pethidine, marijuana and ketamine | ||
SJB 005-2001; | |||||||
Determination of amphetamines, pethidine and ketamine in biological specimens SF/Z JD0107004-2010 Determination of 154 drugs in blood and urine by LC-MS/MS SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | |||||||
5 | Synthetical drugs/ | 1 | Barbital | 2107.03 | Screening analysis method for the common drugs, pesticides and tetramine SJB 021-2002; | ||
barbiturates | 2 | Phenobarbital | Determination of barbiturates in biological specimens by LC-MS/MS SF/Z JD0107008-2010) | ||||
3 | Secobarbital | ||||||
4 | Amobarbital | ||||||
5 | Thiopental | ||||||
6 | Synthetical drugs/benzodiazepines | 1 | Diazepam | 2107.03 | Screening analysis method for the common drugs, pesticides and tetramine | ||
2 | Clonazepam | SJB 021-2002; | |||||
3 | Nitrazepam | Determination of 154 drugs in blood and urine by LC-MS/MS SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | |||||
4 | Estazolam | ||||||
5 | Alprozolam | ||||||
6 | Triazolam | ||||||
7 | Midazolam | ||||||
7 | Synthetical drugs/phenothiazines | 1 | Chlorpromazine | 2107.03 | Screening analysis method for the common drugs, pesticides and tetramine | ||
SJB 021-2002; | |||||||
2 | Promethazine | Determination of 154 drugs in blood and urine by LC-MS/MS SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | |||||
8 | Synthetical drugs/tricyclic antidepressants | 1 | Amitriptyline | 2107.03 | Screening analysis method for the common drugs, pesticides and tetramine | ||
2 | Doxepin | SJB 021-2002; | |||||
3 | Imipramine | Determination of 154 drugs in blood and urine by LC-MS/MS SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | |||||
9 | Synthetical drugs/others | 1 | Clozapine | 2107.03 | Screening analysis method for the common drugs, pesticides and tetramine | ||
2 | Atropine | SJB 021-2002; | |||||
3 | Lidocaine | Determination of 154 drugs in blood and urine by LC-MS/MS SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | |||||
4 | Caffeine | ||||||
10 | Natural medicines/nicotine | 1 | Nicotine | 2107.04 | Screening analysis method for the common drugs, pesticides and tetramine | ||
SJB 021-2002; | |||||||
Determination of 154 drugs in blood and urine by LC-MS/MS SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | |||||||
11 | Incticides/organic phosphates | 1 | Dichlorvos | 2107.06 | Screening analysis method for the common drugs, pesticides and tetramine SJB 021-2002; | ||
2 | Methanidophos | ||||||
3 | Acephate | Determination of 154 drugs in blood and urine by LC-MS/MS SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | |||||
4 | Malathion | ||||||
5 | Dimethoate | ||||||
6 | Parathion methyl | ||||||
7 | Parathion | ||||||
12 | Incticides/carbamic esters | 1 | Carbofuran | 2107.06 | Screening analysis method for the common drugs, pesticides and tetramine | ||
2 | Metacrate | SJB 021-2002; | |||||
3 | Methomyl | Determination of 154 drugs in blood and urine by LC-MS/MS SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | |||||
13 | Incticides/pyrethroid incticides | 1 | Fenvalerate | 2107.06 | Screening analysis method for the common drugs, pesticides and tetramine | ||
2 | Cypermethrin | SJB 021-2002; | |||||
3 | Deltamethrin | Determination of 154 drugs in blood and urine by LC-MS/MS SF/Z JD0107005-2010 | |||||
4 | Tetramethrin | ||||||
5 | Permethrin | ||||||
14 | Raticides /tetramine | 1 | Tetramine | 2107.08 | Screening analysis method for the common drugs, pesticides and tetramine SJB 021-2002; | ||
Quantitative analysis for tetramine in blood or urine by GC SF/Z JD0107003-2010 | |||||||
15 | Volatile poisons/cyanide | 1 | Cyanide | 2107.02 | Quantitative determination for cyanide in blood by GC SF/Z JD0107002-2010 | ||
16 | Volatile poisons /alcohols | 1 | Methanol | 2107.02 | Determination of ethanol in blood by headspace gas chromatography SF/Z JD0107001-2010 | ||
2 | Ethanol | ||||||
17 | Gaous poisons /carbon monoxide | 1 | Percent carboxyhemoglobin saturation of blood | 2107.01 | Analytical method for the percent carboxyhemoglobin saturation of blood SJB 016-2001 | ||
18 | Natural medicines/aconite alkaloids | 1 | Aconitine | 2107.04 | Determination of aconitine, mesaconitine and hypaconitine in biological specimens by LC-MS/MS SF/Z JD0107009-2010 | ||
2 | Mesaconitine | ||||||
3 | Hypaconitine | ||||||
19 | Metallic poison/elements | 1 | Cr | 2107.09 | Method for the determination of Cr、Cd、As、Tl and Pb in blood by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry SJB-T-23-2008 | ||
2 | Cd | ||||||
3 | As | ||||||
4 | Tl | ||||||
5 | 梨花与野兽 Pb | ||||||
20 | Poisonous animal/ tetrodotoxin | 1 | Tetrodotoxin | 2107.11 | Determination of tetrodotoxin in biological specimens by LC-MS/MS SJB-T-26-2010 | ||
21 | blood/blood stain | 1 | Confirmatory assay/Detection of human hemoglobin | 2105 | Standard for Species Identification and ABO typing SJB-B-1-2003 Standard Method of Individual Detection method of human hemoglobin-Rapid test strip GA 765-2008 Examination for the forensic DNA laboratory GA/T 382-2002 Examination for the forensic DNA laboratory GA/T 383-2002 Technical Specifications of Paternity Test SF/Z JD0105001-2010 | ||
2 | ABO typing | ||||||
3 | STR Typing and Identification of gender | ||||||
4 | mtDNA Sequences | ||||||
22 | men/men stain | 1 | Confirmatory assay/Detection of human men PSA | 2105 | Examination for the forensic DNA laboratory GA/T 382-2002 | ||
Examination for the forensic DNA laboratory GA/T 383-2002 Detection method of human men PSA-Rapid test strip GA 766-2008 | |||||||
2 | STR Typing and Identification of gender | Technical Specifications of Paternity Test SF/Z JD0105001-2010 | |||||
23 | saliva/saliva stain | 1 | STR Typing and Identification of gender | 2105 | Examination for the forensic DNA laboratory GA/T 382-2002 | ||
Examination for the forensic DNA laboratory GA/T 383-2002 | |||||||
Technical Specifications of Paternity Test SF/Z JD0105001-2010 | |||||||
24 | hair | 1 | STR Typing and Identification of gender | 2105 | Examination for the forensic DNA laboratory GA/T 382-2002 | ||
Examination for the forensic DNA laboratory GA/T 383-2002 | |||||||
2 | mtDNA Sequencing | Technical Specifications of Paternity Test SF/Z JD0105001-2010 | |||||
25 | bone/teeth | 1信的故事 | STR Typing and Identification of gender | 2105 | Examination for the forensic DNA laboratory GA/T 382-2002 | ||
Examination for the forensic DNA laboratory GA/T 383-2002 | |||||||
2 | mtDNA Sequencing | Technical Specifications of Paternity Test SF/Z JD0105001-2010 | |||||
26 | nail | 1 | mtDNA Sequencing | 2105 | DNA laboratory GA/T 382-2002 | ||
Examination for the forensic DNA laboratory GA/T 383-2002 | |||||||
Technical Specifications of Paternity Test SF/Z JD0105001-2010 | |||||||
27 | Tissue | 1 | STR Typing and Identification of gender | 2105 | DNA laboratory GA/T 382-2002 | ||
/organ | Examination for the forensic DNA laboratory GA/T 383-2002 | ||||||
Technical Specifications of Paternity Test SF/Z JD0105001-2010 | |||||||
28 | Amniotic fluid | 1 | STR Typing and Identification of gender | 2105 | DNA laboratory GA/T 382-2002 | ||
Examination for the forensic DNA laboratory GA/T 383-2002 | |||||||
Technical Specifications of Paternity Test SF/Z JD0105001-2010 | |||||||
29 | Examination of Audio Recordings | 1 | Forensic Authentication of Audio Recordings | 2301 | General Guideline for Forensic Audio/Video Examination SF/Z JD0300001-2010 | ||
Guideline for Forensic Examination of Audio Recordings SF/Z JD0301001-2010 | |||||||
2 | Enhancement of Audio Recordings | General Guideline for Forensic Audio/Video Examination SF/Z JD0300001-2010 | |||||
Guideline for Forensic Examination of Audio Recordings SF/Z JD0301001-2010 | |||||||
Guideline for Forensic Enhancement of Audio RecordingsSJB-D-2Ⅵ-2007 | |||||||
29 | Examination of Audio Recordings | 3 | Forensic Interpretation of Audio Recordings | 2301 | General Guideline for Forensic Audio/Video Examination SF/Z JD0300001-2010 | ||
Guideline for Forensic Examination of Audio Recordings SF/Z JD0301001-2010 | |||||||
4 | Forensic Voice Identification | General Guideline for Forensic Audio/Video Examination SF/Z JD0300001-2010 | |||||
Guideline for Forensic Examination of Audio Recordings SF/Z JD0301001-2010 | |||||||
30 | Examination of image materials | 1 | Authentication of video Recordings | 2302 | General Guideline for Forensic Audio/Video Examination SF/Z JD0300001-2010 | ||
Guideline for Forensic Examination Video Recordings | |||||||
SF/Z JD0304001-2010 | |||||||
2 | Forensic Authentication of Photos/Pictures | 2302 | General Guideline for Forensic Audio/Video Examination SF/Z JD0300001-2010 | ||||
Guideline for Forensic Examination Video Recordings | |||||||
SF/Z JD0304001-2010 | |||||||
Guideline for Forensic Authentication of Photos/PicturesSJB-D-2Ⅴ-2007 | |||||||
30 | Examination of image materials | 3 | Forensic Enhancement of Video Recordings | 2302 | General Guideline for Forensic Audio/Video Examination SF/Z JD0300001-2010 | ||
Guideline for Forensic Examination Video Recordings SF/Z JD0304001-2010 | |||||||
.Guideline for Forensic Enhancement of Video RecordingsSJB-D-2Ⅶ-2007 | |||||||
4 | Forensic Enhancement of Photos/Picture | 2302 | General Guideline for Forensic Audio/Video Examination SF/Z JD0300001-2010 | ||||
Guideline for Forensic Examination Video Recordings | |||||||
SF/Z JD0304001-2010 | |||||||
Guideline for Forensic Enhancement of Photos/PicturesSJB-D-2Ⅷ-2007 | |||||||
5 | Forensic Analysis | 2302 | General Guideline for Forensic Audio/Video Examination SF/Z JD0300001-2010 | ||||
of Video Recordings | Guideline for Forensic Examination Video Recordings | ||||||
SF/Z JD0304001-2010 | |||||||
6 | Forensic Identification of Human Images | 2302 | General Guideline for Forensic Audio/Video Examination SF/Z JD0300001-2010 | ||||
Guideline for Forensic Examination Video Recordings | |||||||
SF/Z JD0304001-2010 | |||||||
30 | Examination of image materials | 7 | forensic Identification of Object Images | 2302 | General Guideline for Forensic Audio/Video Examination SF/Z JD0300001-2010 | ||
Guideline for Forensic Examination Video Recordings | |||||||
SF/Z JD0304001-2010 | |||||||
31 | MicroTrace evidence | 1 | Examination of paper | 2203.13 | Paper and board - Determination of size and deviation GB/T 451.1-2002 | Accredited only for :1.Examina- tion of surface 2.Physical characteristics such as thickness and brightness 3.Characteristics of fluorescence and ultraviolet, infrared reflecting 4.Organic component 5.Elemental compositon | |
Paper and board - Determination of thickness GB/T 451.3-2002 Paper and board - Determination of roughness (air leak methods) – Bendtn method and print-surf method GB/T 22363-2008 | |||||||
Paper and board - Determination of air permeance GB/T 458-2008 | |||||||
Paper, board and pulp - Measurement of brightness - Diff/Geometry GB/T 7974-2002 Paper and board - Measurement of specular gloss (20° 45° 75°) | |||||||
GB/T 8941-2007 | |||||||
Physical and chemical examination of trace evidence in forensic science – Part 8: Microspectrophotometry GB/T 19267.8-2008 | |||||||
31 | MicroTrace evidence | 1 | Examination of paper | 2203.13 | General rules for lar raman spectrum analysis JY/T 002-1996 | Accredited only for :1.Examina- tion of surface 2.Physical characteristics such as thickness and brightness 3.Characteristics of fluorescence and ultraviolet, infrared reflecting 4.Organic component 5.Elemental compositon | |
Procedure of μ-X Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry SJB-D-7-2007 | |||||||
Guideline of document material examination SF/Z JD0201008-2010 | |||||||
(Examination of paper) | |||||||
2 | Examination of ink | 2203.12 | Physical and chemical examination of trace evidence in forensic science – Part 8: Microspectrophotometry GB/T 19267.8-2008 | Accredited only for :1.Characteris- tics of surface 2.micro configuration 3.Characteris- tics of fluo- rescence and ultraviolet, infrared reflecting 4.Characteris- tics of reflecting and Raman spectrum | |||
General rules for lar raman spectrum analysis JY/T 002-1996 | |||||||
Guideline of document material examination SF/Z JD0201008-2010 (Examination of ink) | |||||||
31 | MicroTrace evidence | 3 | Examination of printing ink | 2203.14 | Physical and chemical examination of trace evidence in forensic science – Part 8: Microspectrophotometry GB/T 19267.8-2008 General rules for lar raman spectrum analysis JY/T 002-1996 Guideline of document material examination SF/Z JD0201008-2010 (Examination of printing ink ) | Accredited only for :1.Characteris- tics of surface 2.micro configuration 3.Characteris- tics of fluo- rescence and ultraviolet, infrared reflecting 4.Characteris- tics of reflecting and Raman spectrum | |
4 | Examination of toner | Accredited only for : | |||||
1.Characteris- tics of surface | |||||||
General rules for lar raman spectrum analysis JY/T 002-1996 | 2.micro configuration | ||||||
Examination Procedure of μ-X Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry SJB-D-7-2007 | 3.Organic component and elemental compositon | ||||||
Guideline of document material examination SF/Z JD0201008-2010 | |||||||
(Examination of toner) | |||||||
31 | MicroTrace evidence | 5 | Examination of adhensive | 2203.15 | Physical and chemical examination of trace evidence in forensic science – Part 1: Infrared absorption spectrometry | Accredited only for : | |
GB/T 19267.1-2008 | 1.Characteris- tics of surface | ||||||
General rules for infrared analysis GB/T 6040-2002 | 2.micro configuration 3.Characteris- tics of fluo- rescence 4.Organic component | ||||||
5.Color reaction | |||||||
General rules for lar raman spectrum analysis JY/T 002-1996 | |||||||
Guideline of document material examination SF/Z JD0201008-2010 | |||||||
(Examination of adhensive) | |||||||
31 | MicroTrace evidence | 6 | Examination of paint | 2203.05 | Physical and chemical examination of trace evidence in forensic science – Part 1: Infrared absorption spectrometry | Accredited only for : | |
GB/T 19267.1-2008 | 1.Characteris- tics of surface | ||||||
General rules for infrared analysis | 2.micro configuration | ||||||
GB/T 6040-2002 | 3.Organic component | ||||||
4.Elemental composition | |||||||
General rules for lar raman spectrum analysis | |||||||
JY/T 002-1996 | |||||||
Examination Procedure of μ-X Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry SJB-D-7-2007 | |||||||
Guideline of Paints Examination SF/Z JD0203001-2010) | |||||||
序号 | 姓 名 | 授权签字领域 | 备 注 |
1 | 沈 敏 | 法医毒物化学 法医物证学 声像资料鉴定 微量物证检测项目 | |
2 | 朱广友 | 法医毒物化学 法医物证学检测项目 | |
3 | 卓先义 | 法医毒物化学检测项目 | |
4 | 刘 伟 | 法医毒物化学检测项目 | |
5 | 李 莉 | 法医物证学检测项目 | |
6 | 林 源 | 法医物证学检测项目 | |
7 | 李成涛 | 法医物证学检测项目 | |
8 | 杨 旭 | 声像资料鉴定 微量物证检测项目 | |
9 | 施少培 | 声像资料鉴定检测项目 | |
10 | 徐 彻 | 微量物证检测项目 | |
№ | Name | Authorized Scope of Signature | Note |
1 | Shen Min | Forensic Toxicology Forensic Biology Audio/Video Examination Trace evidence | |
2 | Zhu Guangyou | Forensic Toxicology Forensic Biology | |
3 | Zhuo Xianyi | Forensic Toxicology | |
4 | Liu Wei | Forensic Toxicology | |
5 | Li Li | Forensic Biology | |
6 | Lin Yuan | Forensic Biology | |
7 | Li Chengtao | Forensic Biology | |
8 | Yang Xu | Audio/Video Examination Trace evidence | |
9 | Shi Shaopei | Audio/Video Examination | |
10 | Xu Che | Trace evidence | |
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