Peter Bond
CEO & Managing Director
Mission Statement
Linc Energy is a dynamic and innovative global company that unlocks the value in its significant coal resources by using its unique UCG process to convert coal into cost-effective syn-gas as feedstock for its modular UCG to GTL liquids fuel facilities, in an environmentally sustainable manner to provide wealth and energy independence for future generations.
‘Linc Energy can inject air into the Ucg
generator and 500 metres away, at the GTL
居然造句facility produce diel at $28.00 per Barrel,
and all in about 6 min”
Peak Oil
“Production (of oil) reaches 104 mb/d in 2030 requiring 64 mb/d of gross capacity additions –six times the current capacity of Saudi Arabia –to meet demand growth and counter decline.”
“For all the uncertainty highlighted ... we can be sure that the energy world will look a lot different in 2030 than it does today.”
International Energy Agency
World Energy World Energy Outlook 2008
Projected Growth
UCG potential value in语言交流
USA is $US20 trillion
Source: Price Waterhou Coopers 2008 2007 Survey of Energy Resources (2007) (World Energy Council).
Right Place; Right Time
情哥哥是什么意思China and India
Peak Oil
Resources, IP of UCG and
GTL UCG in Soviet Union and USA GTL in Germany and Sth Africa Oil Shocks Demand