Date 日期 | Time 时间 | Agenda 议程 |
Monday 星期一 June 27 6月27日 | Venue 地点 Co-Chairs 主持 | N220, 2F, Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center 天津梅江会展中心2层N220 DENG Tianzuo, Associate Counl, Department of Facilities and Financial Support, The Ministry of Science and Technology of China 邓天佐,科技部科研条件与财务司,副巡视员 HE Wei, Director General, Department of Science, Technology and Education, The Ministry of Health of China 何维,卫生部科技教育司,司长 |
09:00-09:15 | Welcome Speech, Leader from Department of Facilities and Financial Support, The Ministry of Science and Technology of China 科技部条件财务司领导致欢迎词 | |
09:15-09:45 | Speaker:HE Wei, Director General, Department of Science, Technology and Education, The Ministry of Health of China Title:to be confirmed 报告人:何维,卫生部科技教育司,司长 报告题目:待定 | |
09:45-10:15 | Speaker:ZHANG Qingkui, General Director, Pharmaceutical and Biological Department, State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China Title:Strategy for Intellectual Property in Biological Field And Information for Investigation 报告人:张清奎,国家知识产权局医药生物审查部,部长 报告题目:生物产业知识产权战略及投融资须知 化无 | |
10:15-10:30 | Coffee Break 茶歇 | |
10:30-11:00 | Speaker:MA Hongjian, Deputy Director , China National Center for Biotechnology Development Title: The Strategy and Prospect of the 12th five year for Biotechnology Development in China 报告人:马宏建,科技部中国生物技术发展中心,副主任 报告题目:“十二五”中国生物技术发展策略与展望 | |
11:00-11:30 | Speaker:LIU Yong, Director, Business Development Bureau, China Development Bank Title:Supporting Bioindustry with Open Finance 报告人:刘勇,国家开发银行评审二局,处长/高级工程师 报告题目:以开放性金融支持生物产业 | |
11:30-12:00 | Speaker:WANG Changlin, Director, Institute of Industrial Economy and Technical Economy Academy of Macroeconomic Rearch, NDRC Title:The Main Task and The Policy Suggestions of The 12th Five Year for Bioindustry Development in China 报告人:王昌林,国家发改委宏观院产业所,所长 报告题目:“十二五”时期生物产业发展主要任务与政策措施建议 | |
12:00-13:30 | Lunch 午餐 | |
Co-Chairs 主持 | YANG Shengli, Academician, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Science, Chine Academy of Sciences 杨胜利,中国科学院上海生命科学研究院,院士 Hank Nordhoff, Chairman, Gen-Probe Hank Nordhoff, Gen-Probe公司 董事长, | |
13:30-14:00 | Speaker:Hank Nordhoff, Chairman, Gen-Probe Title:The Evolution of Diagnostics: From Body Temperature to Biomarkers 报告人:Hank Nordhoff,Gen-Probe公司,董事长, 报告题目:诊断的发展:从体温到生物标志物 | |
14:00-14:30 | Speaker:Duane Roth, CEO, CONNECT & ROTH Capital, U.S.A Title:Distributed Partnering 报告人:Duane Roth,CONNECT & ROTH Capital 投资公司,首席执行官 报告题目:分布式的合作 | |
14:30-15:00 | Speaker:CHEN Yisong, CEO & President, Pallas Global Capital LLC Title:The Trend in Biotech Industry Investment and Some Thinking in Investment and Policy 报告人:陈毅松,德通寰球资本有限公司,首席执行官/总裁 报告题目:生物产业的投资趋势和一些投资及政策思考 | |
15:00-15:30 | Speaker:Ting Pau Oei,Partner,L Capital Partners Title:The Role of Venture Capital in Financing Biotechnology 报告人:Ting Pau Oei,L Capital Partners投资公司,合伙人 报告题目:风险投资在生物技术融资中的作用 | |
15:30-15:45 | Coffee Break 茶歇 | |
15:45-16:15 | Speaker:JIANG Feng, President, China Innovation Strategic Alliance of Medical Devices Title:Reflections of The Science and Technology Finance in The Medical Device Industry 报告人:姜峰,科技部医疗器械产业技术创新联盟,理事长 报告题目:医疗器械产业科技金融的几点思考 | |
16:15-16:45 | Speaker:DAI Xiaochang, Managing Partner, Shanghai HPI LLP Title: Angel Investors to GEM——Venture Capital Boost Bioindustry 报告人:戴晓畅,上海衡康投资管理合伙企业,执行合伙人 报告题目:天使投资到创业板——风险资本助推生物产业 | |
16:45-17:15 | Speaker:ZHANG Shiyuan, Chief Rearcher, Southwest Securities Co., Ltd. Title:Transformation Promotes Bioindustry Development 报告人:张仕元,西南证券有限责任公司,首席研究员 报告题目:变革推动生物产业进入繁荣期 | |
18:30-19:30 | Dinner 晚餐 | |
日期(Date) | 时间表(Time Slot) | 议程(Agenda) |
2011年6月27日, 星期一 (June 27th,, 2011. Monday) | Venue 地点 Co-Chairs 主持 | N211, 2F, Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center 天津梅江会展中心2层N211 RAO Zihe, Tsinghua University/Nankai University/Institute of Biophysics,CAS 饶子和院士,清华大学/南开大学/中科院生物物理所 Raymond C. Stevens, Departments of Molecular Biology and Chemistry, The Scripps Rearch Institute, La Jolla, California, USA Raymond C. Stevens教授,美国 Scripps 研究所 |
09:00-09:30 | Speaker:Professor George F Gao, Institute of Microbiology, Chine Academy of Sciences Title:2009 Pandemic influenza virus: what special for its HA and NA 报告人:高福,中国科学院微生物研究所,教授 报告题目:2009甲型H1N1流感病毒囊膜蛋白HA和NA的结构特异性 | |
09:30-10:00 | Speaker:Professor Ian Jones, School of Biological Sciences, University of Reading, United Kingdom Title:Next generation vaccines produced in inct cells 报告人:Ian Jones ,英国雷丁大学生命科学学院,教授 报告题目:利用昆虫细胞生产的新一代疫苗 | |
10:00-10:30 | Speaker:Professor ZHOU Qi, Institute of Zoology, Chine Academy of Sciences Title:Progress and potential application of Stem Cell Rearch and Regenerative Medicine 报告人:周琪,中国科学院动物研究所,教授 报告题目:干细胞及再生医学研究进展及潜在应用 | |
10:30-10:45 | 茶歇(Coffee Break) | |
10:45-11:15 | Speaker:Professor Thomas Kay, St. Vincent’s Institute, Australia Title:New Technologies to Treat Type 1 Diabetes 报告人: Thomas Kay ,澳大利亚St. Vincent’s 研究所,教授 报告题目:治疗1型糖尿病的新技术 | |
11:15-11:45 | Speaker:Raymond C. Stevens, Departments of Molecular Biology and Chemistry, The Scripps Rearch Institute, La Jolla, California, USA Title:New Drug Discovery Paradigms for G-protein Coupled Receptors 报告人: Raymond C. Stevens,美国 Scripps 研究所,教授 报告题目: G蛋白偶联受体的新型药物开发模式 | |
11:45-12:15 | Speaker:Professor WANG Xiaoning Title:Talent, Team and the R&D 报告人:王小宁,教授 报告题目:人才、团队、与产业发展 | |
12:15-13:30 | 午餐(Lunch) | |
Co-Chairs 主持 | Professor ZHANG Zhuohua , Central south University 张灼华,中南大学,教授 | |
14:00-14:30 | Speaker:Professor HE Lin, The Bio-X Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Title:The Effects of Food and Drug on Earlier Stage Prevention from Dias 报告人:贺林,上海交通大学Bio-X中心/复旦大学/上海生科院营养科学研究所,院士 报告题目:食品与药品在疾病预防关口前移中的作用 | |
14:30-15:00 | Speaker:Professor Neil Isaacs, University of Glasgow, UK Title:Learning from Nature – Using Molecular Structures as Design Templates 报告人:Neil Isaacs,英国格拉斯哥大学,教授 报告题目:来自自然的启发: 利用分子结构作为设计模板 | |
15:00-15:30 | Speaker:Professor Barbara Howlett, School of Botany, the University of Melbourne, Vic 3010 Title:Exploiting the genome quence of a fungal pathogen to minimize plant dia 报告人:Barbara Howlett,墨尔本大学植物学院,教授 报告题目:通过探索真菌病原体的基因组序列来减少植物病虫害 | |
15:30-15:45 | 茶歇 (Coffee Break) | |
15:45-16:15 | Speaker:Professor ZHANG Hong,National Institute of Biological Sciences Title:Autophagy in the pathogenesis of dia 报告人:张宏,北京生命科学研究所,教授 报告题目:细胞自噬和疾病的发生 | |
16:15-16:45 | Speaker:Professor Peter Colman, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Rearch Title:Neuraminida inhibitors for treatment and prophylaxis of influenza: discovery and characteristics 报告人:Peter Colman,澳大利亚The Walter and Eliza Hall 医学研究所,教授 报告题目:用于治疗和预防流感的神经氨酸苷酶抑制剂的发现和特性 | |
16:45-17:15 | Speaker:Professor ZHANG Zhuohua, Central south University Title:Connexin-31 Dias: from Gene to Treatment 报告人:张灼华,中南大学,教授 报告题目: Connexin-31疾病:从基因到治疗 | |
17:15-17:45 | Speaker:小商人Professor Geoffrey Howlett, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, University of Melbourne Title:Lipid Modulators of Amyloid Fibril Formation in Dia 报告人:Geoffrey Howlett ,墨尔本大学,教授 报告题目:疾病中类淀粉样纤维形成的脂类调解因子 | |
17:45-18:15 | Speaker:Professor Bob Sim, Oxford University Title:Advances in monitoring function and pharmacological control of the innate immune system. 报告人:Bob Sim,英国牛津大学,教授 报告题目:先天性免疫系统中监控机制及药物控制的研究新进展 | |
18:30-19:30 | 晚餐 (Dinner) | |
Date 日期 | Time 时间 | Agenda 议程 |
Monday 星期一 June 27 6月27日 | Venue 地点 Co-Chairs 主持 | N217, 2F, Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center 天津梅江会展中心2层N217 LI Ning, Academician, China Agricultural University Laible Goetz,Professor,Agrearch 李宁,中国农业大学,院士 Laible Goetz,新西兰Ag研究所,教授 |
09:00-09:25 | Speaker:Laible Goetz,Professor,Agrearch Title:Cell-mediated transgenesis of livestock for biopharming and improved dairy products. 报告人:Laible Goetz,新西兰Ag研究所,教授 报告题目:利用细胞介导的转基因家畜在生物医药和奶产品改良方面的应用。 | |
09:25-09:50 | Speaker:ZHAO Yaofeng ,Professor,China Agricultural University Title:Multiplication of Human lactoferrin transgenic cattle and safety evaluation of the resultant milk 报告人:赵要风,中国农业大学,教授 报告题目:转人乳铁蛋白基因奶牛的规模化生产 | |
09:50-10:10 | Coffee Break 茶歇 | |
10:10-10:35 | Speaker:LV Yuping ,Director,Department of Biotechnology,Beijing DBN Technology Group Title:Rearch and Development in agrobiotechnology of China 报告人:吕玉平,大北农生物技术部,主任 报告题目:智创中国农业生物技术研发 | |
10:35-11:00 | Speaker:Forsberg Cecil,Professor,University of Guelph Title:A transgenic phyta pig ready for commercialization that provides a stable platform for the addition of other beneficial traits 报告人:Forsberg Cecil,加拿大圭尔夫大学,教授 报告题目:可商业化植酸酶转基因猪的制备 | |
11:00-11:25 | Speaker:LAI Liangxue , Professor, Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chine Academy of Sciences Title:Genetic Modification of Pigs for Human dia. 报告人:赖良学,中科院广州生物医药与健康研究院,研究员 报告题目:关于人类疾病猪的基因修饰 | |
11:25-11:50 | Speaker:ZHANG Zehua , Professor, The institute of plant protection, Chine Academy of Agricultural Sciences Title:Opportunities and Challenges of Bio-pesticide Development in China 报告人:张泽华,中国农科院植保所,研究员 报告题目:中国生物农药发展机遇与挑战 | |
12:00-13:30 | Lunch 午餐 | |
Co-Chairs 主持 | LI Ning , Academician, China Agricultural University Laible Goetz,Professor,Agrearch 李宁,中国农业大学,院士 Laible Goetz,新西兰Ag研究所,教授 | |
14:00-14:25 | Speaker:Etches Robert, Chief Executive, Crystal Bioscience Title:Inrting modifications into the chicken genome 报告人:Etches Robert, Crystal Bioscience, 公司总经理 报告题目:鸡基因组的基因插入改造 | |
14:25-14:50 | Speaker:LAI Jinsheng ,Professor, China Agricultural University Title:Maize genome rearch and molecular breeding 报告人:赖锦盛,中国农业大学,教授 报告题目:玉米基因组学研究与分子设计育种 | |
14:50-15:15 | 史铁生简介Speaker:John McLean, General Manager of Monsanto Rearch Center, China Title:Monsanto and Our Approach to Rearch & Development 报告人:麦科林,总经理,孟山都生物技术研究中心(中国) 报告题目:孟山都公司研发进展概况 | |
15:15-15:35 | Coffee Break 茶歇 | |
15:35-16:00 | Speaker:YU Jun ,Professor and Vice President,Beijing Institute of Genomics of Chine Academy of Sciences Title:The personalized Era of Human Health and Dia Rearch 报告人:于军,中国科学院北京基因组研究所,研究员,副所长 报告题目:医学、健康与疾病研究的个体化时代 | |
16:00-16:25 | Speaker:XING Yongzhong ,Professor,Huazhong Agricultural University Title:Functional genomics rearch and genetic improvement in rice 报告人:邢永忠,华中农业大学,教授 报告题目:水稻功能基因组研究和遗传改良 | |
16:25-16:50 | Speaker:CHEN Hualan ,Professor,Harbin Veterinary Rearch Institute ,Chine Academy of Agricultural Title:Development and application of H5N1 avian influenza vaccines 报告人:陈化兰,中国农科院哈尔滨兽医研究所,研究员 报告题目:H5N1禽流感疫苗的研究及应用 | |
18:30-19:30 | Dinner 晚餐 | |
Date 日期 | Time 时间 | Agenda 议程 |
Monday 星期一 June 27 6月27日 | Venue 地点 Co-Chairs 主持 | N215, 2F, Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center 天津梅江会展中心2层N215 早的用英语怎么说CHEN Zhinan , The Fouth Military Medical University ,Academician 陈志南,第四军医大学,院士 |
09:00-09:25 | Speaker :Frank Jiang, Sanofi-Aventis,Dr. 唐赛儿起义Title:Translational Medicine: a critical approach in speeding up new drug RD 报告人:Frank Jiang,赛诺菲安万特,博士 报告题目:转化医学:加快新药研发的关键途径 | |
09:25-09:50 | Speaker:WEI Yuquan, Sichuan University, Academician Title:Advances In Gene Therapy 报告人:魏于全,四川大学,院士 报告题目:基因治疗进展 | |
09:50-10:15 | Speaker:WANG Junzhi ,National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical & Biological Products, Vice President Title:Biotechnology drugs and translational medicine 报告人:王军志,中国食品药品检定研究院,副院长 报告题目:生物技术药物与转化医学 | |
10:15-10:30 | Coffee Break 茶歇 | |
10:30-10:55 | Speaker:CHEN Huipeng, Institute of Biotechnology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences of Chine PLA, Director Title:舒缓放松优美的轻音乐The Secondary Development of Protein Drugs 报告人:陈惠鹏,军事医学科学院生物工程研究所,所长 报告题目:蛋白质药物的二次开发 | |
10:55-11:20 | Speaker:JIN Li, Fudan University, Vice President Title:Large cohort studies in China:challenges and opportunities 报告人:金力,复旦大学,副校长 报告题目:中国的大型队列研究:机遇和挑战 | |
11:20-11:45 | Speaker:Lily Yao, University of Birmingham, Dr. Title:Economic Evaluation of a regenerative medicine in the treatment of cartilage defects of the knee 报告人:Lily Yao,伯明翰大学,高级研究员 报告题目:关于治疗膝关节软骨缺损再生医学的经济学评价 | |
12:00-13:30 | Lunch 午餐 | |
Co-Chairs 主持 | Frank Jiang, Sanofi-Aventis,Dr. Frank Jiang,赛诺菲安万特,博士 | |
13:30-13:55 | Speaker:CHEN Zhinan The Fouth Military Medical University,Academician Title:Progress of Translational Medicine & Antibody Bad Biopharmaceuticals in China 报告人:陈志南,第四军医大学,院士 报告题目:基于抗体的生物制药产业与转化医学进展 | |
13:55-14:20 | Speaker:ZHENG Qiang , Peking University, Professor Title:Lifecycle Quality Management of Biologics 报告人:郑强,北京大学,教授 报告题目:生物制剂全周期质量管理 | |
14:20-14:45 | Speaker:LIANG Zicai , Peking University, Professor Title:siRNA technology and drug development in China 报告人:梁子才,北京大学,教授 报告题目:勿以善“小”而不为:中国小核酸技术产业创新体系建设 | |
14:45-15:10 | Speaker:Bradley Marchant, Sanofi-Aventis Title:Unique opportunities for drug development in China 报告人:Bradley Marchant,赛诺菲安万特,博士 报告题目:药物研发在中国的发展良机 | |
15:10-15:35 | Speaker:SHI Jinhai, Tianjin International Joint Academy of Biotechnology & Medicine, Professor Title:The Safety Asssment of Monoclonal Antibody Drug 报告人:史晋海,天津国际生物医药联合研究院,副院长 报告题目:单克隆抗体药物的安全评估 | |
15:35-15:50 | Coffee Break 茶歇 | |
15:50-16:15 | Speaker:XIA Ninshao, Xiamen University, Professor Title:Current situation and trend of in vitro diagnostic products 报告人:夏宁邵,厦门大学,教授 报告题目:体外诊断产品的现状与发展 | |
16:15-16:40 | Speaker:ZOU Quanming , The Third Military Medical University, Professor Title:Progress on New Vaccine 报告人:邹全明,第三军医大学,研究员 报告题目:新型疫苗研究进展 | |
16:40-17:05 | Speaker:Mr. Sijmen de Vries, Pharming Group N.V.Leiden, the Netherlands,CEO Title:Technology platform for transgenic therapeutical proteins 报告人:Mr. Sijmen de Vries,Pharming Group N.V. ,首席执行官 报告题目:转基因治疗型蛋白技术平台 | |
17:05-17:30 | Speaker:LIU Wei, Shanghai 9th People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai JiaoTong University Medical School, Professor Title:Tissue engineering reach and potential product development 报告人:刘伟,上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院,教授 报告题目:组织工程研究和相关产品开发 | |
18:30-19:30 | Dinner 晚餐 | |
Date 日期 | Time 时间 | Agenda 议程 | |
Monday 星期一 June 27 6月27日 | Venue 地点 Co-Chairs 主持 | N213, 2F, Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center 天津梅江会展中心2层N213 DING Jian , Academician, General Director, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, CAS LI En, General Manager, China Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Rearch Co., Ltd. 丁健,中国科学院上海药物研究所所长,院士 李恩,诺华(中国)生物医学研究有限公司总经理 | |
08:30-09:00 | Speaker:LI En , General Manager, China Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Rearch Co., Ltd. Title:Science driven drug discovery: from target to therapy 报告人:李恩,诺华(中国)生物医学研究有限公司总经理 报告题目:科技促进药物发现:从靶标到治疗 | ||
09:00-09:30 | Speaker:ZHU Weiliang, Professor, Head of DDDC, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, CAS Title:兰蔻英文Target Identification and Lead Discovery by Using Computational Methods 报告人:朱维良,中国科学院上海药物研究所药物发现与设计中心主任,研究员 报告题目:通过计算方法的靶标确证和先导化合物发现 | ||
09:30-10:00 | Speaker:LIU Changxiao, Academician, Tianjin Institute of Pharmaceutical Rearch Title:The role of Pharmacokinetics in translation rearch for rearch and development of new drugs 报告人:刘昌孝,天津药物研究院,院士 报告题目:药代动力学在新药研发转换研究中的作用 | ||
10:00-10:15 | Coffee Break 茶歇 | ||
10:15-10:45 | Speaker:HE Wei , President & CEO, WMH Biopharma Title:Small Molecule Drug Innovation & Development 报告人:何伟,美国微美华药总裁兼首席执行官 报告题目:小分子药物开发和自主创新 | ||
10:45-11:15 | Speaker:Peng Cho TANG, Chief Scientific Consultant, HEC Pharm Co., Ltd. Title:INDs: US to China to US Formula for Me-better Drug Discovery in China 报告人:邓炳初,广东东阳光药业有限公司首席原创新药顾问 报告题目:新药临床研究申请:在中国模仿创新药物开发的从美国到中国再到美国方程式 | ||
11:15-11:45 | Speaker:HAO Xiaojiang , Professor, Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS Title:Approach on the Discovery of Natural Leads from Plants 报告人:郝小江,中国科学院昆明植物研究所,研究员 报告题目:植物中天然先导化合物的发现 | ||
12:00-13:30 | Lunch 午餐 | ||
Co-Chairs 那海兰珠主持 | DING Jian , Academician, General Director, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, CAS LI En, General Manager, China Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Rearch Co., Ltd. 丁健,中国科学院上海药物研究所所长,院士 李恩,诺华(中国)生物医学研究有限公司总经理 | ||
14:00-14:30 | Speaker:ZHAO Shuhai , Head of Virology Chemistry, Roche R&D Center (China) Ltd Title:De-risking the potential of cardiovascular toxicity by rational design 报告人:赵树海,罗氏研发(中国)有限公司病毒药物化学部主管 报告题目:通过新药设计来减少心血管系统的副作用 | ||
14:30-15:00 | Speaker:JIANG Jiandong , Professor, General Director, Institute of Materia Medica, Chine Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College Title:New strategies to overcome drug-resistance in treating HBV infection 报告人:蒋建东,中国医学科学院药物研究所所长,研究员 报告题目:克服HBV病毒耐药的新策略 | ||
15:00-15:30 | Speaker:YUE Guohua , President & CEO, Antagen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Title:Passing or Bypassing Blood Brain Barrie 报告人:岳国华,美国安塔臻制药有限公司,董事长兼首席执行官 报告题目:越过血脑屏障 | ||
15:30-15:45 | Coffee Break 茶歇 | ||
15:45-16:15 | Speaker:ZHANG Dan , President, Fountain Medical Development Ltd. Title:From bench to bed 报告人:张丹,方恩(天津)医药发展有限公司董事长 报告题目:从实验室研究到临床研究 | ||
16:15-16:45 | Speaker:LV Qiang , VP of Biology, Wuxi Apptec Title:WuXiApptec: Drug Development Platform for the Next Decade 报告人:吕强,药明康德新药开发有限公司生物研发副总裁 报告题目:药明康德:未来的新药研发平台 | ||
16:45-17:15 | Speaker:HE Yun , Sr. VP and CSO, BioDuro/PPD Title:Integrated Drug Discovery Services in China - Opportunities and Challenges 报告人:贺耘,保诺科技(北京)有限公司,高级副总裁兼首席科学官 报告题目:中国一体化的药物发现服务——机遇和挑战 | ||
17:15-17:45 | Speaker:WANG Ying , Vice President of Drug Safety, Hua Medicine Ltd. Title:Role and Responsibility of Non-Clinical Safety Evaluation in New Drug Development 报告人:王英,华医药有限公司,药物安全与注册部副总裁 报告题目:非临床安全性评价在新药开发过程中的作用与责任 | ||
18:30-19:30 | Dinner 晚餐 | ||
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