NO.190 世界建筑导报 33
Meng Jianmin
Academician of Chine Academy of Engineering
本妮德塔•塔利亚布Benedetta Tagliabue
Judge of The Pritzker Architecture Prize
Wang Tie
Dean, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor of Architectural Design and Rearch Institute at Central Academy of Fine Arts假如我是男生
Zhong Dekun
Dean of School of Architecture and Urban Planning at Shenzhen University
马希米亚诺•福克萨斯Massimiliano Fuksas
欧洲最著名建筑师之一Top Architect in Europe
Liu Yu-Tung
Vice President of Asia University, Taiwan
快递一般几点上班Zhang Yue
清华大学美术学院教授、博士生导师Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Academy of Fine Arts at Tsinghua University
Peng Jun
原天津美术学院环境与建筑艺术学院院长Previous Dean of the School of
Environment and Architectural Arts at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Hasan Syed
Gensler 上海设计总监
Design Director at Gensler Shanghai
Colin Franzen
AECOM 上海执行董事
Executive Director at AECOM Shanghai
贾倍思Jia Beisi
Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture at University of Hong Kong
Academician of Chine Academy of Engineering National architecture design master
Winner of Liang Sicheng Architecture Prize Doctor of Southeast University
Chief Architect of SADI (Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Rearch Co., LTD.)
Judge of The Pritzker Architecture Prize
Founder of the famous international architecture firm EMBT Miralles T agliabue Winner of 2006 National Design Prize Winner of 2005 RIBA Stirling Prize
Dean, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor of Architectural Design and Rearch Institute at Central Academy of Fine Arts
Doctoral Supervisor of University of Pécs
Rearcher of Faculty of Fine Arts of Chine Design, Chine National Academy of Arts
Reprentative projects include the T eaching Building of Academy of Fine Arts at T singhua University, Qinhuangdao Art Muum, Harbin urban and Rural Planning Muum, etc.
Dean of School of Architecture and Urban planning at Shenzhen University Doctor of Nottingham University
Professor & Doctoral Supervisor of Southeast University President of Jiangsu Institute of Architects
Served as the Dean of the Department of Architecture, and Dean of Urban Planning and Design Institute at Southeast University请你告诉我
Awarded the China Architecture Education Award in 2008
One of the most famous architects in Italy
Founder of Studio Fuksas in partnership with his wife DorianaMandrelli Fuksas Designer of the T3 T erminal of Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport
Doctor of Architectural Design, Harvard University,
Vice President of Asia University, T aiwan
Founding Professor of Institute of Architecture, National Chiao Tung University Vice Chairman and Executive Chairman of Idea-T ops International Design Forum Visiting professor of Harvard University and Peking University
Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Academy of Fine Arts at T singhua University Visiting Professor at Polytechnic University of Milan in Italy Visiting Professor at University of Pécs in Hungary
Deputy Director of Design Committee of China Architectural Decoration Association Expert of Beijing Capital Planning Committee
Interior Design Expert of the Great Hall of the people in Beijing
Construction Project Expert of China Development and Investment Corporation Exhibition Design Director of China Pavilion of Expo Milano 2015
Previous Dean and Doctoral Supervisor of the School of Environment and Architectural Arts at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
Visiting Professor at University of Pécs in Hungary Senior Visiting Scholar at Brunel University London Senior Visiting Scholar at Northumbria University
Deputy Director of Design Committee of China Architectural Decoration Association Vice President of Tianjin Aesthetic Association
He has directed and completed a number of large-scale interior and landscape design projects, and won many national and international awards.
Design Director at Gensler Shanghai Green Star Accredited Professional
Master of UniversitàdegliStudi di Firenze, Italy
25 years of experience in conceptual design and project development
Hasan’s team is responsible for many type of projects, including the design and planning of large office buildings, high-ri towers, integrated u development, hotel facilities and retail projects.
Executive Director at AECOM Shanghai U.S. Registered Architect AIA Shanghai Member
Certified Expert of LEED,U.S. Green Building Council Master of the University of Illinois at Chicago
Colin participated in the following projects, OKO T ower in Moscow, Excellence Time Square in Qianhai, Shenzhen, Ritz Carlton Hotel in Haikou, Wanli Hotel in Haikou, etc.
Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture at University of Hong Kong Principal, Director and Partner of Baumschlager Eberle Hong Kong
As doctoral supervisor and architectural design teacher, he is teaching Chine Architectural History, Asian Architectural History, and Urban Housing Development at the University of Hong Kong. He has led students to win more than 30 awards in international and regional competitions.
普利兹克奖评委,著名国际建筑事务所“EMBT 米拉莱斯-塔利亚布”的创始人。塔利亚布屡次荣获公共空间和设计领域的国际大奖,其中包括2005年英国皇家建筑师学会斯特林奖, 2006年西班牙国家设计奖。
深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院院长、英国诺丁汉大学博士、东南大学教授 / 博士生导师、江苏省建筑师学会会长。曾任东南大学建筑系主任(院长)、东南大学城市规划设计研究院院长。2008 年获得中国建筑教育奖。
欧洲最知名的建筑师之一,意大利Fuksas Studio 的创始人和设计总监,深圳机场T3航站楼设计者。
方向盘抖动清华大学美术学院教授、博士生导师, 意大利米兰理工大学访问教授, 匈牙利佩琪大学客座教授, 中国建筑装饰协会设计委员会副主任,北京市首都规划委员会专家评委, 北京人民大会堂室内设计专家评委, 国家开发投资公司建设项目专家评委, 2015年米兰世博会中国馆展陈设计项目负责人。
原天津美术学院环境与建筑艺术学院院长、教授、硕士生导师;匈牙利佩奇大学客座教授,英国布鲁乃尔大学、诺森比亚大学高级访问学者,中国建筑装饰协会设计委员会副主任,天津美学学会副会长。主持设计完成了多项大型室内及景观设计工程;作品多次参加国外、国家级设计展览, 大赛并获奖。
Gensler 上海设计总监, 澳大利亚绿星认证建筑师,意大利佛罗伦萨大学硕士。Hasan 在概念设计和项目开发方面拥有超过25年的经验。他组建的团队负责多个类型的项目,包括大型办公楼、高层塔楼、综合用途开发、酒店设施和零售项目的设计与规划。AECOM 上海的执行董事,同时是美国注册建筑师,AIA(美国建筑师协会)上海会员和USGBC(美国绿色建筑委员会)的LEED 认证专家,芝加哥伊利诺伊大学硕士。Colin 负责的项目有:莫斯科OKO Tower 、深圳前海卓越时代广场、海口丽思卡尔顿酒店 / 海口万丽酒店等。
香港大学建筑系副教授,鲍姆施拉格•埃伯勒建筑设计(BE) 香港有限公司的设计总监、执行董事合伙人。作为博士生导师和建筑设计教师,他在香港大学讲授中国建筑史、亚洲建筑史、和城市住宅发展等方面的课程,并带领学生先后在国际性和区域性比赛中获得超过30
第九届艾特奖终评评委 Final judges of the 9th Idea-Tops