Unit 13
Language Structure
Main Teaching Points:
Indirect speech introduced by various kinds of reporting words
1. Making a suggestion
2. Asking for and giving advice
3. Extending an invitation and declining it
4. Accepting an offer of help
5. Reminding someone of something and making a promi
6. 停车场地面Asking for and making a suggestion
7. Offer to help and expressing gratitude
8. Making a suggestion and accepting it
9. Giving advice
10. Asking one’s opinion and expressing agreement
11. Making a suggestion and expressing disagreement
12. Apologizing
13. Extending an invitation and accepting it
14. Requesting and expressing gratitude
15. Giving an explanation and apologizing
16. Giving orders
Dialogue Reform in Education
Lead-in: ask students sth. about education
A. Listening to the recording
B. Questions on the dialogue:
1. Why is reform in education of great significance to the modernization of the country?
2. How can our students truly make contributions to the modernization program?
3. Are you satisfied with our prent teaching method? Why or why not?
4. What suggestions do you have on the methods of teaching?
C. Language points:
1. 秋天喝什么汤最好dynamic a. characterized by constant change, activity, or progress有活力的,动力的 n. force that produces changes, effects or action原动力,产生变化的力量
D. e.g.1) I’m impresd by the dynamic pul of the life in Shanghai.上海充满活力的生活节奏给我留下了深刻的印象。
2)A dynamic government is necessary to meet the demands of a changing society.要适应社会的改变,政府必须要有活力。
3)The dynamic of the market demands constant change and adjustment.市场动力需要时常变化调整。
dynamics 动力学 dynamism 精力,活力,干劲
dynamite 炸药;轰动一时的人物;炸毁;破坏
2. priority n. right to have or do sth. 优先权;sth. more important than others优先考虑的事;重点标新立异的意思
e.g.1) The right to live should take priority over all other considerations.生存的权利应当放在其他一切考虑因素之上。
2)The government is giving priority to economic development.政府将经济发展作为工作的重点。
3)You should sort out your priorities before making a decision.做决定前,你应该分清主次。
3. dedicated简笔画羊 a. very interested in and working hard for a cau专注的,专心致志的;有献身精神的;made or designed for one particular purpo or thing 献给…的;专用的; dedicate v. give or devote to 奉献;把…献给…dedication n. 对某事业或目的的忠诚或奉献
e.g.1)She is a dedicated volunteer.她是一位有献身精神的志愿者。
2)He dedicated himlf to politics. 他献身于政治工作。
3)The story is dedicated to all tho who devoted their lives for the cau of peace.这个故事献给为所有为和平事业献出生命的人。
4股票语言)Her first book is dedicated to her late husband.她把第一本书献给了已故的丈夫。
4. recruit v. to find new people to join the company, an organization, the armed force, etc.吸收(新成员),征募(新兵)n. 新兵,新警员;新成员
e.g. 1) The police are trying to recruit more officers from enthenic minorities.警察机关正试图从少数民族中征募更多的新警员。
2)The recruit veral new members to the club. 他们吸收了几名新成员进入俱乐部。
3)We were recruited to help peel the vegetables.我们被找来帮着给蔬菜去皮。
the training of new recruits 新兵训练
raw recruits 新兵娃娃
痒疹怎么治疗5. prospective teachers : tho who will be teachers
e.g. prospective engineers; a prospective job
6.certificate n. a document that officially states that sth. is true证书
e.g. 1) If you want to get a teaching position at this school, a teaching certificate is required.
2) Recently there is a phenomenon of certificate craze among college students.近年来,大学生中出现了一种“考证热”的现象。
7.have one’s say: power to decide 发言权,决定权;suppo sth. as an example or a possibility 假定,比方说
e.g.1)Students want a say in the management for their spare time.学生们想要在业余时间的管理方面拥有决定权。
2)Let’s take any poem, say Robert Burns’s A Red, Red Ro…我们可以随便举一首诗为例,比如说,罗伯特.彭斯的《一朵红红的玫瑰》…
8. at one’s disposal :available for sb. to u as one wishes 可自行支配,任意使用
e.g. We should give students more time at their disposal.我们应该给学生更多自由支配的时间。
disposal n. action of getting rid of sth. 清除,丢掉;处理
e.g. 1) There is something wrong with the wage disposal system of the city. 这个城市的污水处理系统出现了问题。
2)Call me when you need a help. I’m at your disposal.我随时恭候。
9. tie down:扎紧;束缚,限制
e.g. 1) Afraid of being tied down to houhold chores, she is hesitant about marriage.因为担心被繁琐的家务拖累,她对结婚一事踌躇不定。
2)Nowadays children are tied down to their full timetable even on holidays. 现在的孩子日程都排得满满的,即使在假期也不得自由。
D. Retelling
网络接收器A is explaining to B, a foreigner who has been teaching in China, the reforms in education in China.
-----Fund for education should be raid.
-----Teachers training should be given adequate attention.
-----New teaching methods should be encouraged.