MRI signs helpful in the differentiation of patients with anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy and optic新生代农民工>会计名词解释
期刊名称: British Journal of Ophthalmology
作者: Valentina Daphne Petroulia,Dominik Brügger,Robert Hoepner,Rino添加项目符号>请勿乱扔垃圾
菠菜根能吃吗Vicini,Franca Wagner
年份: 2021年蝶恋花柳永
关键词: vision;diagnostic tests/investigation;imaging;optic nerve;inflammation
摘要:Background/Aims The aim of this study was to identify specific MRI characteristics of anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (AION) and optic neuritis (ON) that would aid in the differentiation between the two diagnos. Methods We retrospectively analyd a concutive ca ries including all patients with an MRI study of brain and orbit and the clinical diagnosis of either ON or AION. We exami
ned the scans for restricted diffusion of the optic nerve, optic sheath diameter, enhancement and location of enhancement of the optic nerve and distribution of the white matter lesions. Results Fifty patients met the inclusion criteria. We found an accuracy of 0.98 for the discrimination between AION and ON bad solely on parameters extracted from MRI data. Dominance analysis to determine the most influential parameters showed