(1浙江大学园艺系,农业部园艺植物生长发育与生物技术重点开放实验室,杭州 310029;2浙江省柑桔研究所,浙江台州 318020)(小5号字,宋体)
摘 要:(小5号字,黑体)以宫内伊予柑为试材,对果实发育期间色泽、色素种类及含量,尤其是类胡萝卜素组分进行了研究。结果表明,……(小5号字,宋体)
中图分类号:(小5号字,黑体)(由编辑部填写) 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0513-353X
Developmental Changes in External Color, Pigment Content and Composition in Citrus iyo Fruit(4号字,Times New Roman,黑体)
WANG Wei-jie1,XU Jian-guo2,and XU Chang-jie1,*(5号字,Times New Roman)
(1Department of Horticulture,the State Agriculture Ministry Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Growth,Development & Biotechnology,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310029,China;2Zhejiang Citrus Rearch Institute,Taizhou,Zhejiang 318020,China)(5号字,Times New Roman,斜体)
Abstract:(5号字,Times New Roman,黑体)Developmental changes in the content and composition of pigments,especially carotenoids,in ppt用什么做Citrus iyo Hort. ex Tanaka cv. Miyauchi fruit and their correlations with fruit coloration were studied. High content of chlorophylls in young fruit was responsible for its green color. ……(5号字,Times New Roman)
Key words:(黑体)Citrus iyo;external fruit color;pigments(5号字,Times New Roman)
1 材料与方法(4号字,宋体)
1.1 试材及取样(5号字,黑体)
以1995年高接于本地早(枸头橙砧)上的宫内伊予柑(Citrus iyo Hort. ex Tanaka‘Miyauchi’)为试材。从盛花后1周起每两周取有代表性的果实……(5号字,宋体)
1.2 色泽测定、色素含量与类胡萝卜素的HPLC分析(5号字,黑体)
用TC-PⅡG型色差计对果实色泽进行测定,测试直径为2 cm。每果随机取果实中部4个点进行测定,取平均值。……(5号字,宋体)
2 结果与分析(4号字,宋体)
2.1 果实发育期间的色泽变化(5号字,黑体)
图1 宫内伊予柑果实发育期间色泽的变化(6号字,黑体)
Fig. 1 Changes in fruit color of Citrus iyo during fruit development(6号字,Time New Roman,黑体)
表1 宫内伊予柑果实成熟期间果皮类胡萝卜素的组成(6号字,黑体)
Table 1 Composition of carotenoids in peel of ripe Citrus iyo fruit(6号字,Times N
ew Roman,黑体)
组分 Peak No. | 保留时间 /min Retention time | max/ nm | 成分 | 丰度/% Abundance | 组分 Peak No. | 保留时间/min Retention time | max/ nm | 成分 | 丰度/% Abundance |
1 | 6.88 | 399,421, 446 | | 0.78 西湖十景介绍 | | | | | |
2 | 8.02 | | | | | | | | |
3 | 9.18 | | | | | | | | |
4 讲故事儿童 | 13.04 | | | | | | | | |
5 | | | | | | | | | |
石敬 | | | | | | | | | |
注:丰度指采收期果皮中该类胡萝卜素峰面积占类胡萝卜素总峰面积的比例,峰面积分别在286 nm、347 nm和450 nm处读取。
Note:Abundance is defined as percentage of the area of an individual peak against the total area of all peaks. The areas were recorded at 286 nm,347 nm and 450 nm respectively.(三线表,6号字,中文宋体,英文Times New Roman)
3 讨论(4号字,宋体)
References(5号字,Times New Roman,黑体)
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(6号字,中文宋体,英文Times New Roman)
1.中英文文献中独立作者的文献在文中的引用格式如下:如(韩兴国 等,2000)、(Pickett,1989);两个作者的文献在文中引用格式:如:(马克平和陈灵芝,1999)或(Jone & Peter,2001);多个作者文献在文中的引用格式如下:如:(马克平 等,2000)、(Jone et al.,2001)。文献如在文中叙述中引用,两个作者的文献引用格式为:马克平和陈灵芝(1999)……;或Jone和Peter(2001)……。