专家推荐信 letter of recommendation
致申请人(to the appicant)
applicant should have two letters or recommendation submitted from professors or others who can asss the quality of his/her academic performance ,capability and potential of rearch.
plea ask to have the the letters nt directly to the institution to which you are applying returned to you with the envelope aled. (以下栏目由申请人填写,this ction to be filled in by the applicant) 申请人姓名 申请人电话
(name or applicant)(telephone number)
(institution of applicant)
(address of applicant)
(institution to which the applicant is applying)
(address of the institution)
致推荐人 to the referee心开头的成语
you are named by the applicant as a referee for his/her application of postdocgoral position in the listed institution . we would
appreciate your opinion of his /her academic performance capabitity and potential in rearch work..plea directly nd this form to the institution to which he/she is applying or return it to the applicant with envelope aled.if you prefer to write a personal letter rather than this form ,plea feel free to do so and attach this form to you letter.
(以下栏目由推荐人填写) the following to be filled in by the referee
推荐人姓名(name of referee)
推荐人职务或职称(position and tithe)
推荐人工作单位(institution and address)
推荐人与申请人的关系(relationship with the applicant)
推荐人电话 推荐人传真(telephone number) (facsimile)
推荐意见(recommend ation)
推荐人签字 推荐日期
(signature) (date)
Dear sir/madam:
It is my pleasure to write this recommendation letter for myintelligent student, XX XX. He/she is not only diligent but also good moral inour school. I will be very glad if my recommendation can help your evaluationof his/her capability.
I am the principle of the XXXX High School, which is a keyhigh school in XXXX province .In recent years, the 100 percent graduates fromour school have been enrolled by university, and in addition, 80% graduates inour school have been recruited by national k
ey university. I got to knowhim/her as a student of our school. He/she has been keeping a good balancebetween the arts and sciences, gaining high grades in each of them. Becau ofhis/her diligent studying, he/she was titled veral times“exemplary student”“excellent student cadres” “various abilities in a major”. More importantly,he/she owns the industriousness and inquisitiveness in learning, and an unusualability of abstract and analytical thinking and in-depth exploration of knowledge.Due to his/her outstanding performance in studying, in every mester, his/her ranking grade never fell down below top 5 in his/her grade.
At the same time, in the social field, he/she manifests his/herpowerful leader and organization capacity. Prently, the positions, he/shehas been taking in charge of in our school, the monitor of his/her class, thedirector of the youth volunteer of environmental protection association.Moreover, he/she has various hobbies for example, playing the piano and Chinecalligraphy. As an editor in our school magazine, his/her peculiar points ofview, fine style of writing, n of humor often compo an excellent article.He/She has issued many excellent essays in school magazine. His/Her remarkabl
etalent was appreciated by her teachers and schoolmates. Especially, in May,2008, he/she won the title of Excellent Work in XXXX Competition. This contestadequately shows his/her talent in art. Otherwi, he/she took actively part inall kinds of the social activities in his/her vacation, such as offering careto the olds in old people’s home, and leading various kinds of communityrvice as a youth volunteer for propagating the theory of environmentalprotection in the street and cleaning the mother river of this city and etc.All the activities constantly improve his/her social practice ability.
Finally, I honestly recommend him/her to you, with the hopethat he/she can get the best chance to develop his/her enthusiasm as well astalents in your first-class university as to make his/her internationalizationintellectual. I will highly appreciate your favorable consideration of his/herapplication. Plea feel free to contact me if there’s any further informationyou need.
(Principal) 校长
XXXX High School