Science Manuscript Template
General Instructions on using this template and submitting a manuscript to Science: Thank you for preparing a manuscript for submission to Science. Using this template, or following the guidelines below, will help us in processing your paper. Our goal is to be able to identify each ction of your manuscript so that we can accurately record the title, authors, abstract, etc. and also be able to enrich it by including reference links and an accurate layout.
温暖的瞬间Plea u the actual template, which starts on page 2. 图式理论When you are ready to submit, plea delete the text on this cover page.
You can submit your paper at www.submit2science
Additional instructions are available at www.sciencemag/site/feature/contribinfo/index.xhtml
If you are using LaTeX , plea convert your paper into a Word or RTF file if possible. If this is not possible, plea u our LaTeX template and upload a PDF version of your paper. Some conversion approaches are available here: www.tug/utilities/texconv/textopc.html
So that we can identify the parts of your paper, and even if you do not u our template, plea begin each ction with the specific key words listed below, some of which are followed by a colon. Plea do not u paragraph breaks in the title, author list, or abstract.
One Sentence Summary:
Main Text:
References and Notes (followed by a numbered list)
徜徉读音Fig. #: (Begin each figure caption with a label, “Fig. 1.” for example, as a new paragraph.).
Table #: (Begin each table caption with a label “Table 1.”近日是什么意思, etc.) as a new paragraph.
Supplementary Materials: a list of the supplementary materials, followed by the actual text of the Supplementary Materials.
Several of the headings are optional, for example, not all papers will include a one-ntence summary, figures or tables, or supplementary material.
Plea u the .docx format if possible (all version after Word 2007).
More specific formatting instructions are provided in the actual template, which follows.
Title: How to Format a Science Paper (replace with your real title)
Authors: The author list should be one single paragraph (no breaks). Authors should be listed by first name or initial followed by last name and parated by commas. U superscript numbers to link affiliations, and symbols *†‡ for author notes. For example, X. Jones1*, P. Smith1,2
1Affiliations should be preceded by superscript numbers corresponding to the author list, and each affiliation should end with a period.
2Each affiliation should be a parate paragraph.
3You can include group authors, but plea include a list of the actual authors in the Supplementary Materials.
*Correspondence to: include the email address of the corresponding author(s). Plea u the asterisk (*) symbol for the corresponding author information.
可怜之人必有可恨之处†Additional author notes should be indicated with symbols (for example, for current address).
Abstract: The abstract should be about 100-150 words, and organized in this structure: An opening ntence that ts the question that you address and is comprehensible to th想你的时候
e general reader, background content specific to this study, results, and a concluding ntence. It should be one paragraph only.
One Sentence Summary: A brief summary of the main result of your paper, without excessive jargon and less than 150 characters.
Main Text: In general, this should include a brief (1-2 paragraph) introduction, followed by a statement of the specific scope of the study, followed by results and then interpretations. Plea avoid statements of future work or claims of priority, and avoid repeating the conclusions at the end. All of the Figures and Tables should be cited in order, including tho in the supporting online material (which should be cited as, for example, figure S1, and table S1). You can include page breaks if you would like to place the figures within the text.
Subheads. The can be included in Rearch Articles or Reviews and should be brief.
References should be cited in parenthes with an italic number (1). Multiple reference c
itations are parated by commas (2, 3) or if a ries, dashes (4-6). References are cited in order by where they first are called out, through the text, then the notes, captions, then through the supplementary material.
Equations can be included. We do not recommend using the native Word 2007, 2008, 2010 or 2011 equation editor. This can in some cas produce less reliable MathML, the online markup language we u, which may result in display errors. Instead, u the legacy equation editor in word (Inrt menu; lect inrt object; lect word equation) or u Mathtype (recommended). If you enter equations in simple LaTeX, check that they will convert accurately (Word 2007 and higher can convert simple LaTeX equations).