Further promote poverty alleviation work is to make the rural poor as soon as possible out of poverty, to share the results of the national economic development needs. In our country the long-term poverty reduction process, the scale of poverty alleviation and development work has made great achievements, but the situation has been poor and the prent stage of our country is not consistent, the need for further innovation of poverty alleviation mechanism, improve the poverty alleviation policy. In this paper, using the methods of literature analysis and ca analysis focus on practice a
nd analysis: the current situation of China's Quasi poverty alleviation work is how the encounter difficulties in reality, what and how to optimize the path of preci poverty caus. The study has some significance for the further development of accurate poverty alleviation, to promote the rapid development of rural areas, narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas.
2013 preci poverty alleviation was first put forward, followed by the introduction of a ries of preci poverty alleviation policies across the country are also echoed the national policy and carried out the work of precision poverty alleviation. However, found in the rearch and literature reading, in practice the preci poverty prents some questions, such as poverty alleviation work and lack of personnel, personnel information management, aiming at the poor difficult high cost, low degree of poverty farmers to participate in, no hat, poor recognition skills lack of innovation and other questions, resulting in poor resource waste, low power, aimed at poverty alleviation the effectiveness of poverty alleviation is not obvious. This article analyzes the ca with China rural poverty alleviation preci practice, in order to find out the factors and questions are undoubtedly China current poverty alleviation preci generation, then put forward relevant policy propositions.
This article opens a discussion on the three links or contents of preci identification, preci help and precision. Precision of minars for poverty alleviation ts are discusd and the rearch mea
ning, in memories of the poverty alleviation theory at home and abroad, on the basis of the first analyzed the prent situation and the characteristic of poverty in China,And then more complete before the evolution of poverty alleviation and development, summarizes China precision poverty related concepts and content. Then, the contact examples from the preci identification,
preci help and precision of the three aspects of the analysis of the preci poverty alleviation in the implementation of the question, and the analysis of its factors. Finally, the author puts forward some countermeasures to improve the precision of poverty alleviation. Second, improve the policy and regulations; Third, improve the level of poverty alleviation teams; Fourth, realize dynamic management monitoring.
Key words:preci poverty alleviation, accurate identification, preci help, accurate management
中文摘要 .................................................................................................... I 英文摘要 ................................................................................................... II 1 绪论 . (1)
1.1研究背景 (1)
1.2研究意义 (2)
qq找回好友1.3国内外研究现状 (3)
1.3.1 国内研究综述 (3)
1.3.2 国外研究综迷 (5)
1.4研究方法 (6)
2 相关概念与理论基础 (7)
2.1相关概念 (7)
2.1.1 贫困 (7)
2.1.2 扶贫 (8)
2.1.3 精准扶贫 (9)
2.2理论基础 (11)
2.2.1 公平与效率理论 (11)
2.2.2 财政转移支付理论 (11)
2.2.3 激励原理 (12)
2.2.4 博弈论 (12)
3 重庆市精准扶贫的现状分析 (13)牛肉煲
3.1重庆市精准扶贫的政策和举措 (13)
3.1.1 重庆市精准扶贫的政策 (13)
3.1.2 重庆市精准扶贫的具体措施 (13)
3.2重庆市精准扶贫的现状分析 (16)
3.2.1 精准识别机制的实施状况 (16)
3.2.2 危房改造的实施状况 (16)
3.2.3 产业扶贫的实施状况 (18)
3.2.4 健康扶贫的实施状况 (19)
3.2.5 挂点帮扶的实施状况 (21)
4 重庆市精准扶贫存在的问题 (22)
4.1动态识别精准度有待提高 (22)
4.1.1 扶贫统计口径、标准不一致 (22)
胸有成竹的反义词4.1.2 贫困户建档立卡过程中存在“人情关”现象 (22)
4.1.3 贫困人口建档立卡数据更新不及时 (22)福字照片
4.2稳定增收的措施有待做实 (22)
4.2.1 特色产业规模小、产业结构比较单一 (22)
4.2.2 扶贫龙头企业辐射带动能力不强 (23)
送老公的生日蛋糕4.2.3 贫困群众自我发展能力弱 (23)
4.3贫困村的帮扶力量有待增强 (23)
4.3.1 硬件设施、人员配备跟不上 (23)
4.3.2 驻村工作队制度不完善 (24)
4.3.3 结对帮扶人员工作责任心不足 (24)
4.4扶贫资金和项目监管力度不足 (24)
5 重庆市精准扶贫优化对策 (26)
5.1完善精准识别动态调整工作机制 (26)
5.2深入实施精准扶贫工程,落实稳定增收举措 (27)
5.3提高贫困村扶贫队伍水平 (29)
5.4实现扶贫资金和项目的动态管理监测 (30)
6 结语 (31)
致谢 (32)
参考文献 (33)