From ancient times to modern times, from eating and drinking blood to cooking fast food, from naked clothes to suits, from farming and camping to high-ri buildings, from walking on both feet to trains and planes, from stone civilization to information society, human beings are constantly making progress and society is constantly developing. It is precily becau of people's laziness that they have inspired inventions and promoted the progress of the world.
Have you ever thought about who first thought of captive livestock in ancient times? I'm afraid this is not an industrious person, is it? They don't care about hunting once a day and walking a few more miles! Only lazy people are too lazy to go out for a stroll. They just want to sit at home and taste fresh meat. As a result, they thought of captivity and fencing. From then on, people can enjoy the delicacies.
Have you ever thought about who was the first person to ride a hor? Needless to say, lazy people again. Becau industrious people don't cherish their weak feet, even if they ha
汉代陶器>台式机内存条ve a long way to go, they have to walk there step by step. Lazy people, on the other hand, are reluctant to take the wrong paths. Can't they travel all over the world easily and comfortably? So, they thought of hors. Isn't it more comfortable and faster to ride on hors than to walk by people themlves?
Laziness inspires invention, and there are countless examples of lazy people, which is only a small part of ancient times, and more lazy people are inventing and creating with their lazy ways!