高一学期个人总结 班级学号 姓名
一、法条翻译比较分析(字体要求: 中文 宋体 五号;英文 Times New Roma 五号)
鼢鼠Article 1 Purpo
This Law is formulated in order to protect the lawful rights and interests of contract parties, to safeguard social and economic order, and to promote socialist modernization.
Article 1 This Law is formulated with a view to protecting the lawful rights and interests of the parties to contracts, maintaining the social economic order and promoting the progress of the socialist modernization drive.
债券收益率怎么算第一条痛失吾爱竞选大队长 为了保护合同当事人的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,促进社会主义现代化建设,制定本法。
二、翻译(字体要求: 中文 宋体 五号;英文 Times New Roma 五号)
18.1 The Scope of this Chapter
Becau a contract creates obligations enforceable in law, its breach by one of the parties entitles the other to commence suit to enforce it. This does not mean, of cour, that the victim of a breach will inevitably sue. Breaches are often ttled by negotiation or by methods of resolution other than litigation, such as mediation or arbitration. Even if not the victim may decide not to sue becau the amount at stake is too small to justify the expen of litigation, or becau of the difficulty of proving economic injury, or becau it ems clear that the breaching party has no funds or other asts available to pay any judgment that may be obtained. Although the possibilities of informal or non judicial enforcement, the economic feasibility of litigation, and the problem of actually collecting on the judgment should always be borne in mind, they are not addresd here. It is the concern of this chapter to t out the policies, general principles, and rules that govern the choice of remedy for breach and the measurement of compensation. We therefore fo
cus on the judicial enforcement of the contract following its breach. (This does not mean that the principles discusd here are applicable only in litigation. The rules governing the nature and extent of judicial relief are obviously also relevant to, and form the basis of, any alternative method of resolving liability for breach. ) This is not the only part of the book in which judicial remedies are covered. There are many examples in prior chapters of remedies available to a party, to redress a wrong that aris in the context of a transaction.
作文我的小狗For example, the remedy of avoidance has been discusd repeatedly in connection with topics such as duress, fraud, and mistake. This chapter is distinct in that it deals only with remedies for breach of contract. The discussion here presuppos that a valid and enforceable contract has been entered into and that one of the parties has materially breached that contract. We are not concerned at this point with the issue of what is required for the creation of a valid and enforceable contract, nor with what constitutes a breach, whether a breach occurred, or if that breach is material or trivial. Tho matters are considered in prior chapters. For prent purpos, the fact of material breach of a bi
nding contract is treated as a given. Therefore, whether you are reading this chapter at the end of the cour, after having dealt with the issue of breach, or your con- tracts cour deals with damages at or near the beginning of the year, just accept as a premi that the question of material breach must be ttled as a precursor to the determination of damages.