配料间weighing room
灌封间filling room
动力区power areas
无菌室sterile /aptic room
灭菌间sterilization room
质检室QC room
灯检间visual inspection room
包装间packaging room
缓冲间buffer room
洗瓶间ampoule washing room
控制区controlled areas
无菌室男更man changeroom of 10000 clean areas
待包装品区bulk product areas
空盘区empty-tray areas
安全门 fire exit
准备间prepare room
储瓶间 ampoule storage room
男卫生间 man toilet
女卫生间woman toilet
控制室 controlled room
煤气coal gas
配电室 男更man changeroom不能前往吊唁短信
女更woman changeroom
十万级100000 area
万级10000 area 制水间
A.A.A Addition and Amendments 增补和修订
AC Air Conditioner 空调器
ADR Adver Drug Reaction 药物不良反应
AFDO Association of Food and Drug Officials 食品与药品官员协会(美国)
ACC Accept 接受
AQL Acceptable Quality Level 合格质量标准
ADNA Abbreviated New Drug Application 简化的新药申请
BOM Bill of Material 物料清单
BPC Bulk pharmaceutical Chemiclls 原料药
CBER Center for Biologics Evaluation Rearch 生物制品评价与研究中心
CFU Colony Forming Unet 菌落形成单位
DMF Drug Master File 药品管理档案自信的的英文
CDER Cemter for Drug Evaluation amd Rearch 药物评价与研究中心
CI Corporate Identity (Image) 企业识别(形象)
CIP Cleaning in Place 在线清洗
CSI Consumer Safety Inpctor 消费者安全调查员
CLP Cleaning Line Procedure 在线清洗程序
DAL Defect Action Level 缺陷作用水平
DEA Drug Enforcement Adminestration 管制药品管理
DS Documentation Systim 文件系统
FDA Food and Drug Administration 食品与药品管理局(美国)
GATT General Agreemernt on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协会
GMP Good Manufacturing Practice Gvp 药品生质量管理规范
GCP Good Clinical Practice 药品临床实验管理规范
GLP Good Laboratory Practice 实验室管理规范
GSP Good Supply Practice 药品商业质量规范
GRP Gook RaTAIL Practice 药品零业质量管理规范
GAP Good Agriculture Practice 药材生产管理规范
GVP Gook Validation Prctice 验证管理规范
GUP Gook U Practice 药品重用规范
HVAC Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning 空调净化系统
ISO Intematonal Organization for Standardization 车际标准化组织
MOU Memorandum of Understanding 谅解备忘录
PF Porduction File 生产记录用表格
OTC Over the Counter (Drug) 非处方药品
PLA Product Licen Application 产品许可申请
QA Quality Assurance 质量保证
QC Quality Control 质量控制
QMP Quality Management Procedure 质量管理程序
SDA State Drug Administration 国家药品监督管理局
SMP Standard Managmert Procedure 标准管理程序
SOP Standard Operating Procedure 标准操作程序
TQC Tatal Quality Control 全面质量管理
USA Uneted States Pharmacopeia 美国药典
更衣室 Changing Room
一更 First Changing Room
手消室 Hands Disinfection Room
气闸室 Airlock Room
洁具室 Cleaning Tools Room
清洗室 Cleaning Room
模具室 Dies Room
内包装室 Immediate Package Room
安全门 Emergency Door
外包清室Outer Package Removing Room
汽车驾驶员培训存料间Storage Room of Raw Materials
粉碎室 Pulverizing Room
备料室 Materials Preparing Room
硬胶室 Hard Capsules Filling Room
软胶室 Soft Capsules Room
Granulating and Drying Room
总混间 Blending Room
中间站 Intermediate Station
压片室Tablets Room Compression Room
包衣室 Coating Room
配浆间 Coating Mixture Preparing Room
铝塑包装间Packing Room
传递窗 Transferring Window
外包装室 Outer Packing Room
蒸馏水室 Water Purifying Room
质检室 Quality Control Room
浓配室 Concentrated Solution Room
稀配室 Diluted Solution Room
灌封室Filling and Sealing Room
存瓶室 Ampul Storage Room
洗瓶室 Ampul Cleaning Room
灭菌间 Sterilizing Room
灯检室 Light Inspection Room
粉针室 Lyophilized Sterile Powder Room
冷冻干燥机 Lyophilizer
办公室 Office
培养室 Culture room
更鞋室 Changing shoes room
阳性检查室 Positive test room
更衣室(男) Changeroom (man)
缓冲间 Buffer room
更衣室(女) Changeroom ( woman)
洁具间 Cleaning room
仪器室 Instrument room
不溶性微粒检查室 Particulate matter test room
细菌内毒素检查室 Bacterial endotoxins test room
准备室 Preparation room
培养室 Culture room
气瓶室 Gas cylinders room
留样观察室 Samples keeping room
无菌检查室 Sterility test room
留样准备室 Samples Retained Preparation room
加速试验室 Accelerated Stability test lab.
纯化水制水间T he purified water-making room
电热室 Thermoelectricity room
灭菌室 Sterilization room
准备室 Preparation room
贮藏室 Storage
冷藏室 Cold storage
安全门 Exit
洗衣房 Laundry room
微生物检查室 Microbiology room
档案室 Muniment room忙碌的奶奶
图书室 Library
培训会议室 Training\\meeting room
蒹葭扩写 电热室 Thermoelectricity room
水份测定室 Water assay room
通风室 Ventilator room
标准溶液室 Standard solutions room
高温设备室 High temperature devices room