Impact of polydextro on the faecal microbiota: a double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled feeding study in healthy human subjects
撒野作文期刊名称: Br J Nutr
作者: Costabile, Adele, Fava, Francesca, R?yti?, Henna, Forssten, Sofia D., Olli,金牛男水瓶女
Kaisa, Klievink, Judith, Rowland, Ian R., Ouwehand, Arthur C., Rastall, Robert A.,
Gibson, Glenn R., Walton, Gemma E.
年份: 2012年
期号: 第03期
关键词: Polydextro; Human faecal microbiota; Genotoxicity; Biomarkers of
colonic health
摘要:In this placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover human feeding study, the effects of polydextro (PDX; 8g/d) on the colonic microbial composition, immune parameters, bowel habits and quality of life were investigated. PDX is a complex gluco oligomer ud as a sugar replacer. The main goal of the prent study was to identify the microbial groups affected by PDX fermentation in the colon. PDX was shown to significantly increa the known butyrate producerRuminococcus intestinalisand bacteria of theClostridiumclusters I, II and IV. Of the other microbial groups investigated, decreas in the faecalLactobacillus–Enterococcusgroup were demonstrated. Denaturing gel gradient electrophoresis analysis showed that bacterial profiles between PDX and placebo treatments were significantly different. PDX was shown to be slowly degraded 亲亲小宝贝>蓝色玫瑰花