中级口语教程:Tell Us About Your Hobbies
虫的组词Lesson 22
Tell Us About Your Hobbies去就色
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JOHN: Whatlike most,suppo,the fact that it's an, when
tell people whatdo,they just look at me usually as if I'm mad.Maybeam,
anyway whatdo up aboutquarter past six every morning.
leave my wifebed becau she's not as mad as me - andput my trunks
under under tracksuitdrive down
怎么换墨盒park with my clothesa ca. It only takes about five minutes .becau
there's no trafficcour at that timethe morning. So, whenget there
leavecarthe car parkrun roundbit.I usually runabout ten
minutes till I'm nicewarm, then comesinteresting bit.run over
car,get my cathen overthe pool.take my tracksuit off-in
jump. It's pretty coldcan tell you especiallythe middlewinter-but
docouptequick lengthsthenclimb out, get changeddrive
home,just get backtimebreakfast - andnormally feel I've earned
JACK: Well, it's very detailed work you e, butfindvery relaxing. It's
strangesuppo that something like this where you haveconcentrate
lot can be relaxing
ing, but you emy job I'm always making decisionstelling people what
do butnever actuplly e what I've done. Thiscompletely different.
You e, here I'm actually making something mylf.start withkite,
usually it's got allbasic materialsit. Then you havecut
out all
shapes fromwoodstick them together. When you've madeframe,
wingsthe fulage, that is, you cover them with special paper
paint. Of cour if it's going
fly properly, everything hasbe properly balanced, ust say
really though.thinkenjoy actaually making them more than flying them.
JANE: Wella nsuppodo an things are
incredibly .expensivethe shops nowadays days, aren't they? But that's not
only reason really
No,beautiful thingthat you can make what you want when
you want-and in
material you'an you don't havedependsome
平衡功能训练paris designer
uno纸牌游戏规则say whatfashionable. If you like an idea you e thencour you
can copy, butgives you much more independencedoyourlf.
mean obviouslytakes time , butenjoy,withwing machine
doesn't take all that longmake even quite complicated things. And then
finally you know that you've got something really unique. Especially if it's
something you've designed yourlf.
HARRY: Well,gives mechancebe alone-andme that's
reallymost It
important thingsuppo,after being with crowdspeople all week.