人力资源管理师三级考证必备——the context-中文翻译The context for obtaining the people required will be the labor markets in which the organization
is operating, which are:
1. The internal labor market – the stock and flows of people within the organization who can be
家长感言30个字promoted, trained, or re-deployed to meet future needs
2. The external labor market – the external local, regional, national and international markets
描写月亮的诗句有哪些from which different sorts of people can be recruited. There are usually a number of markets,
左倾and the labor supply in the markets my vary considerable. Likely shortages will need to be
identified so that steps can be taken to deal with them, for example by developing a more
attractive “employment proposition”
As part of the human resource planning process, and organization may have to formulate …make or
buy? policy decisions. A …make? policy means that the organization prefers to recruit people at a junior level of as trainee, and rely mainly on promotion from within and training programs to meet futur e needs. A …buy? policy means that more reliance will be placed on recruiting from
outside-… bringing fresh blood into the organizaiton?. In practice, organizations tend to mix the two
choices together to varying degrees, depending on the situation of the firm and the type of people
involved. A highly entrepreneurial company operating in the
turbulent conditions, or one which
has just started up will probably rely almost entirely on external recruitment. When dealing with
knowledge workers, there my be little choice – they tend to be much more mbile, and resourcing
strategy may have to recognize that external recruitment will be the main source of supply.
Management consultancies typically fall into this category. Firms which can fairly and accurately
predict people requirements may rely more on developing their own staff once they have beenbd
1. A …make? policy means that organization prefers to promote people from (C)
A. regional labor market
B. national labor market
C. internal labor market
D. international labor market
2. According to the passage, management consultancies (B)
A. are less mobile than people at a junior level
B. should be recruited from external labor market
C. should be promoted from within the organization
D. are not knowledge workers
3. If a firm can predict people requirements fairly accurately, it may not (D)
A. develop their own staff
B. formulate training programs
C. promote people from within the organization
D. rely more on recruiting from outside
4. …Make or Buy? policy decision is a part of (A)
A. human resource planning
B. training and development
C. performance appraisal
D. job analysis
5. The best title of this passage is (C)
A. The organizational context of human resource planning
B. Aims of human resource planning
工作能力怎么描述C. The labor market context for human resource planning
D. Limitation of human resource planning
1. 内部劳动市场-组织内越来越多的人通过升迁,培训或人员重新配置的方法来满足未来
的需求。 2. 外部劳动力市场-组织外部来自本地的,地区的,国家的,国际性市场的不同种族间的