(1) Give a brief account of the major achievements of Greek culture, such as tho in religion, philosophy, literature and science.
Greek religion really took shape during the Homeric Age and featured polytheism with gods taking human form and feeling. Greek religion made a great contribution to Greek literature, philosophy and art. It is an important origin of Greek mythology which was fully developed by the religious tales of the Homeric epic and thus affected the later development of all kinds of Greek culture.
Greek philosophy started with Thales (640 BC–547 BC) who believed that the material world originated in water. His philosophy was materialism. He was followed by Pythagoras who assumed that the key to the understanding of the world is numbers, on the opposition of the spokesman for idealism.
The core Greek philosophers are Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Socrates had scant regard for material wealth, but was keen on probing into the definition of some ethical and behavioral issues, such as “friendship” and “courage”.
Plato established the Academy - the first Greek institution of higher learning. His contributions included his theory of ideas and his arguments on “republic” which was suppod to embrace his ideals about a future state where humans could enjoy a happy life. Aristotle is also a learned man and his work covers wide-ranging areas. His reputation as a philosopher largely depends on his argument on metaphysics which he tried to achieve a compromi between matter and divinity.
Literary reprentation centred round the two epic poems of the Iliad and the 幼儿教育格言Odysy, lyrical poetry by Sappho and Pindar and drama by Aeschylus, Euripides and Aristophanes. Their works combined Greek myths and social life and won much appreciation and enthusiasm from the public.
In science the mathematician Euclid established plane geometry and Archimedes discovered the ratio of radius of a circle and the relationship between the volume and surface of a sphere.
(2) What do you think of the influence Greek culture has exerted on Western civilization a
s a whole? Give examples.
Greek culture is often termed the cradle of the Western civilization and has had an enormous impact on Western culture. The specific contributions are found in the areas of philosophy, politics, literature, art, science and architecture.
Greek politics was one of the greatest influences on the Western civilization. The Greeks were the first to successfully create a government bad on the connsus of the people and thus provided a foundation for Western democracy.
The cond significant influence was that of philosophy. The Socratic idea about ethics and knowledge helped the Westerners care more for the effect of knowledge and value of morality, both of which give sound guidance to people in the later years to improve and change the world outside themlves, i.e., human society and the natural world.
Later generations of Westerners have benefited a lot from Greek culture, such as tho in painting, sculpture, architecture, drama, poetry and historical works. Classicism had Gr
eek culture as one of the crucial sources, and this has helped Westerners so much that they ascribed the origin of the Renaissance to it. This changed the intellectual conditions of the later medieval period and opened the way to the modern era in the West.
(1) Tell briefly the major characteristics and contributions of Roman culture, as are demonstrated in religion, poetry, history and architecture.
In the early period, Roman culture often depended heavily on the introduction and imitation of other cultures, particularly, Greek culture. However, the Romans showed the eclectic aspect in their culture,i.e. Romans did not take in all that they collected from other cultures but modified and developed it according to their own need. Thus Romans created their own powerful culture, laying the foundation for subquent Western culture in many fields.
茶叶名称Before Christianity appeared in Roma, ancient Romans were polytheists. They adopted many cults from other religions, fusing them into their own religion. According to Greek culture and others’ culture, they created their own gods and myth, such as Jupiter, Juno,
and Venus, which become subject matter for the artist, writers, and architects in their creative production.
In poetry, ancient Rome made brilliant achievements, producing numerous distinguished poets and poems. The poet Virgil’s 一心一意造句Aeneid is considered as a model epic in the European literary tradition. He is so famous in poetry that he was modeled for many pastoral writers. For example, Italian poet
Dante called him his teacher in his masterpiece The Divine Comedy. Horace was not only famous for his poems but his critic. In his 橡皮英文怎么读Epistles, he advanced many influential principles for creative writing, exerting great influences on later generations. In the 17th century his work was translated into English. Another important poet was Ovid, who Metamorphosis was translated into English and quoted frequently by many famous writers, such as Chaucer, Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Shirley and T.S. Eliot.女毒犯