Cry Me a River: Recovery of Mental Distress Damages in a Breach of Contract Action—A North姜能生发吗
American Perspective
期刊名称: American Business Law Journal
社会主义道德的基本原则作者: Ronnie Cohen,Shannon O'Byrne
作者机构: Christopher Newport University School of Business,Faculty of Law,
城市宣传海报University of Alberta
年份: 2005年
连花清瘟颗粒说明书期号: 第1‐6期
关键词: Amnésia Retrógrada;Aprendizagem da Esquiva;Hormônio情人节文章
板栗炖鸡的做法Adrenocorticotrópico;Endorfinas;Epinefrina;Memória####Ba de dados
摘要:The ip administration of ACTH1-24 (0.2 microgram/kg) or adrenaline-HCl (5.0 micrograms/kg) immediately after training or 6 min prior to testing facilitated retrieval of a one-trial step-down inhibitory avoidance task in rats, acquired using a low intensity footshock. Post-training administration of beta-endorphin (0.1 micrograms/kg, ip) caud retrograde amnesia, but pre-test administration facilitated retrieval. The amnesia caud by post-training administration of beta-endorphin was prevented by ACTH, adrenaline or beta-endorphin given prior to testing. Memory facilitation was most pronounced when the same drug was administered both after the training ssion and prior to testing. The findings suggest that ACTH, adrenaline and beta-endorphin have at least two effects on memory processing: 1) during the post-training period