Following are veral lists in which major and minor ideas are mixed together. Put each items in logical order by completing the outline provided after each list.
画大树List 1
Upright piano Accordion Trumpet Harp Jazz tomtom Panpipe Triangle
Musical instruments Cymbals Pianola Drum Wind instruments Clarinet
Tambourine Piano Stringed instruments Violin Bass drum Organ
Keyboard instruments Grand piano Cello Percussion instruments
关心妍List 2
Budweir Audi Omega Fashion Carlsberg Watchers Versace Casio
Buick Cadillac Mitsubishi Rolex Remy Martin Wine and beverage
Gucci Cars Luis Vuiton World famous brands
List 3
Skim milk Balckberry yogurt Beauty aids Plain yogurt Apples Chocolate milk
Dairy products Baby shampoo Shampoo Supermarket items Carrots Skin cream
Milk Dandruff shampoo Yogurt Produce
Passage 1怎么连接wifi网络
One reason why lf-disclosure promotes intimacy is that it increas trust. By revealing to another person something that could embarrass you, you are saying, in effect, “I trust you.” By responding to your disclosure without ridicule or scorn, the other person is saying, “You can trust me.” And by reciprocating with a disclosure of her own, she is saying, “I will trust you in return. Now we have a pact.”
热牛奶 At the same time, lf-disclosure of cour increas familiarity. Gradually, as more and more information is revealed, each person can piece together the logic of the other perso
ns’ thoughts and emotions. Each comes to know the other’s inner lf. Conquently, each can be more certain of understanding the other and of being understood.
Finally, lf-disclosure deepens the attachment between two people simply by virtue of being rewarding. It is rewarding both to the receiver and in various ways to the giver. To the receiver, the disclosure is a gift of trust; he is hearing privileged information. It is also a gift of affection; he is special. To the giver, lf-disclosure is rewarding in veral ways. First, it relieves emotional loneliness; the private lf, revealed and accepted, no longer shivers in isolation. Also, lf-disclosure relieves guilt and fear. As long as we conceal our mental bogeymen, they will continue to howl and cackle in the dark corridors of the mind. Once we reveal them, they look (and feel) much less threatening. Third, human beings em to have a need to tell. This need probably accounts, in part, for the popularity of psychotherapy. It certainly accounts for the so-called strange-on-the-train phenomenon, whereby a person lays bare his soul to a total stranger, particularly a stranger whom he is fairly certain of never eing again. Self-disclosure to a friend satisfies the same need, and it has the added advantage of creating a bond of trust with a person who (unlike the
stranger or the psychotherapist) may still be part of your life ten years from now.
关于家乡的歌曲Passage 2
Television programs regularly entertain, pacify, educate, frighten, and babysit the majority of American children from the time they are one or two years old. Most children are allowed to watch whatever program is on, with little thought on the parents’ part of the effect that particular show we’ll have on a child. Most programs can be clasd as beneficial, harmful, or mediocre, according to what effect the program might have on a child.
The beneficial television programs are mainly tho that educate the young. There are often nature specials on animal life that are realistic, and that teach children an appreciation for all life. There are a few regular children’s programs, such as “Sesame Street” or “ Electric Company,” that develop the child’s interest in school-type learning by stressing numbers and the alphabet, and that encourage him or her to be creative. Children’s Christmas specials can offer a warm, wholesome form of entertainment, and th
e beneficial commercials, such as tho on anti-smoking, anti-litter, and health, should be included in this category.
On the opposite side are the shows which are generally harmful to children. Many commercials, especially tho sponsoring the children’s programs are deliberately written to create a desire for an unnecessary product such as sugar-coated cereals and candy. All adult programs that include violence or overdone x scenes can at best fill a child’s mind with confusing or misleading ideas, and could possibly harden the child to violence, or leave him terrified, or warp his viewpoint towards human life and xual love. Many children’s cartoons should be classified as bad becau of their constant ridiculing of all adults.
Many remaining programs can be clasd as mediocre: not harmful to the child, but not beneficial. The would include the unrealistic situation comedies, some Saturday morning children’s shows, and the “super hero” type that often contains violence. The programs are uless to the child except as a poor form of entertainment. Parents should
try to interest their children in books or creative activities rather than allow them to watch and absorb uless or harmful materials.