选择题( 20个共 20分)
1.James Fenimore Cooper
作品The Leatherstocking Tale皮袜子故事集》
2.Philip Freneau
The wild Honey SuC野忍冬花》
3.Edgar Allan Poe
To Helen
4.Henry David Thoreau
5.America n Roma nticiSmi 主义
Period: from the end of the 18th century to the outbreak of the civil war
It started with the publication of WasIrhviingtoTnh'eSsketch Baonodkended with WhitmLeaanves of'Grsass
6.Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Scarlet Lette红字》
7.美国内战(南北战争)时间 1861.4.—121865.4.9
8.Westward Movement运动,开始于 18世纪末,终于 19世纪末20世纪初。
9.Henry James
The Portrait of a Lld一个女人的画像》
10.Ralph Waldo Emerson
11.John Smith
First American writer
12.Herman Melville
Moby-Dic《k 大白鲸》初一英语语法
2连线题(作者和作品 10分)
1.Benjamin Franklin
The Autobiography
The Cop and the Antrim察与赞美诗》
3.Jack London
The Sea W《侮狼》
3名词解释 2 个(以下四选二,共 10分)
1.American Dream
The freedom allowi ng all America n people to pursue their goals in life through分ia rd work and free It often refers to the opportunity for immigrants to achieve greater material prosperity than was pos coun tries of orig3h)T2ie founding Fathers ud thlsf^hlrlaeEty, and the pursuit of”opp in ess encompaaslsl thatis availabline AmericanIt. 'thesopportuntitoymakeindividucahl oicews ithoutthe
restrictio ns of class, race or 分)gio n. (2
2.American Purita美国清教主义
A religious moveme nt in the late 16theitarTyoffshb支t() in the third and fourth decades of
the 17th century to the northern English colonies iInt ltahied NthewfoWunodrladtion for the religious, intellectual the church was corrupted and had tooonTrnbeitaaRurita n: tak ing religi on as the most importa nt thi ng; living for glorifying God.
3.American Roman浪漫主义
(1)The Romanticism Period stretches fromththcenetunrdyotfo1th8e outbreak of the Civil War. It is a
period of the great flowering of American literature. It started with thetopnuIbrvlicinagtion o'fWs ashing The Sketch Book and ended with WhitmGarnass . ' s Leaves of古琴历史
(2)It was rebellion against the objectivity of rationalism.
4.American Literature
mainly refers to literature produced in American English by people living in the U.S.. It als
o include produced in other countries by American expatriates and in other languages by minorities in the co as American Indian literature and the Jewish literature.
1-2诗的赏析 两首诗二选一
答题标准:标出韵脚 5分,中文译文 15分 共 20分。
1.To Helen
海伦,你的美在我眼里 a
有如往日尼西亚的三桅船 b 船行在飘香的海上,悠悠地 a 把已惓于漂泊的困乏船员 b 送回他故乡的海岸 b
早已习惯于在怒海上飘荡 a
你典雅的面庞,你的鬈发 b
你水神般的风姿带我返航 a
光荣属于希腊 b
伟大属于罗马 鸦片战争思维导图a
看哪!壁龛似的明亮窗户里 a
我看见你站着,多像尊雕塑 b
农家生活一盏玛瑙的灯你拿在手上 b 塞姬女神哪,神圣的土地 a 才是你的家乡! b
2.The Wild Honey SuC野忍冬花》
美丽的花啊,你长得这么秀丽 a 却藏身在这僻静,沉闷的地方 b 无人触及你含蜜的芬芳 a 你纤弱的枝杈无人欣赏 b 没游来荡去的脚把你踩踏 c 无多事的手惹你落泪 c
大自然授你白色的裙裳 a 她命你远遁世俗的眼光 b 她布置树荫把你护卫起来 a 又让潺潺的柔波淌过你身旁 b 你的夏天就这样静静流逝 c 这时候你日见萎焉终将安息 c
那些难免消逝的美使我销魂 a 想起你未来的结局我就心疼 b 别的那些花儿也不比你幸运 a 虽开放在伊甸园也早已凋零 b 无情的寒霜再加秋日的威力 c 会叫这花朵消逝的一无踪迹 c
朝阳和寒霜曾把你养育 a 让你这小小的生命来到这世上 b 原来若没有,就没什么失去 a 因为你的死让你同先前一样 b 这来去之间,不过是一个钟点 c 这就是脆弱的花享有的天年 c
3-4片段赏析 二选一 答题标准:出处,作者,韵律(几步抑扬格) ,主题思想(歌颂了,表达了)
(1)Which poem is called the “most perfect brief poem in the language ”?
(2)Besides his poems, he also translated two important works into English Blank ver. What are t 答:To a waterfowl
“ the most perfect brief poem in the language ”
describes the poet 's obrvation of a bird escaping from a fowler (hunter) on the hori
sun t
Divi ne power/ guides and protects life Meter:
Va in ly the fowler's eye | three iambic feet |
烤淡菜Might mark thy distant flight to do thee w | ofige iambic feet |
As, darkly pain ted on the crims on sky | five iambic feet |
Thy figure floats along | three iambic feet |
| |
(1) In each stanza, the pcietnb§e^riminelrnes 1 and 什么是诈骗行为街bulbic pentanmetenes 2 and 3.
(2) The cond stanza illustrates this format:
An alysis
(1) The poem reprents early stagesRdrAmneicchiiough celebration of Nature and God
pre nee within Nature.
(2) Brya nt is ack no wledged as being skillful at depict ing America n sce nery and his n atural deta ofte n comb ined with a uni versal moral, as in "To a Waterfowl ”
Ann abel Le安娜贝尔丽》 In the poem, Poe examines a theme which he examines in many of his works: the death of a be woman. It is a poem written in memory of his decead young wife Virginia Clemm. The poem is
permeated with melancholy.
The poem coincides w'ithsPpooeetics. It is readable at one sitting. In the poem, Poe examines a theme which he examines in many of his works: the death of a young pretty woman, which, acco
to him, is | “ unquestionably, the most poetical topic in the witohrlmd.elancholy as ” The |
he believes | “ mela ncholy is th^Rmos?img(合mat的 ) of all the poetic ton es. |
| |
1.什么补肾效果最好爱伦坡的文学成就 10分
Edgar Allan ,Pofaether of modern shor,t sftaotrhyer of detective,story
father of psychoan|精神C分析的捣药兔)criticism
1.Poems should be short, conci and readable at one sitting.
2.The aim of poem writing is beauty; the most beautiful thing described by a poem is the death of a woma n; the desirable tone of a poem is ?ne?anc 忧郁 me.
3.He stresd the form of poem, especially the beautiful and neat rhyme.
4.Famous PoeTmhes:Raven, Annabel Lee, To Helen