商务英语学习<THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF CHINA: LATE CHING> is a book about Qing empire in 1840 to 1911, wrote by professor Zhengqing Fei etc. This book is a number of a ries of books named <THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF CHINA>.
I appreciate this book very much. In fact, I have read many books about history of late Qing, but after reading this book, I have deeper and more lively feelings and understandings about Qing empire in politics, economy and society system, especially about economy and society system. As we know, traditional Chine historical records are focus on politics, especially emperors, or some famous politicians, captains, writers, etc. There is very few records to mention economy, science technology, common people’s life. So, after long reading of traditional history records, you will feel it is boring and no-meaningful. Actually, the book provide me fully new prospects, new prospects to understand the things happened in such a country, such a time, to understand the people, their behaviors, their emotions, 富士拍立得their thinking. I can get a full view about Qing empire’浏览器首页s society system and situation, totally different from traditional book.
Next, I will show you some chapters’ name. Just from the names, you can get a bird view of the book’s main idea. First chapter: Qing empire’s economy situation during 1840 to 1911. Second chapter: foreign affairs of Qing empire. Third chapter: the change of Chine people’论文读书笔记 s view of western world. Eighth chapter: the government, business幼儿汽车简笔画 men and industry before Xinhai Revolution. 贵阳美食
春晓古诗图片Upon my words, most people would like to read historical record wrote by Chine people, becau they believe we must have a full knowledge of our history; in fact, I do not think so, I believe tho records wrote by foreign people are more lively and true, most importantly, the records can provide you totally different prospects to understand history, to understand people.