Acetylcholinestera point mutations in European strains of Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) resistant to organophosphates
期刊名称: Pest Management Science
作者: Jahangir Khajehali,Thomas Van Leeuwen,Maria Grispou,Evangelia
Morou,Haoués Alout,Mylène Weill,Luc Tirry,John Vontas,Anastasia Tsagkarakou
al3>验收证明年份: 2010年
期号: 第2期
关键词: Tetranychus urticae ; spider mite; organophosphate resistance;
acetylcholinestera mutations; ace‐1 ; resistance mechanisms
摘要:BACKROUND: In Tetranychus urticae Koch, acetylcholinestera innsitivity is often involved in organophosphate (OP) and carbamate (CARB)
嘴皮发紫resistance. By combining toxicological, biochemical and molecular data from three reference laboratory and three OP lected strains (OP strains), the AChE1
雀斑妆高菲商城mutations associated with resistance in T. urticae were characterid.RESULTS: The resistance ratios of the OP strains varied from 9 to 43 for pirimiphos-methyl, from
78 to 586 for chlorpyrifos, from 8 to 333 for methomyl and from 137 to 4164 for
虎眼石的功效dimethoate. The incticide concentration needed to inhibit 50% of the AChE1
activity was, in the OP strains, at least 2.7, 55, 58 and 31 times higher for the OP
pirimiphos-methyl, chlorpyrifos oxon, paraoxon and omethoate respectively, and 87 times higher for the CARB carbaryl. By comparing