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Nutrition in Pregnancy
You can expect a weight gain of around 10 -13kg during your pregnancy. Some women may safely gain more than this. The pattern of weight gain is also important. A gain of 1 - 2kg in the first three months and then 11/2 - 2kg per month is desirable.
If you are concerned that you are gaining too much or too little weight discuss this with your doctor, mid
wife or dietitian.
Your diet should follow the same guidelines as tho for every woman - ie. a balanced diet low in saturated fat and added sugar.
During pregnancy you will need to eat more foods containing iron, folate and iodine. Getting enough calcium, vitamin D and omega 3 fats is also important. If you are a vegetarian, ask a midwife, doctor or dietitian for dietary advice.
A healthy pregnancy is important for you and your baby
Even though you are eating for two no need to eat twice as much. It is the quality of the food not the quantity which matters most.
It is most important to have good folate stores prior to pregnancy and in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. Adequate amounts of this vitamin will help to prevent birth defects, known as neural tube defects, like spina bifida. Eat veral rves of folate rich foods every day to meet your incread needs. A daily folate supplement of 500 micrograms for at least one month before and the first three months of pregnancy is also advid.
d ark green leafy vegetables eg. broccoli, spinach and brusls sprouts,
other vegetables eg. asparagus, green beans, cauliflower, peas, parsley and tomatoes,
fresh fruits eg. avocado, bananas, oranges/juice, rockmelon and strawberries,
legumes eg. chick peas and soy beans, wholegrain breads, oats and fortified breakfast cereals (check the label),
yeast extract spreads eg. Vegemite TM
& Promite TM,
nuts and peanut butter. IRON
Iron is necessary for healthy blood. The best sources are red meats such as beef, lamb, pork, kidney and also chicken and fish. The sources of iron are the most easily absorbed by your body. Liver is an excellent source of iron, however it should be limited to one rve per week during pregnancy as it is high in vitamin A. Too much vitamin A can be harmful to your baby.
Other sources of iron include nuts, lentils, soy beans, baked beans, wholemeal breads and cereal products, fortified breakfast cereals, spinach and broccoli, eggs, prunes and dried apricots. You will absorb more iron from the foods if they are eaten with a little meat or with a food rich in vitamin C eg. oranges, tomatoes, broccoli or fruit juice.
Iodine is important for hormone production and your baby’s brain development. Good sources of Iodine include afood and iodid salt. Some vegetables contain iodine, however in the ACT levels
of iodine in the soil are low. Aim to eat 2-3 afood meals per week to meet your Iodine requirements or talk to your health professional about a supplement.
Choo a variety of foods from the
following food groups every day to meet
your nutritional needs during pregnancy.
Calcium is needed to form strong bones and teeth in your developing baby. Dairy foods such as milk, chee and yoghurt are the best sources. Non-dairy sources such as calcium fortified soy drinks, soy yoghurt, soy chee, salmon (bones included), sardines, tofu (soy bean curd), tahini (same ed paste) and almonds also contain calcium.
For women with little exposure to sunlight a supplement of 10 micrograms per day or a diet high in vitamin D rich foods will help your bones and tho of your baby to be strong.
Vitamin D is found in afood, margarines, eggs and some milk that is fortified with vitamin D.
Omega 3 fats are important for you and your baby. Omega 3 rich foods include fish such as mackerel, herrings, sardines, atlantic salmon, canned salmon and canned tuna (especially tuna in oil). The fish are lower in mercury than other types and can be consumed 2 to 3 times per week. See comment on mercury in this
兔子的折法booklet for more detail. Lean beef, nuts, canola oil, soy products and omega 3 enriched foods are al
so good sources of omega 3 fats.
Snacking is part of our lifestyle. Snacks are sometimes more convenient for pregnant women than organid meals during the day. Choo from the following snack ideas to meet your incread nutrition needs.
• Y oghurt - except soft rve. Yoghurts can be partially frozen and eaten as an icecream substitute.
• M uffins with fruit, berries and/or bran.
• C racker biscuits with chee or Vegemite TM.• T inned or fresh fruit.
• D ried fruit, nuts and popcorn.
• R eady to eat whole grain cereals.
• B oiled or microwaved potato. Serve plain or with savoury topping eg. baked beans, chee, creamed corn.
• M ini pizzas made on muffins or lebane bread.果蔬美容
• R educed fat milk drink with combinations of yoghurt, fruit, icecream or topping.
• S andwiches - toasted or jaffles.
• F ruit loaf, toasted muffins or bread. DRINKS王渔洋
Approximately 9 cups of fluid are needed to keep most pregnant women well hydrated. Water, milk and juice are good choices. Limit tea, coffee or cola drinks to 2-3 cups per day (unless decaffeinated).
Alcohol: Alcohol is best avoided, particularly during the early stages of pregnancy as it may harm a developing baby.
Caffeine: Try to limit to 2-3 cups of tea, coffee or cola drinks per day. Too much can affect the absorption of some nutrients.
Herbal Tea: Herbal and fruit teas can provide a good alternative to drinking tea or coffee. Take care when choosing herbal teas. There is little information on the safety of u of herbal and botanical su
pplements during pregnancy. If you are unsure of the safety of any products consult with your health professional.