关键词: 先验观念论;分离论;显象;物自身
Regarded as basic opinion of Kant’s transcendental philosophy, transcendental idealism is often read as phenomenalism or skepticism. This kind of traditional criticism has been started since the first edition of ‘The Critique of Pure Reason’ was published till now. Aimed at this criticism traditional, Allison reprented the issue of appearance and thing-in-itlf as different ways of considering the same one object in the standpoint of epistemology. In this way, Allison try to dispel the contradiction between the substantiality and agnosticism of thing-in-itlf, so that he can defend for Kant’s transcendental idealism.
In the view of criticism, Strawson enabled the analytic way of Kant’s critical philosophy in the latter half of the 20th century and parated the transcendental idealism from Kant’s whole critical philosophy becau he thought that this theory is not only bad for the valuable “analytical theory” in Kant’s philosophy, but also has noting with it. Strawson considered that transcendental idealism and phenomenology is the same in esnce, and the assumption of thing-in-itlf is also in question. This traditional way of criticism is on the basic of ontology and it consider appearance and thing-in-it
lf as two different objects so that many questions towards the conception of thing-in-itlf is raid.喝茶睡不着
In the view of defen, Allison defended and reprented Kant’s transcendental idealism in the way of epistemology. He considered that in the view of Kant himlf, appearance and thing-in-itlf is nor two different objedts, but the result of two different ways of considering the same one object. Allison called the nature of human knowledge “discursive knowledge” and refuted the phenomenalism reprentation and the query on thing-in-itlf so that he can clear up the interrogations. At the same time, Allison boiled traditional critics, rationalism and empiricism down into transcendental realistic, and put transcendental idealism and transcendental realistic into two opposite philosophy viewpoint at root. In this way, Allison defended for Kant’s transcendental idealism.
Allison’s viewpoint of epistemology has its own rationality and necessity. The root cau why Strawson and Guyer come out negative and critical idea towards Kant’s transcendental idealism is that they stand in the view of traditional ontology to consider the transcendental character of Kant’s philosophy. This question is in the range of transcendental realism at root, but the basic of Kant’s transcendental philosophy is the transformation of cognitive reference system, so traditional critics do not meet Kant’s original intention. However, Allison not only acknowledged the experimental realism under the
framework of Kant’s transcendental idealism, but also solved the paradox about thing-in-itlf in the transcendental idealism through the way of considering the same one object in two different ways. The viewpoint of epistemology and ontology is at root antagonistic to each other and the former always carry out Kant’s transcendental way, insisting human’s discursive cognition so that is totally opposite to the later. To Kant’s transcendental idealism, the epistemological viewpoint not only meets Kant’s original intention, but also can make sure the entity between transcendental idealism and empirical realism.
英语单词快速记忆However, there’s still logic mistakes in Allison’s defen. The cau of the logic mistakes is that Allison emphasized inner experience too extremely and he didn’t clarify the relationship between inner experience and outer experience, and the relationship between inner n and outer n. Allison’s two ways of reprentation of Kant’s “contradiction of idealism” is an example.
The core opinion in Kant’s transcendental idealism is the distinguish between appearance and thing-in-itlf. The conception of “thing-in-itlf” contains two aspects: the aspect for object and the aspect for subject. The former means the outer objects distinguished with the appearance, and the later means the basis of cognition which contains transcendental ideas, noumenon and so on in details. While both Allison’s epistemology reprentation and Strawson’s critics are limited in the generalized
conception of thing-in-itlf and don’t consider the double meanings of thing-in-itlf. So no whether their conclusions are right or not, they are both not comprehensive. At the same time, Kant’s theoretical reason and practical reason are connected cloly, and the conception of transcendental subject contained in the meaning of thing-in-itlf is also the core in the practical reason theory.
On one hand, the unite prentation starts from comprehensive prentation of Kant’s conception of thing-in-itlf, so that we must start from the object and subject of cognition to defen for Kant’s transcendental idealism. On the other hand, the main issue of the unite prentation is about the relationship between transcendence and experience and finding the basis of Kant’s transcendental so that defensing for it. At the same time, the wrong view of transcendental and experience is the main limitation of Allison’s epistemological prentation, so the clarify of this question contributes to making up the flaw in Allison’s demonstration.
The details of unite prentation do not exist right now, however, we just demo nstrate for its possibility and main issues, and the aim is try to provide a new way to prent Kant’s philosophy nowadays. This also means that the unscramble and discussion of Kant’s philosophy is not outmoded. On the contrary, this is a timeless question. We needn’t come back to Kant totally, but we can reappear the theory value and modern vitality by the way of ries of arguments caud by pres
enting and discriminating Kant’s transcendental idealism.
Key words: transcendental idealism; the parability thesis; appearance;
thing in itlf
导言 1
0.1论文选题 1
0.2文献综述 3
第1章康德的先验观念论 14
2.1 现象主义37
2.2 可疑的“物自身” 44
2.3 “分离论”新解52
第3章阿利森的辩护 59
3.1 “元哲学” 59
3.1.1 元哲学的立场59
3.1.2 “外部”的双重意义63
3.2 “曲行论” 67
3.2.1 人类认识的“曲行性” 68
3.2.2 先验观念论的形式性72
3.3 显象与现象主义76
3.3.2 区分于贝克莱79
3.3.3 补充论证82
密友3.4 物自身与“刺激”问题84
3.4.1 分析与重构84
3.4.2 本体与先验对象87
3.4.3 刺激90
4.1 认识论立场与本体论立场97施工机械
4.1.1 经验性的实在论97
4.1.2 “范式转换” 105
4.2 一个对象与两个对象109
4.2.1 物自身与时空性110
4.2.2 直观与对象118
4.3 联合性解读之构想126
4.3.1 物自身与“我自身” 127
4.3.2 先验与经验129
以来最有影响力的哲学流派之一,就是通过批评观念论从而形成了自己的学说。英国分析哲学的奠基者之一摩尔(G. E. Moore)将观念论视为对独立于心灵而存在的外部世界的否认。涉及到康德的批判哲学,解读者们对观念论的拒斥态度仍然没有止步,对康德哲学的解读分成了正反两个方面:一方面肯定其认识论意义,另一方面拒斥其先验观念论,对其贝克莱式的现象主义以及物自身的假设进行了批评。罗素(Bertrand Rusll)认为观念论没有任何价值,康德的“哥白尼式的革命”指向了这样一种误解,即“命题可以通过被相信而变成真的”。因此,研究康德哲学,需要首先抛开其先验观念论思想,在此基础上去挖掘剩余部分中有价值的思想和理论。这种解读方式在英美康德学界产生了深远的影响,并成为了一种传统。
“我把一切显象的先验的唯心论(即观念论,引者注)理解为这样一个学术概念,按照它,我们把所有的显象均视为纯然的表象,而不视为物自身;而且根据它,时间和空间只是我们的直观的感性形式,而不是作为物自身的客体的独立被给予的规定或者条件。” 总的来说,康德的先验观念论以显象与物自身的区分为主要特征,一方面,康德承认“物自身”的存在,即在感官之外存在着不可知的“事物自身”或“物自身”(Dinge an sich),它们并不在经验的范围内,也就是说它们并没有经过认识主体的先天认识形式的限制,因而它们无法被经验到,所以也就意味着在认识之外;另一方面,我们所认识到的知识是物自身对我们的“显象”(Erscheinung)。康德的先验观念论根本上改变了哲学史原有的样貌,扭转了哲学原有的方向和研究路径:“这一‘革命’的实质,在于转换了认识的参照系,即一种认识的客观、必然与否,不在于认识是否符合对象,而在于我们有关对象的认识是否遵循了我们在纯粹知性概念(范畴)中所具有的内在、先天的思维法则。” 随后论文正文的第一章中将会更加详细地对其进行梳理、澄清与辨析。