The ocean breeze carried with it an arid heat; the scorching wind blew dry the bodies of fat people and covered them with a frosty layer of salt congealed with sweat, as though fresh from a bath in the Dead Sea in Palestine.
…and when she ro from the canvas lounge chair, one could e how slight she was. Mor
eover, the outline of her figure was perhaps too sharp, as if it had been drawn with a square-nibbed pen.
4.年龄看上去有二十五六,不过新派女人的年龄好比旧式女人合婚帖上的年庚,需要考订学家所谓外证据来判定真确性,本身是看不出的。(P8)She could be twenty-five or twenty-six, but then the age of modern women is like the birthdates traditional women ud to list on their marriage cards,who authentication required what the experts call external evidence, since they meant nothing in and by themlves.
Her son, not yet two years old, had a snub no, two slanted slits for eyes, and eyebrows so high up and removed from the eyes that the eyebrows and the eyes must have pined for each other—a living replica of the Chine face in newspaper caricatures.
Ordinarily the young woman had a rather conceited, aloof expression, much like that of a neglected guest at a large party or an unmarried maiden at a wedding feast. At that moment her distaste for the child surfaced so much so that not even her sunglass could hide it.
The viciousness of a kind,simplehearted soul,like a gritty sand in the rice or splinters in a deboned fish, can give a person unexpected pain.
Some called her a charcuterie — a shop lling cooked meats—becau only such a shop would have so much warm-colored flesh on public display. Others called her “Truth,” since it is said that “the truth is naked.” But Miss Pao wasn‟t exactly without a stitch on, so they revid her name to “Partial Truth.”
I was sleeping like a log.
She hastened to explain,“ This boat really moves like a cradle. It rocks you until you‟re so woozy all you want to do is sleep.”
It may sound a bit absurd for someone majoring in Chine to go abroad for advanced study. In fact, however, it is only for tho studying Chine literature that it is absolutely necessary to study abroad,since all other subjects such as mathematics, physics, philosophy, psychology,economics, and law, which have been improved from abroad, have already been Westernized. Chine literature,the only native product, is still in need of a foreign trade-mark before it can hold its own, just as Chine officials and merchants have to convert the money they have fleeced at home into foreign exchange to maintain the original value of the national currency.
This diploma, it emed, would function the same as Adam and Eve‟s figleaf. It could hide a person‟s shame and wrap up his disgrace. This tiny square of paper could cover his shallowness, ignorance, and stupidity. Without it, it was as if he were spiritually stark naked and had nothing to bundle up in.
D.,how could he,a son and son-in-law,dare disappoint them?Buying a degree to deceive them was like purchasing an official rank in Manchu times, or like the merchants of a British colony contributing a few ten thousand pounds notes to the royal exchequer in exchange for a knighthood, he reasoned.
In tho days she valued her affection too highly to bestow it casually.Now,however,she
was just like the person who has some fine clothes made and,saving them for good occasions,locks them in a chest.Then one or two years later she suddenly finds their style and design are out of fashion and is filled with disappointment and regret.