The Comprehensive L A T E X Symbol List
Scott Pakin<>∗
This document lists2826symbols and the corresponding L A T E X commands that produce them.Some of the symbols are guaranteed to be available in every L A T E X2εsystem;others require fonts and packages
that may not accompany a given distribution and that therefore need to be installed.All of the fonts
and packages ud to prepare this document—as well as this document itlf—are freely available from the
Comprehensive T E X Archive an).
1.1Document Usage (6)
1.2Frequently Requested Symbols (6)
2Body-text symbols7 Table1:L A T E X2εEscapable“Special”Characters (7)
Table2:L A T E X2εCommands Defined to Work in Both Math and Text Mode (7)
Table3:Predefined L A T E X2εText-mode Commands (7)
Table4:Non-ASCII Letters(Excluding Accented Letters) (8)
Table5:Letters Ud to Typet African Languages (8)
Table6:Punctuation Marks Not Found in OT1 (8)
绝不的英文Table7:pifont Decorative Punctuation Marks (8)
Table8:wasysym Phonetic Symbols (8)
Table9:tipa Phonetic Symbols (8)
Table10:wsuipa Phonetic Symbols (10)
Table11:phonetic Phonetic Symbols (10)
Table12:Text-mode Accents (11)
Table13:tipa Text-mode Accents (11)
Table14:wsuipa Text-mode Accents (12)
Table15:phonetic Text-mode Accents (13)
Table16:wsuipa Diacritics (13)
Table17:textcomp Diacritics (13)
Table18:textcomp Currency Symbols (13)
Table19:marvosym Currency Symbols (14)
Table20:wasysym Currency Symbols (14)
Table21:eurosym Euro Signs (14)
Table22:textcomp Legal Symbols (14)
Table23:textcomp Old-style Numerals (14)
Table24:Miscellaneous textcomp Symbols (15)
我想靠近你Table25:Miscellaneous wasysym Text-mode Symbols (15)
Table26:A M S Commands Defined to Work in Both Math and Text Mode (15)
∗The original version of this document was written by David Carlisle,with veral additional tables provided by Alexander Holt.See Section7.6on page69for more information about who did what.
3Mathematical symbols16 Table27:Binary Operators (16)
Table28:A M S Binary Operators (16)
Table29:stmaryrd Binary Operators (17)
Table30:wasysym Binary Operators (17)
Table31:txfonts/pxfonts Binary Operators (17)
Table32:mathabx Binary Operators (18)
Table33:ulsy Geometric Binary Operators (18)
Table34:mathabx Geometric Binary Operators (18)
Table35:Variable-sized Math Operators (18)
Table36:A M S Variable-sized Math Operators (19)
Table37:stmaryrd Variable-sized Math Operators (19)儿童故事下载
Table38:wasysym Variable-sized Math Operators (19)
Table39:mathabx Variable-sized Math Operators (19)
Table40:txfonts/pxfonts Variable-sized Math Operators (20)
Table41:esint Variable-sized Math Operators (20)
Table42:Binary Relations (21)
Table43:A M S Binary Relations (21)
Table44:A M S Negated Binary Relations (21)
Table45:stmaryrd Binary Relations (21)
Table46:wasysym Binary Relations (21)
Table47:txfonts/pxfonts Binary Relations (22)
Table48:txfonts/pxfonts Negated Binary Relations (22)
Table49:mathabx Binary Relations (22)
Table50:mathabx Negated Binary Relations (23)
Table51:trsym Binary Relations (23)
Table52:trfsigns Binary Relations (23)
Table53:Subt and Supert Relations (23)
Table54:A M S Subt and Supert Relations (23)
Table55:stmaryrd Subt and Supert Relations (24)
Table56:wasysym Subt and Supert Relations (24)
Table57:txfonts/pxfonts Subt and Supert Relations (24)
Table58:mathabx Subt and Supert Relations (24)
Table59:Inequalities (24)
Table60:A M S Inequalities (24)
Table61:wasysym Inequalities (25)
Table62:txfonts/pxfonts Inequalities (25)
Table63:mathabx Inequalities (25)
Table64:A M S Triangle Relations (25)
Table65:stmaryrd Triangle Relations (25)
Table66:mathabx Triangle Relations (25)
Table67:Arrows (26)
Table68:Harpoons (26)
Table69:textcomp Text-mode Arrows (26)
Table70:A M S Arrows (26)
Table71:A M S Negated Arrows (26)
Table72:A M S Harpoons (26)
Table73:stmaryrd Arrows (27)
Table74:txfonts/pxfonts Arrows (27)
Table75:mathabx Arrows (27)
Table76:mathabx Negated Arrows (27)暗的成语
Table77:mathabx Harpoons (28)
Table78:chemarrow Arrows (28)
Table79:ulsy Contradiction Symbols (28)
Table80:Extension Characters (28)
Table81:stmaryrd Extension Characters (28)
Table82:txfonts/pxfonts Extension Characters (28)
Table83:mathabx Extension Characters (28)
Table84:Log-like Symbols (29)
Table85:A M S Log-like Symbols (29)
Table86:Greek Letters (29)
Table87:A M S Greek Letters (29)
Table88:txfonts/pxfonts Upright Greek Letters (30)
Table89:upgreek Upright Greek Letters (30)
Table90:txfonts/pxfonts Variant Latin Letters (30)
Table91:A M S Hebrew Letters (30)
Table92:Letter-like Symbols (30)
Table93:A M S Letter-like Symbols (31)
Table94:txfonts/pxfonts Letter-like Symbols (31)
Table95:mathabx Letter-like Symbols (31)
Table96:trfsigns Letter-like Symbols (31)
Table97:A M S Delimiters (31)
Table98:stmaryrd Delimiters (31)
Table99:mathabx Delimiters (31)
Table100:nath Delimiters (31)
Table101:Variable-sized Delimiters (32)
Table102:Large,Variable-sized Delimiters (32)
Table103:Variable-sized stmaryrd Delimiters (32)
Table104:mathabx Variable-sized Delimiters (32)
Table105:nath Variable-sized Delimiters(Double) (33)
Table106:nath Variable-sized Delimiters(Triple) (33)
Table107:textcomp Text-mode Delimiters (33)
Table108:Math-mode Accents (34)
Table109:A M S Math-mode Accents (34)
Table110:yhmath Math-mode Accents (34)
Table111:trfsigns Math-mode Accents (34)
Table112:Extensible Accents (35)
Table113:overrightarrow Extensible Accents (35)
Table114:yhmath Extensible Accents (35)
Table115:A M S Extensible Accents (35)
Table116:chemarr Extensible Accents (36)
Table117:chemarrow Extensible Accents (36)
Table118:mathabx Extensible Accents (36)
Table119:esvect Extensible Accents (37)
Table120:undertilde Extensible Accents (37)
Table121:Dots (37)
Table122:A M S Dots (37)
Table123:mathdots Dots (38)
Table124:yhmath Dots (38)
Table125:Miscellaneous L A T E X2εSymbols (38)
Table126:Miscellaneous A M S Symbols (38)
Table127:Miscellaneous wasysym Symbols (38)
Table128:Miscellaneous txfonts/pxfonts Symbols (38)
Table129:Miscellaneous mathabx Symbols (39)
Table130:Miscellaneous textcomp Text-mode Math Symbols (39)
Table131:mathcomp Math Symbols (39)
Table132:gensymb Symbols Defined to Work in Both Math and Text Mode (39)
Table133:mathabx Mayan Digits (39)
Table134:marvosym Math Symbols (39)
Table135:Math Alphabets (40)
4Science and technology symbols41 Table136:wasysym Electrical and Physical Symbols (41)
Table137:ifsym Pul Diagram Symbols (41)
Table138:ar Aspect Ratio Symbol (41)
Table139:textcomp Text-mode Science and Engineering Symbols (41)
Table140:wasysym Astronomical Symbols (41)
Table141:marvosym Astronomical Symbols (42)
Table142:mathabx Astronomical Symbols (42)
Table143:wasysym Astrological Symbols (42)
Table144:marvosym Astrological Symbols (42)
Table145:mathabx Astrological Symbols (42)
Table146:wasysym APL Symbols (42)
Table147:wasysym APL Modifiers (42)
Table148:marvosym Computer Hardware Symbols (43)
Table149:ascii Control Characters(IBM) (43)
Table150:marvosym Communication Symbols (43)
Table151:marvosym Engineering Symbols (43)
Table152:wasysym Biological Symbols (43)
Table153:marvosym Biological Symbols (43)
Table154:marvosym Safety-related Symbols (44)
5Dingbats45 Table155:bbding Arrows (45)
Table156:pifont Arrows (45)
Table157:marvosym Scissors (45)
Table158:bbding Scissors (45)
Table159:pifont Scissors (45)
Table160:dingbat Pencils (45)
Table161:bbding Pencils and Nibs (46)
Table162:pifont Pencils and Nibs (46)
Table163:dingbat Hands (46)
Table164:bbding Hands (46)
Table165:pifont Hands (46)
Table166:bbding Cross and Pluss (46)
Table167:pifont Cross and Pluss (46)
Table168:bbding Xs and Check Marks (46)
Table169:pifont Xs and Check Marks (47)
Table170:wasysym Xs and Check Marks (47)
Table171:pifont Circled Numbers (47)
Table172:wasysym Stars (47)
Table173:bbding Stars,Flowers,and Similar Shapes (47)
Table174:pifont Stars,Flowers,and Similar Shapes (48)
Table175:wasysym Geometric Shapes (48)
Table176:ifsym Geometric Shapes (48)
Table177:bbding Geometric Shapes (49)
Table178:pifont Geometric Shapes (49)
Table179:universa Geometric Shapes (49)
Table180:manfnt Dangerous Bend Symbols (49)
Table181:skull Symbols (49)
Table182:Non-Mathematical mathabx Symbols (49)
Table183:marvosym Information Symbols (49)
Table184:Miscellaneous dingbat Dingbats (50)
Table185:Miscellaneous bbding Dingbats (50)
Table186:Miscellaneous pifont Dingbats (50)
6Other symbols51 Table187:textcomp Genealogical Symbols (51)
Table188:wasysym General Symbols (51)
Table189:wasysym Musical Notes (51)
Table190:wasysym Circles (51)
Table191:Miscellaneous manfnt Symbols (51)
Table192:marvosym Navigation Symbols (52)
Table193:marvosym Laundry Symbols (52)
Table194:Other marvosym Symbols (52)
Table195:Miscellaneous universa Symbols (52)
Table196:ifsym Weather Symbols (53)
Table197:ifsym Alpine Symbols (53)
Table198:ifsym Clocks (53)
Table199:Other ifsym Symbols (53)
Table200:skak Chess Informator Symbols (54)
7Additional Information55
7.1Symbol Name Clashes (55)
7.2Where can Ifind the ? (55)
7.3Math-mode spacing (64)
7.4Bold mathematical symbols (65)
7.5ASCII and Latin1quick reference (66)
7.6About this document (69)
References69 Index71