1. The ants built a small colony in the garden.
2. The British established a colony in India.
3. The colony of a lions attracted many tourists to the island.运动神经元病
运营助理的工作内容4. The colony of bees worked together to gather nectar.
优秀志愿者事迹材料5. Many birds migrate to warmer climates to avoid harsh winters in their normal colony.
6. The colony of bacteria multiplied quickly and caud an infection.
梦见亲人生病很严重7. The early ttlers struggled to survive in the new colony.
8. The colony of penguins huddled together to stay warm in the snowstorm.
9. The colony of ants was disturbed when the children played near their nest.
10. The colony of mushrooms grew on the decaying tree trunk.