Hope in Hopelessness
——After Reading Robinson Crusoe
I read Robinson Crusoe when still in primary school. And I am sure none of us is unfamiliar with it. Becau time and time again we were lectured by teachers and parents of the fortitude and courage of the hero in this novel——Robinson.
The above indicates that Robinson Crusoe is a popular reading even for kids. The chine version is just like a attactive story we need to be told before going to bed and so does the original one. It was told in conci and clear english which rves as a striking feature of this work. I deem this feature indispensible for daily life and mental activity of a generic person are what this book mainly focus on. It destined to be improper to depict this casual stuff in obcure and formal wordings.
The unique way of narration and expression contributes to making Robinson Crusoe an exotic flower in literature a: “T” runs through the whole. First person conbined with life-ori
ented language makes it real and believable to the readers. We are even melt with the condition where he stands. As if we are Robinsin who was derted in the isolated island and struggled against loneliness and desperation while waiting for the dawn of salvation. Take the following as an example:玉石鉴定
I had great reason to consider it as a determination of Heaven that in this desolate place and in this desolate manner I should end my life. The tears would run plentifully down my face when I made this reflections, and sometimes I would expostulate with mylf, why Providence should thus completely ruin his creatures, and render them so absolutely mirable, so without help abandoned, so entirely despresd, this it could hardly be rational to to thankful for such a life.剥茧抽丝
This part shows Robinson’s endless complaint and cur for being desolated in such a place. Thanks to the first person and apt,designated depict of the inside, we are going to feel the regert and hatred for being fooled by God, and we are going to muster up a sign again and again, and we are going to contemplate, how is the twist of fate? Is there anyone more unfortunate than Robinson?
All of our reaction proved the novel’s success——bring the reader the n a reality and participation.
What’s more, if there is only an “I” telling a daily life experience, I assure you of a dull daybook. But the details and wonderful plots fasten reader heartstring most. Especially the up-and-down hope of being rescued:
One day, when Robinson was repeating the pale life, suddenly he saw a ship-shaped thing appeared on the horizon. He was much of a bliss and resorted to all eye-catching stuff to make himlf en. He waved, shouted, brandished, even flung into the a to swim there…As we are lighten up but the spar dawn and thinking he survive eventually, the ship turned smaller and smaller, and final reduced to a hardly visible spot. Our heart slump through the floor with Robinson. Owning a missing chance once is more mirable than having no chance. It cheers you up in the air but suddenly hit you onto ground.
服装跟单员Similar plots and turning points appear every now and then in the book thus making it exc
iting but real as a normal life.
Besides, a clear clue and structure also keeps us in track of Robinson.
Apart from the, what we get from it also include mental inspiration.
There can be little doubt that the most significant force sustains the hero’s struggle is the reflection on the religion. The cour he strenuously strives for the better survival environment can’t be gone through w The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
By Book Report
Daniel Defoe
Aviation Industry Press, 2007,286 pp, 第一诫结局¥14.8
ISBN 978-7-80183-886-5
肯定的近义词Daniel Defoe is an adventure fiction writer, and his writing embodies the spirit of adventure, which prents the tremendous power of human being and their wits and courage. The story happened in the middle of 17th century, and in this period of time, the development of bourgeoisie stimulate many people to arch for wealth. Robinson, the shape he is a reprentative of the emerging capitalist class, an idealized hero. In the story, Robinson’s adventurous spirit goes through the whole story, and as a reader, I am deeply inspired by his lf-reliant, courageous, heroic, and resourceful life experience.