Unit 1 Motions
, Types of Motions:
1. Motions of value: they are motions of moral or philosophical
rights or wrongs. E.g. , Liberty should be valued more than equality.
, Capital punishment is inherently unjust.
, A benevolent dictatorship is the best form of government.
, It is moral to actively take one innocent life to save then others.
2. Motions of policy: they are plans for solving an extant problem.
, This Hou would abandon the civilian u of nuclear power.
, This Hou would prohibit speeches which incite hatred.
This Hou believes that European Governments should pay parents
to have children. 3. A clod motion has a limited scope for interpretation, a mi-clod motion has a larger
scope and an open motion enjoys comparatively free interpretation.
, A clod motion :
< This Hou would abolish International Women’s Day.(FLTRP 2006) P14
While their counterparts are celebrating IWD happily in the urban areas, the women in the rural areas might be worried about food for
their children, not to say for themlves. We have to remember that more than 30 million people in China are living under the poverty line, of
which more than half are women. Ladies and gentlemen, having this in mind, do you still want to celebrate IWD?
, A mi-clod motion: the key terms in the motion should be delineated and the scope of the
motion should be narrowed down to avoid the debate running in all directions. E.g.This
Hou would intervene in Syria. P15对联的含义
Intervention: economic, diplomatic, military
Firstly, my might focus on diplomatic intervention and interpret the motion as follows: we are here to debate the motion. It is evident that this resolution is referring to the ongoing controversy in Syria. That is the basis for today’s debate. Our model is simple: requesting countries like Russia to
issue pressures on the Assad Administration to negotiate with the protesters. Secondly, we might interpret the motion with regard to economic sanctions. Ladies and gentlemen, thousands of civilians in Syria are being killed or arrested simply becau they have different opinions with the Assad Administration. We cannot act as onlookers any more. We are here to call for economic sanctions on the Assad Administration to force them to stop the cruel treatment to people’s proper appeals.
Thirdly, we might interpret the motion in terms of military intervention.
In 1982, at the climax of a six-year Islamic insurgency throughout Syria, President Hafez al-Assad ordered a scorched earth policy against the town of Hama to quell an uprising. In 1982, the world did
编花篮nothing, and tho with power that stood by are complicit in the deaths of tho people. Thirty years later, the people of Syria once again need our help, and if we stand by and do nothing, their blood will on our hands.
, An open motion: a linkable motion, which allows a wide variety of definitions. E.g. This求新
hou believes that the glass is half full. (WUDC 1998)
如何清理c盘空间The motion is bad on a famous allusion as to whether the glass is half full or half e mpty, and can be interpreted as “Most Chine people are satisfied with their living standard.” Or “Women play an active role in the society.”
Rules for Interpreting a Motion
1. The interpretation, or definition, should be clear. It is always
a good idea to u most
frequently ud words for the definition rather big or formal ones, esp. tho borrowed from
French, Latin or Greek.
2. The interpretation should not be a tautology, which is a remark
or an asrtion that is true or
lf-proving. E.g. The gift from the Department Store is free of charge./gift—free of charge
This hou believes the Olympic Games should not be commercialized.
/commercialize—make a
profit. /Non-profitable games should not be expected to make a
3. The interpretation should not be truism, which really is not disputable.
4. The interpretation should not be place-t or time-t. ( It is t in the debate field and in the
成长需要挫折 Ca友情的界限
Ca is comprid of 4 basic elements: the ca statement, arguments, relevant evidences and rebuttals.
1. ca statement: standard/position/stance the debate side
takes/the general reason/burden
of proof(Burden of proof refers to the speaker’s duty and responsibility to prove the
proposal in question is justified or/and effective.)
< This hou would pay companies to hire ex-convicts.
Pro:The state has a duty-both to tho former prisoners and society
in general-to try and make sure that tho individuals do no return to crime, and join society as law-biding, productive, and happy citizens. That is what our ca is about today. Secondly, I will show you how employment
specifically is an important part of rehabilitation.
Oppo: The ca you’ve heard today is well-meaning, but ultimately counter-productive. Our
stance is simple: at best, this policy is ineffective. At worst, it makes life harder for the most vulnerable. As such, the core of our ca today directly clashes with the cond point of the opening speaker: This is not an effective way to rehabilitate. (Q 3)
This hou believes that caging animals in zoos is immoral.
The burden of the Government is to prove to you that considering caging animals is zoos immoral will yield far more benefits to humans, than the persisting and shameful status quo. 2. an argument: an idea ud to support the ca statement, which consists of two basic elements: the claim and the reason(主张和理由).
The claim: the point that the speaker intends to make, the stance or the position that we take in the debate.
The reason explains why the speaker intends to make the point.
Argument = Claim (The death penalty is immoral) + Reason (It encourages the revenge.)
E. We had better not pack all arguments into one speech, becau we do not have
expoenough time to offer effective reasoning. We suggest, for each ca, and in as few
words as possible, grouping ideas under 3-4 arguments.
3. Evidence: the factual information to create the link btw the
claim & the ca in point. It might be examples, statistics or testimony