专 业: 飞机结构修理
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完成日期: 正月十五组合歌曲
指导教师: 人力资源部是做什么的
The landing gear wheel is parked in the ground plane, taxi and landing runway ud to support the aircraft weight, absorb the impact energy of aircraft parts. In simple terms, the gear is like a car wheels, it will burn and absorb the 徒步的好处airplane in landing impact energy. In summary, the main effect of the gear wheel has the following four: aircraft parked on the ground, slide, under the gravity of the land and take off the taxi; bear, consumption and absorb the airplane in landing and ground motion when the impact and turbulence energy; run and slide when braking; taxi and sliding control the aircraft.
In order to adapt to take off, landing, and the needs of the taxi, the landing gear of the bottom is equipped with wheel with inflatable tires. In order to shorten landing running distance, mounted on the wheel什么对肝好 braking or automatic brakes. So the gear wheel is vital for the plane.
This paper mainly introduces the aircraft tire, tire rvice work, and how to save the u of the wheel.
Key W英语怎么学习ords: wheel, 737NG, tire, replace