Early work though it is, in Another Country takes on the conci and implicit style of Earnest Hemingway well. He adopted the Iceberg principal with implicit language and profound imaginary to express endless meaning, and left a deep impression on readers minds. Hemingway has ever said:
“I always try to write on the principle of the iceberg. There is ven-eighths of it underwater for every part that shows. Anything you know you can eliminate and it only strengthens your iceberg. It is the part that doesn't show. ” Indeed, iceberg principal can be en everywhere in Hemingway’ s work. This essay will take example of in Another Country to analyze the principal of iceberg in his works.
The background of a story consists of time, place and atmosphere. A story’s background can influence character’s behavior and the development of the events. Building atmosphere can not only express character’s emotion and attitude, it can also influence reader’s feelings.
A.Coldness and darkness
In the beginning, the author us only a few lines describing the background of the story. The language is very simple and brief, but reader can feel the loneliness and fear of characters. “It was cold in the fall in Milan and the dark came very early. ” The description is full of gloomy tone. Visually, the author showed the light is transient and dark comes early. Tactilely, the author described the coldness of Milan’ s fall. Low temperature not only makes body cold, it also makes heart cold. “Then the electric lights on, and it was pleasant along the street looking in the windows. ” It is the character’s reaction to the outer environment. Darkness and coldness is always cloly connected with loneliness. It is becau of loneliness that people desire for light and warmth much more. It is exactly the inner mind of characters in the story.
At the end of the first paragraph, the author again describes the coldness of the fall. Hemingway mentions coldness altogether three times in the short ction, and builds a bleak and lonely atmosphere. Main characters of the stories are wounded soldiers, whos
e bodies and heart are all hurt to different extent. War has brought them with great miry, and they can never get rid of the miry. The outside world cannot bring warmth and light to them, on the contrary, the coldness even increas their miry and loneliness. Therefore, the coldness and the environment are consistent with the coldness of soldiers’ hearts.举目无亲
血小板低吃什么补的快An atmosphere of death is also showed in the beginning of the story.
“There was much game hanging outside the shops, and the snow powdered in the fur of the foxes and the wind blew their tails. The deer hung stiff and heavy and empty, and small birds blew in the wind and the wind turned their feathers. ” The author has indicated in the first ntence that the war is still there, which can only bring death and blood. The deer and birds hung outside just symbolize the soldiers in the war. The war continues, and the wounded soldiers increa. In front of war, soldiers are like dead animals, helpless and desperate, tortured ruthlessly by wind and snow. In the end, they will also b骄傲的傲
ecome stiff dead bodies, and no longer have feelings about wind, snow and coldness. When the author describes the hospital, he writes “there were usually funerals starting from the courtyard. ” The hospital and the street are both familiar place for characters in the stories. However, they are both associated with death. Although they are far away from battlefield now, trauma of the war is still there. They cannot get over the fear of death.
The war hurt soldiers' body as well as their heart. They feel lonely and pathetic, and their hearts is as cold as the snow and wind outside. The war has destroyed their dream and normal life. They are desperate like the dead animals. The author express the abstract meaning by building the cold and bleak atmosphere. Through the short description, the theme is conveyed. The war is cruel and immoral. It destroys people's body and heart. It also destroys people's dream. All the deep meaning should be figured out by readers themlves so that it is much more charming and impressive.
In 补充胶原蛋白吃什么最好in another country Hemingway us conversations between characters to shape the well-developed figures. Conversations can always express characters' true feelings and emotions, and reveal their personality. Readers have to go deep into the conversations to understand the hidden meanings.
A. Conversation between the major and the doctor
Before the war, the major has been the greatest fencer in Italy. However, he hurts his hand in the war, which is a great disaster for him. The treatment of his wound is by a mashie, and he knows won' t work. The major ud to be passionate and determinate to fight for his country. But his dream does not realize and his career is also delayed. Under the circumstances, the major asks the doctor a rather witty question. “And will I too play football, captain-doctor?' Then the doctor brings the photograph of hands before the treatment and after the treatment. The major clearly knows the photographs are forged, but he doesn't debunk the lie. He just says: “Very interesting, very interesting.' The two remarks show that themajor is still very gentle and respectablein such a terrible situation.
To some extent, it shows the “code hero” spirit of the major. Though he is riously hurt, his spirit cannot be beat down. Readers will feel major’ s greatness in tho two short ntences. However, when the doctor asks whether he has confidence, the major just answers: