2017年诺贝尔文学奖颁奖词瑞典国王为莫言颁奖(中、英双语) The Nobe l Pri ze in Lite ratur e 2017 Awa rd Ce remon y Spe ech P ren tatio n Spe ech b y Per W?st berg,
Writ er, M ember of t he Sw edish Acad emy,Chair man o f the Nobe l Com mitte e, 10
Dece mber2017. Your Maje sties, You r Roy al Hi ghnes s,Estee med N obelLaure ates, Ladi es an d Gen tleme n, Mo Yanis apoetwho t earsdownstere otypi cal p ropag anda
poste rs, e levat ing t he in divid ual f rom a n ano nymou s hum an ma ss. U singridic ule a nd
水星路由器登录sa rcasm Mo Y an at tacks hist ory a nd it s fal sific ation s aswellas de priva tion
and p oliti cal h ypocr isy.Playf ullyand w ith i ll-di sguis ed de light, herevea ls th e mur kiest aspe cts o f hum an ex isten ce, a lmost inad verte ntlyfindi ng im agesof st rong
symbo lic w eight. Nor th-ea stern Gaom i cou nty e mbodi es Ch ina’s folk tale s and hist ory.Few r eal
j ourne ys ca n sur passthese to a real m whe re th e cla mourof do nkeys andpigsdrown s out thevoice s ofthe p eople’s mi ssars andwhere both love andevilassum e
sup ernat uralpropo rtion s. Mo Yan’s ima ginat ion s oarsacros s the enti re hu man e xiste nce.He is a wo nderf ul po rtray er of natu re; h e kno ws vi rtual ly al l the re is to k now a bouthunge r, an d the brut ality of C hina’s 20t h cen turyhas p robab ly ne ver b een d escri bed s o nak edly, with hero es, l overs, tor turer s, ba ndits– an d esp ecial ly, s trong,
ind omita ble m other s. He show s usa wor ld wi thout trut h, mo n n or pass ion,a wor ld wh ere p eople arereckl ess,helpl ess a nd ab surd. Proo f ofthismir y isthe c annib alism that recu rs in Chin a’s h istor y. In Mo Y an, i t sta nds f or ue strai ned c onsum ption, exc ess,rubbi sh, c arnal plea sures andthe i ndesc ribab le de sires that only he c an at tempt
to e lucid ate b eyond alltaboo ed li mitat ions. In h is no vel R epubl ic of Wine, the most
exqu isite of d elica ciesis aroast ed th ree-y ear-o ld. B oys h ave b ee ex clusi ve fo odstu ff. T he gi rls,negle cted, surv ive.The i ronyis di recte d atChina’s fa milypolic y, be cause of w hichfemal e foe tus areabort ed on an a stron omicscale: gir ls ar en’tevengoodenoug h toeat.Mo Ya n has writ ten a n ent ire n ovel, Frog, abo ut th is. M o Yan’s st ories have myth icaland a llego rical pret ensio ns a
n d tur n all valu es on thei r hea ds. W e nev er me et th at
id eal c itize n who wasa sta ndard feat ure i n Mao’s Ch ina.Mo Ya n’s c harac tersbubbl e
wit h vit ality andtakeeventhe m ost a moral step s and meas uresto fu lfiltheir live s and burs t the cage s the y hav e bee n con fined in b y fat e and poli tics.Inste ad of muni sm’s
poste r-hap py hi story, MoYan d escri bes a past that, wit h his exag gerat ions, paro dies
and d eriva tions from myth s and folk tale s, is a co nvinc ing a nd sc athin g rev ision of f iftyyears of p ropag anda. In h is mo st re marka ble n ovel, BigBreas ts an d Wid e Hip s, wh ere a fema le pe rspec tivedomin ates, Mo Y an de scrib es th e Gre at Le ap Fo rward andthe G reatFamin e of1960in st ingin g det ail.He mo cks t he re volut ionar y pse udo-s cienc e tha t tri ed to inse minat e she ep wi th ra bbitsperm, all thewhile dism issin g dou bters as r ight-wingeleme nts.The n ovelendswiththe n ew ca pital ism o f the ‘90s with frau dster s bei ng ri ch on beau ty pr oduct s and tryi ng to prod uce a Phoe nix t hroug h cro ss-fe rtili satio n. In
Mo Y an, a forg otten peas ant w orldarise s, al ive a nd we ll, b efore oureyes, ns ually
scen ted e ven i n its most pung ent v apour s, st artli nglymerci lessbut t inged by j oyful
lf lessn ess.Never a du ll mo ment. Theautho r kno ws ev eryth ing a nd ca n des cribe
ever ythin g –a ll ki nds o f han dicra ft, s mithe ry, c onstr uctio n, di tch-d iggin g, an imal
husba ndry, thetrick s ofguerr illabands. Heems to c arryall h umanlifeon th e tip of h is pe n. He is m ore h ilari ous a nd mo re ap palli ng th an mo st in thewakeof Ra belai s and Swif t —i n our time, inthe w ake o f Gar cía M arque z. Hi s spi ce bl end i s a p epper y one. Onx架
his b roadtapes try o f Chi na’slasthundr ed ye ars,there areneith er da ncing unic orns
nor s kippi ng ma idens. But he p aints life in a pigs ty in such a wa y tha t wefeelwe ha ve
be en th ere f ar to o lon g. Id eolog ies a nd re formmovem entsmay e andgo bu t hum an
eg oismand g reedremai n. So Mo Y an de fends smal l ind ividu als a gains t all inju stice s –
f rom J apane oc cupat ion t o Mao ist t error andtoday’s pr oduct ion f renzy. For thos e who vent ure t o MoYan’s home dist rict, wher e bou ntifu l vir tue b attle s the vile st cr uelty,
a s tagge ringliter ary a dvent ure a waits. Has ever such an e pic s pring floo d eng ulfed Chin a and therestof th e wor ld? I n MoYan’s work, wor ld li terat ure s peaks with a
vo ice t hat d rowns outmostconte mpora ries. TheSwedi sh Ac ademy cong ratul atesyou.I cal l onyou t o acc ept t he 2017 No bel P rizefor L itera turefromthe h and o f His
Maje sty t he Ki ng. 2017年诺贝尔文学奖颁奖词瑞典国王为莫言颁奖(中、英双语)北京时间12月11日0时16分许,2017年诺贝尔奖颁奖仪式在瑞典斯德哥尔摩隆重举行。瑞典文学院成员作家瓦斯特伯格为莫言领奖致辞。
MoYan’s stor ies h ave m ythic al an d all egori cal p reten sions andturnall v alues on t heirheads. Wenever meet that idea l cit izenwho w as astand ard f eatur e inMao’s Chin a. Mo Yan’s cha racte rs bu bblewithvital ity a nd ta ke ev en th e mos t amo ral s tepsand m easur es to fulf il th eir l ivesand b urstthe c agestheyhavebeenconfi ned i n byfateand p oliti cs。莫言的故事有着神秘和寓意,让所有的价值观得到体现。莫言的人物充满活力,他们甚至用不道德的办法和手段实现他们生活目标,打破命运和政治的牢笼。
Inhis m ost r emark ablenovel, Big Brea sts a nd Wi de Hi ps, w herea fem ale p erspe ctive domi nates, MoYan d escri bes t he Gr eat L eap F orwar d and theGreat Fami ne of 1960
in s tingi ng de tail. He m ocksthe r evolu tiona ry ps eudo-scien ce th at tr ied t o ins emina te
sh eep w ith r abbit sper m, al l the whil e dis missi ng do ubter s asright-wing elem ents. The
novel ends with thenew c apita lismof th e ‘90s wit h fra udste rs be ing r ich o n
bea uty p roduc ts an d try ing t o pro ducea Pho enixthrou gh cr oss-f ertil isati on。
In Mo Y an, a forg otten peas ant w orldarise s, al ive a nd we ll, b efore oureyes, ns ually scen ted e ven i n its most pung ent v apour s, st artli nglymerci lessbut t inged by j oyful
lf lessn ess.Never a du ll mo ment. Theautho r kno ws ev eryth ing a nd ca n des cribe
ever ythin g –a ll ki nds o f han dicra ft, s mithe ry, c onstr uctio n, di tch-d iggin g, an imal
husba ndry, thetrick s ofguerr illabands. Heems to c arryall h umanlifeon th e tip of h is pe n。
H e ismorehilar iousand m ore a ppall ing t han m ost i n the wake of R abela is an d Swi ft —in ou r tim e, in thewakeof Ga rcíaMarqu ez. H is sp ice b lendis apeppe ry on e. On hisbroad tape stryof Ch ina’s last hund red y ears, ther e are neit her d ancin g uni corns nor
skipp ing m aiden s. Bu t hepaint s lif e ina pig sty i n suc h a w ay th at we feel
we h ave b een t herefar t oo lo ng. I deolo giesand r eform move ments maye and go b ut
hu man e goism andgreed rema in. S o MoYan d efend s sma ll in divid ualsagain st al l
inj ustic es –fromJapan e o ccupa tionto Ma oistterro r and toda y’s p roduc tionfrenz y。
什么是romFor t howho v entur e toMo Ya n’s h ome d istri ct, w herebount ifulvirtu e bat tles
关于山水的诗句the v ilest crue lty,a sta ggeri ng li terar y adv entur e awa its.Has e ver s uch a n epi c
spr ing f loodengul fed C hinaand t he re st of theworld? InMo Ya n’s w ork,world
lite ratur e spe aks w ith a voic e tha t dro wns o ut mo st co ntemp orari es。
M o Yan’s st ories have myth icaland a llego rical pret ensio ns an d tur n all valu es on thei r hea ds.
W e nev er me et th at id eal c itize n who wasa sta ndard feat ure i n Mao’s Ch ina.Mo Ya n’s c harac tersbubbl e wit h vit ality andtakeeventhe m ost a moral step s and meas uresto fu lfiltheir live s and burs t the cage s the y hav e bee n con fined in b y fat e and poli tics。莫言的故事有着神秘和寓意,让所有的价值观得到体现。莫言的人物充满活力,他们甚至用不道德的办法和手段实现他们生活目标,打破命运和政治的牢笼。
I n his most rema rkabl e nov el, B ig Br easts andWideHips, wher e a f emale pers pecti ve do minat es, M o Yan desc ribes theGreat Leap Forw ard a nd th e Gre at Fa mineof 1960 in stin gingdetai l. He mock s the revo lutio narypud o-sci encethattried to i nmi natesheep with rabb it sp erm,all t he wh ile d ismis singdoubt ers a s rig ht-wi ng el ement s. Th e nov el
en ds wi th th e new capi talis m ofthe ‘90s w ith f rauds tersbeing rich on b eauty prod uctsand t rying to p roduc e a P hoeni x thr oughcross-fert ilisa tion。
In Mo Yan, a fo rgott en pe asant worl d ari s,alive andwell, befo re ou r eye s, se nsual ly sc ented
even in i ts mo st pu ngent vapo urs,start lingl y mer ciles s but ting ed by joyf ul
se lfles sness. Nev er adullmomen t. Th e aut hor k nowsevery thing andcan d escri be
ev eryth ing – allkinds of h andic raft, smit hery, cons truct ion,ditch-digg ing,anima l
hus bandr y, th e tri cks o f gue rrill a ban ds. H e e ms to carr y all huma n lif e onthe t ip of hispen。
He i s mor e hil ariou s and more appa lling than most in t he wa ke of Rabe laisand S wift— inour t ime,in th e wak e ofGarcía Mar quez. Hisspice blen d isa pep peryone.On hi s bro ad ta pestr y ofChina’s la st hu ndred year s, th ere a re ne ither danc ing u nicor ns no r
ski pping maid ens.But h e pai nts l ife i n a p igsty in s uch a waythatwe fe el we have been ther e far toolong. Ideo logie s and refo rm mo vemen ts ma y e a nd go buthuman egoi sm
an d gre ed re main. So M o Yan defe nds s mallindiv idual s aga install i njust ices– fro m
Jap anese occu patio n toMaois t ter ror a nd to day’s prod uctio n fre nzy。
For thos e who vent ure t o MoYan’s home dist rict, wher e bou ntifu l vir tue b attle s the
vile st cr uelty, a s tagge ringliter ary a dvent ure a waits. Has ever such an e pic s pring floo d eng ulfed Chin a and therestof th e wor ld? I n MoYan’s work, wor ld li terat ure s peaks with a vo ice t hat d rowns outmostconte mpora ries。