Scene 1
Characters:the Emperor ,Soldier-A and Soldier-B(人物:皇帝,士兵A, 士兵 B)
Narrator:Many years ago there lived an emperor. He was very fond of new clothes that he spent all his money in order to obtain them; his only wish was to always be well dresd. He had a coat for every hour of the day. One day, the Emperor said (to Soldiers):
Emperor:Are there any new things about clothes today?
Soldier-A:前程似锦近义词Today man came to our city. They said they were the best weavers in the world.
Soldier-B:And that they could produce the finest cloth, which was not only beautiful, but the clothes couldn’t be en to any man who stupid.
士兵B: 他们还说他们能织出最美丽的布。这些布不仅仅非常好看,而且用它缝出来的衣服,凡是愚蠢的人都看不见。
Emperor:That must be wonderful cloth, if I dress in a suit made of this cloth, I can find out which men are unfit for their places or stupid. I must ask them to weave for me right now.
Emperor:(to soldier-A) Find them and ask them make cloth for me.
Soldier-A:Yes, right away.
Emperor:(to soldier-B) Set up two rooms for them.
Soldier-B:Yes, right away.
Scene 2
Characters:Narratoe, Weaver A, Weaver B
Narrator:The two weavers were asked to work in the two new rooms. They pretended to be very hard at work, but they did nothing whatever in the rooms. They asked for the finest silk and the most precious gold-cloth, and worked in the empty rooms till late at night.
Scene 3
场景3:皇宫(与场景1 同)
Characters: the Emperor ,Old Minister (皇帝,老大臣)
Emperor:(几天后皇帝在皇宫里走来走去) I should very much like to know how they are
getting on with the cloth. But if I can not e it, I am stupid. I don't want that. I must nd somebody el to look.
Emperor:( to the old minister)You an honest man. So I want you to take a look at my new cloth and report back to me.
Old Minister:Yes, right away.
Scene 4
Characters:Minister,Weaver-A, Weaver-B〉
Old Minister:(老大臣来到那两间新房子。边看、边想着……看了看,走到台的一侧,对观众说) Oh!my god! I cannot e anything at all.
Weaver-A:Hello! Mr. Minister, come clor and you'll e.
Weaver-B:Oh, Mr. Minister, did you e the beautiful colors. How wonderful it is!
Narrator:The poor minister tried his very best, but he could e nothing, for there was nothing to be en.He thought, "Oh dear, can I be so stupid? I should never have thought
so, and nobody must know it! Is it possible that I am not fit for my office? No, no, I cannot say that I was unable to e the cloth.
Weaver-A:Have you nothing to say?
Old Minister:Oh, it is very pretty. Very very beautiful! What beautiful patterns(式样)! What bright colors! I will tell the Emperor this is the best cloth in the world.
Weaver-A and Weaver-B:We are happy to hear that.
琴弓Narrator:The weavers told the cloth to him. The old minister listened carefully, so that he could relate it back to the Emperor. Then the weavers asked for more money, silk and gold. They kept everything for themlves, and pretended to work hard.
Scene 4
Characters: the Emperor, Young Minister
Emperor (to the Young Minister):I always thought you were more honest than the old
精舞门罗志祥minister. So you go and e how they were getting on, and if the cloth is nearly finished or not.
Young Minister:Thank you for your prai.
Scene 5
Characters: Young Minister,Weaver-A Weaver-B〉