
更新时间:2023-07-10 14:37:47 阅读: 评论:0

维c的功效 香菇汤你知道冬至习俗用英语怎么表达吗?               
冬至      1.The Winter Solstice Festival      There was a saying that went in ancientChina, “The Winter Solstice is as  significant as the Spring Festival.”      古语认为:“冬节大如年。”      As early as Zhou Dynasty (c.11thcentury-256BC), people worshipped the gods on  the first day of the WinterSolstice, which was also the first day of the new  year. The Winter Solsticebecame a winter festival during the Han Dynasty (206  BC-220AD). The celebratoryactivities were officially organized. On this day,  both officials and commonpeople would have a rest。      早在周朝(公元前11世纪)人们在冬至的第一天也就是当时的新年进行祭神活动。汉朝最早把冬至当做节日来过,朝廷组织庆祝活动。这天,官府和老百姓例行放假。      During subquent dynasties, such as theTang (618-907), Song (960-1279) and  Qing dynasties (1644-1911), the WinterSolstice was a day to offer sacrifices to  Heaven and to ancestors。      到唐、宋、清朝时,冬至这天要祭祀天神和祖先。              2.Eating nuts      吃坚果类食物      nuts When midwinter comes, vital movement beginsto decline and calm down. In  this period, eating an appropriate amount of nuts,such as peanuts, walnuts,  chestnuts, hazelnuts and almonds, is good for one’sbody. T下雨感慨说说心情
raditional Chine  medical science teaches that the quality of a nut istepidity and most nuts have  the function of nourishing the kidneys andstrengthening the brain and heart。      冬天时户外活动减少,在这段时期,吃一些诸如花生、核桃、栗子等坚果类食物对身体大有好处。坚果类食物有养肾强心脑的功能。              3.Eating dumplings      吃饺子      Dumplings During Winter Solstice in North China,eating dumplings is esntial  to the festival. There is a saying that goes”Have dumplings on the first day of  Winter Solstice and noodles on thefirst day of Summer Solstice.”      冬至时吃饺子是北方必不可少的节日饭。俗话说,“冬吃饺子夏吃面”              4.Eating wontons      吃馄饨      Wontons People in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, areaccustomed to eating wontons  in midwinter. According to legend, during themidwinter feast 2,500 years ago,  the King of Wu (one of the states during theWestern Zhou Dynasty and the Spring  and Autumn Period) was disgusted with allkinds of costly foods and wanted to eat  something different. Then,the beauty Xishi came into the kitchen to make  “wontons” to honor theking’s wish. He ate a lot and liked the food very much. To  commemorate Xishi,the people of Suzhou made wontons the official food to  celebrate the festival。      苏州人在这天吃馄饨。传说2500年前,吴王吃
腻了山珍海味,想尝试些不同的。于是美女西施为吴王准备的就是馄饨。吴王非常喜欢。为了纪念西施,苏州百姓就把馄饨作为冬至这天必吃的食物。              5.Eating tangyuan      吃汤圆      Tangyuan In places such as Shanghai, people eattangyuan, a kind of stuffed  small dumpling ball made of glutinous rice flour tocelebrate Winter  Solstice。      上海等地人们食用汤圆来庆祝节日。              6.Eating mutton and vermicelli soup      吃羊汤      Mutton and vermicelli soup In Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui autonomous region,people  call midwinter the “Ghost Festival”. On that day, it iscustomary for people  there to drink mutton and vermicelli soup and eat thedumplings in the soup. They  give the midwinter soup a strange name:”brain” and share it with their  neighbors。      银川、宁夏等回族地区把这天称作“鬼节”。在这天,人们和左邻右舍分享羊肉汤和饺子汤。              7.Offering nine-layer cakes to ancestors      九层糕祭祖      Nine-layer cakes Taiwan residents keep the custom ofoffering nine-layer cakes  to their ancestors. People with the same surname orfamily clan gather at their  ancestral temples to worship their ancestors inorder of their ages. After the  sacrificial ceremony, there is always a grandbanquet。      台湾地区的居民在这天仍保持着九层糕祭祖的习俗。同姓同宗者于冬至前后集中到祖祠中,照长幼之序
一一祭拜祖先,俗称“祭祖”。祭典之后,还会大摆宴席,招待前来祭祖的宗亲们。              8.Eating red-bean and glutinous rice      吃红豆糯米粥      Red-bean and glutinous rice porridge In some regions south of the Yangtze  Riveron the first day of Winter Solstice, the whole family gets together to have  ameal made of red-bean and glutinous rice to drive away ghosts and other  evilthings。      长江流域的一些地区在冬至这天全家人聚在一起吃红豆糯米粥来驱赶鬼怪。

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