
更新时间:2023-07-09 13:04:51 阅读: 评论:0

[格林童话(5篇)/ 格林兄弟著]
■The Elves and the Shoemaker
There was once a shoemaker, who, through no fault of his own, became so poor that at last he had nothing left but just enough leather to make one pair of shoes. He cut out the shoes at night, so as to t to work upon them next morning; and as he had a good conscience, he laid himlf quietly down in his bed, committed himlf to heaven, and fell asleep. In the morning, after he had said his prayers, and was going to get to work, he found the pair of shoes made and finished, and standing on his table. He was very much astonished, and could not tell what to think, and he took the shoes in his hand to examine them more nearly; and they were so well made that every stitch was in its right place, just as if they had come from the hand of a master-workman.含天的诗句
Soon after, a purchar entered, and as the shoes fitted him very well, he gave more than the usual price for them, so that the shoemaker had enough money to buy leather for two more pairs of shoes.
He cut them at night, and intended to t to work the next morning with fresh spirit; when he got up t
hey were already finished, and a customer even was not lacking, who gave him so much money that he was able to buy leather enough for four new pairs. Early next morning he found the four pairs also finished, and so it always happened; whatever he cut out in the evening was worked up by the morning, so that he was soon in the way of making a gook living, and in the end became very well to do.
One night, not long before Christmas, when the shoemaker had finished cutting out, and before he went to bed, he said to his wife,
“How would it be if we were to sit up tonight and e who it is that does us this rvice
His wife agreed, and t a light to burn. Then they both hid in a corner of the room, behind some coats that were hanging up, and then they began to watch. As soon as it was midnight they saw come in two neatly-formed naked little men, who ated themlves before the shoemaker's table, and took up the work that was already prepared, and began to stitch, to pierce, and to hammer so cleverly and quickly with their little fingers that the shoemaker's eyes could scarcely follow them, so full of wonder was he. And they never left off until everything was finished and was standing ready o
n the table, and then they jumped up and ran off.
The next morning the shoemaker's wife said to her husband, “Tho little men have made us rich, and we ought to show ourlves grateful. With all their running about, and having nothing to cover them, they must be cold. I'll tell you what: I will make little shirts, coats, waistcoats, and breeches for them, and knit each of them a pair of stockings, and you shall make each of them a pair of shoes. ”
The husband connted willingly, and at night, when everything was finished, they laid the gifts together on the table, instead of the cut-out work, and placed themlves so that they could obrve how the little men would behave. When midnight came, they rushed in, ready to t work, but when they found, instead of the pieces of prepared leather, the neat little garments put ready forthem, they stood a moment in surpri, and then they testified the greatest delight. With the greatest swiftness they took up the pretty garments and slipped them on, singing, “What spruce and dandy boys are we!
No longer cobblers we will be. ”
Then they hopped and danced about, jumping over the chairs and tables, and at last danced out at the door.
From that time they were never en again; but it always went well with the shoemaker as long as he lived, and whatever he took in hand prospered.
as if…好像;尤如
asleep [+'sli:p] adj. 熟睡的
astonish [+'st&niM] vt. 吃惊
be astonished惊愕
but [(弱)b+t,(强)b)t]prep. 但是
commit [k+'mit] vt. 承诺;委托
commit onelf to 承诺(某事)
conscience ['k&nM+ns]n. 良心
elf [elf]n. 小精灵
enough [i'n)f]adj. 足够的
enter ['ent+]vi. 进入
examine [ig'z$min] vi. 检查;察看
fall [f&:l] vi. (fell [fel],fallen ['f&:l+0n])跌落;下降
以死明志fall asleep 睡着;进入梦乡
fault [f&:t]n.缺点
finish ['finiM]vt. 完成
fit [fit] vi.大小合适
get to 着手干(某事)
(be) going to…打算(从事某事)
heaven ['hevn]n. 天;上天;天堂
just [DN)st] adv.正巧;正当
last [l%:st]n. 最后at last终于
女人丰胸lay [lei]vt. (laid [leid]) 放
lay onelf(让自己)躺在…
leather ['leJ+]n.皮革
leave [li:v]vt. 离开;离别
master-workman ['m%:st+w+:km+n]n. 老师傅;名工巧匠
nearly ['ni+li]adv. 几乎
once [w)ns]adv. 一次
one's own自己
pair [p#+]n. 一对;一双
place [pleis]n.地方;场所
prayer [prei+]n. 祷告
price [prais]n. 代价;价钱
purchar ['p+:tM+s+]n. 购买者
quietly ['kwai+tli]adv. 静静地
right [rait] adj.正确的
shoemaker ['Mu:meik+]n. 制鞋匠
so as to为了…的目的
so that为了…;以至于
soon [su:n]adv. 很快;不久
stitch [stitM]n.一针
through [Iru:]prep. 通过
usual ['ju:{u+l]adj. 普通的
work upon对…进行加工
able ['eibl] asdj.能够的
be able to 能够(做…)
agree [+'gri:] vi. 同意
already [&:l'redi]adv. 已经
behind [bi'haind] prep. 在…的后面
both [b+(I]adj. 两个的
burn [b+:n]vt. (burnt [b+:nt])燃烧
Christmas ['krism+s]n. 圣诞节
corner ['k&::n+]n. 角落
customer ['k)st+m+]n. 顾客
end [end]n. 尾端;结尾;结束
enough [i'n)f]adj. 足够的
even ['i:v+n]adv. 甚至于
finish ['finiM]vt. 完成;结束
fresh [freM]adj. 新鲜的
get up vi. 起床
hang [h$R] vi. (hung [h)R])挂着;挂起;吊起happen ['h$p+n]vi.发生
hide [haid]vi. (hid [hid], hidden ['hidn]) 躲藏intend [in'tend]vi.打算;想要做…
lacking ['l$kiR]adj. 缺乏的
leather ['leJ+]n. 皮革
living ['liviR]n. 生计
midnight ['midnait]n.半夜
naked ['neikid]adj. 赤裸裸的;裸露的
neatly-formed ['ni:tli'f&:md] adj. (体形等)端正的pair [p#+]n. 一对,一双
prepair [pri'p#+]vi. 准备
at onelf 坐下;坐在…
rvice ['s+:vis]n. 服务,干活
t to 准备好(做某事)
shoemaker ['Mu:meik+]n. 鞋匠
sit up 熬夜,开夜车
soon [su:n]adv. 很快;不久
as soon as…一…就…
spirit ['spirit]n. 精神
watch [w&tM]vt. 观看;观察
well to do 富裕的
whatever [hw&t'ev+]pron. 无论如何behave [bi'heiv]vi. 表现;举止breeches ['bri:tMiz]n. 短裤;马裤cleverly ['klev+li]adv. 巧妙地connt [k+n'nt]vi. 同意
动辄是什么意思cut-out ['k)taut]adj. 裁剪
finish ['finiM]vt. 完成
follow ['f&l+u]vt. 跟随
full [ful]adj. 充满的
garment ['g%:m+nt]n. 服装(总称) gift [gift]n. 礼品
grateful ['greitful] adj. 感激的hammer ['h$m+]vt. 用榔头敲打husband ['h)zb+nd]n. 丈夫
instead of 代替
knit [nit] vt. 编织
lay [lei]vt. (laid [leid]) (安)放leather ['leJ+]n. 皮革
leave [li:v]vi.离开
midnight ['midnait]n. 半夜
neat [ni:t]adj. 整齐的
obrve [+b'z+:v]vt. 观看;观察
off [&(:)f]adv. 离开,关闭
ought [&:t]v. aux. 应该
pair [p#+]n. 一对;一双
piece [pi:s]n. (一)片
pierce [pi+s]vt. 穿刺,打洞
place [pleis]vt. 安放
prepare [pri'p#+]vt. 准备
put ready 准备好
quicklly ['kwikli]adv. 很迅速地ready ['redi]adj. 准备好的
running about 到处跑
rush [r)M]vi. 冲向
scarcely ['sk#+sli]adv. 很少
t [t]vi. 开始做…
shoemaker ['Mu:meik+]n. 鞋匠
so that~can…这样就能
stitch [stitM]vt. 缝针
together [t+'geJ+] adv. 一道;一起until [+n'til]conj. 直到…才…waistcoat ['weistk+ut]n. 马甲;背心willingly ['wiliRli]adv. 心甘情愿的with all…由于…;考虑到…丽江的柔软时光
wonder ['w)nd+]n. 感叹;对…感到惊奇不已
cobbler ['k&bl+]n. 鞋匠;臭皮匠
dandy ['d$ndi] adj. 漂亮的
delight [di'lait]n.高兴
garment ['g:m+nt]n. 服装(总称)
go well 顺利
hop [h&p]vi. 双脚跳
jump [DN)mp]n. 跳跃
last [l%:st]n. 最后
at last最后的,上一次的
live [liv] vi. 生活
moment ['m+um+nt]n. 时刻;瞬间
never ['nev+]adv. 决不
no longer不再
over ['+uv+]prep. 在…之上
prosper ['pr&sp+]vi. 繁荣;昌盛;发达
夸父逐日的意思shoemaker ['Mu:meik+]n. 鞋匠
党执政兴国的第一要务是slip [slip]vt. 滑(倒)
spruce [spru:s]adj. 打扮得整洁漂亮的;
surpri [s+'praiz]n. 吃惊
in surpri吃惊地
swiftness ['swiftnis]n. 迅速
take in hand着手;从事
testify ['testifai] vt. 为…作证
whatever [hw&t'ev+] pron. 无论如何
以前有个鞋匠. 虽然并不是因为他自己的过错,但是他变得很穷困,最后他只剩下仅够做一双鞋的皮料,别的一无所有. 于是,他在晚上把鞋料裁好,准备第二天上午开始把皮料制成皮鞋. 由于他心安理得,所以能安然躺在床上,把自己的一切托付上苍,然后就入睡了. 第二天早晨,他做过祷告后,准备开始工作,但是发现想要做的那双鞋子已经做好,放在自己的桌上. 他吃惊得目瞪口呆,不知该怎么想. 他把鞋子拿在手里,再加仔细端详. 这双鞋做得好极了,就像是出自一个制鞋大师之手,一针一线的位置都恰到好处.
不久,一位买主走进来. 因为那双鞋穿在他脚上大小很服贴,他给了比一般都高的价钱. 这样,鞋匠就有钱买了做两双鞋的皮料. 他在晚上把皮料裁剪好,准备第二天早晨精神焕发地开始工作. 但当他起身时,发现鞋料又已经被做成了鞋子. 甚至连买主也不缺. 那位买主给他很多的钱,使他可以购买做四双皮鞋的皮料. 隔天一大早,他又发现那四双鞋也已有人帮他做好. 如此反复,无论他晚上裁剪了多少双鞋料,到早上这些鞋料必然被做成了鞋子. 如是,他的生活很快得到了改善,最后还是变得十分富有.
他的妻子同意了. 他们点了一盏灯,然后躲在屋子一角挂了几件上衣的后面,再就开始观察. 一到半夜时,他们发现两个五官端正,但身上赤条条的小人,来到屋内,坐在鞋匠的桌子前,干起为他们准备好的活儿. 他们时儿穿针引线,时儿用锥钉钉子,他们的小手指如此灵敏俐落,连鞋匠的眼光也几乎赶不上,他真是惊叹不已. 他们总是先把活儿干完,把做

本文发布于:2023-07-09 13:04:51,感谢您对本站的认可!



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