1) The bank has discovered that on any _____ day, transactions in cash ldom exceed one million. given 该银⾏发现每天现⾦交易都很少超过⼀百万元。2) One could tell _____ that she was not the kind of person who would give up easily. at a glance ⼈们⼀眼就能看出她不是那种会轻⾔放弃的⼈。
3) Applicants for this position need _____ in at least one foreign language. fluency 这个职位需要⾄少⼀门外语流利的求职者。
4) _____ patience, the artificial breeding of this species can be achieved. Given 只要有耐⼼,这个物种的⼈⼯繁育是可以实现的。
5)So far we have had perfect weather. The yield of the crop, _____, will hit a new record this year. hopefully ⽬前为⽌天⽓很好,今年庄稼产量很有希望创历史新⾼。
6) An employment contract should _____ the rights and duties of both the employee and the employer in no uncertain terms. define 劳动合同应该⽤明确的条款界定雇佣⽅和受雇⽅的权利和义务。
7) “How did you get the information about this author?”“I _____ him _____in Who’s Who.”looked…up 你是怎么得到这个⾃⼰的信息的?我在《名⼈录》中查到的。
8) It’s _____ talking to him becau he never listens. no good 跟他说没⽤,因为他从来不听劝。
9) The author of the article quoted my words out of _____ in order to mislead the readers. context 这个作者把我的话断章取义,⽤来误导读者。巨蟹座和什么座最配对
10) The council provides practical _____ and support for students wishing to pursue an international study program. guidance 顾问为希望店铺的学⽣提供实际指导和⽀持。
11) The _____ needs of the refugees are warm clothing and clean drinking water. immediate 难民最需要的是暖和的⾐服和⼲净的饮⽤⽔。
12) She held the glass away from her in _____. “What’s this awful stuff you’ve given me to drink?”disgust 她厌恶地拿开杯⼦说:“你给我喝的这糟糕的东西是啥?”
13) It’s not a good habit to look up every new word you _____ in your reading. come across 在阅读过程中查阅每个⽣词不是好习惯。
14) The quick _____ of dia is vital for effective treatment. recognition 快速识别疾病是有效治疗的关键。
15) He is interested in everything that falls within the _____ of his rearch. scope 任何属于他研究范围的东西他都感兴趣。⼤学英语精读第五册Unit 2 P34 选词填空
that)was once accepted as a truth. 思想存在于⼼脏⾥的观点曾经被认为是事实。(that引导的是同位语从句)
2/To say that human rights are not protected in the country is of the obvious truth.说这个国家⾥⼈权没有受到保护,便是对明⽩事实的否认(睁眼说瞎话)。
opinion poll of foreign business in China published today shows growing confidence in the sustained development of the country’s economy. 对中国的外资企业展开的独⽴民意调查标明,他们对该国经济的持续发展越来越有信⼼。
风字的成语5/I can’t imagine how this place a five-star hotel! The rvice is dreadful. 我⽆法想象这个地⽅怎么会被认为是五星级酒店!他们的服务太糟糕了。
7/The little girl scooped up sand and let it trickle through her fingers.
is subject to change as man’s understanding of the univer improves. 现在许多⼈认为没有永恒真理这样的东西,因为真理是随着⼈类对宇宙的认识提⾼⽽变化的。
12/Rosa and her groom promid to each other through sickness and health, poverty and richness. 罗莎和她的新郎承诺不管疾病或健康、贫穷或富
13/The two questions are cloly but will need to be considered parately.
). 财政部长迅速否认了他反对税收改⾰的指控。(that 引导的是同位语从句)
ended up in tragedy. 许多⼈认为那座房⼦闹⿁,因为住在那⾥的⼀家⼈全都以悲剧告终。
So he quickly took leave. 客⼈察觉到主⼈脸上的⼀丝疲惫,所以很快告别了。
1. Mine sweeping(扫雷) is a difficult and dangerous job and the engineer(⼯兵)who perform the job should be paid
________. (accordingly相应地)
2. She took too few cours in her first two years at college and now she does not have enough ________ to get her degree. (credits学分)
3. She’s spent her whole life in pursuit of an unattainable ______, and so she’s been totally disappointed.
4. I believe he was an ______ man, dedicated to the people and his country. (honorable值得尊敬的)
我相信他绝对是受⼈尊敬, (因为)他把⾃⼰献给了他的国家和⼈民。
5. He could never _______ such a thing happening to himlf.
(conceive of 想象出)
6. Lack of confidence in his own abilities is the chief ______ in Mike’s character.
学妹刘杨7. He has absolutely no ______ of how difficult life can be if one is unemployed. (conception想法)
8. The program started from the _______ that men and women must be treated on equal terms in this society.
9. We can not make a decision until we have made an ______ asssment of our business prospects.
10. Indeed, a good deal of the importance of the book______ its later influence. (lies in在于)
11. Recent studies ________ claims that certain perfumes can bring about profound psychological changes.
(have borne out⽀持,证明)
12. As the competition becomes increasingly inten, the shops are trying all kinds of ways to ______ people to buy. (induce,诱惑)
13. People who are overweight usually don't like physical exerci and lack of exerci makes them put on more weight--- it is a _____ cycle.
14. He is planning to risk everything to get his next _____ started.
15. I’ll be a t work until five, in the gym till nine, and at home after that --- so contract me later at one of tho places
as the ca may be(到时视具体情况定)
16. The driver’s account of the accident was ______ by three men who had en it happen.
1)The executives will have to demonstrate the kind of managerial abilities
needed to keep their corporation ______.
(ahead of the pack 处于同类中的领先地位)
3)Sociologists have found through their rearch that single parents are more
likely to be _______. (permissive纵容,百依百顺)
4)In my opinion, arrangements could ________ meet individual requirements. (be tailored to 为适应特点需要)在我看来,任何计划安排都应该量⾝打造来满⾜个性化的需求)
5) This is so-called proof is mere_____ bad on circumstantial evidence. (assumption 假想,主观臆断)
6)In her eyes, this young man, knowledgeable and well-mannered, is the most
_____ bachelor in the world.
(eligible 符合条件的,中意的)
7)This afternoon I _______ the hospital to e Nancy before going home. (stopped by 短暂拜访或前往)
8)Much rearch has shown a clear _____ between smoking and lung cancer. (correlation 关联, 关系)
9)This politician is neither radical nor conrvative; he is somewhere ______. (in between 介于两个极端之间)这位政治家既不属于激进派也不属于保守派,⽽是出于⼆者之间吧。
11)Traveling different countries can _______ one’s life in many ways.
(enrich 使…丰富)
12)____ drinking can lead to stomach disorders.
(Excessive 过度的,过量的)
13)Decades ago, strikes were _____ for the factory workers.
(the norm 标准,规范)
14)This big hou is neglected and its woodwork has started to ____.
(rot 腐朽)
15)A flu _____ is sweeping through the area this winter.
(epidemic 传染病,流⾏病)
16)I _____ that only an extremely narrow-minded person would make such
nasty remarks.
(presume / presumed 猜测臆测)
17)Does the term “super kids” mean “children with ______ abilities”? (exceptional不平庸,超过常⼈的)
18)A few years ago it was Bacryl who ____ the institute.
(took charge of 掌管)
1)When you inquire about interest rates, it's important to___compound interest and simple interest. (distinguish between 区别)
2)At the meeting there was a lot of___to the propod changes.
(opposition 反对)
3)For a long time this substance was thought to be harmless, but recently there has been proof ____ and so you are warned off it.
(to the contrary 相反的)
4)You must follow the regular___in applying for a visa.
(procedures 程序)
5)They agreed to the plan___, but there were veral details they did not like. (in principle 原则上)