Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher and scientist.
His writings cover many subjects, including physics, biology, zoology, logic, ethics, poetry, theater, music, linguistics, politics and government, and constitute the first comprehensive system of Western philosophy.
Aristotle was the first to classify areas of human knowledge into distinct disciplines such as mathematics, biology, and ethics.
He believed all people's concepts and all their knowledge were ultimately bad on perception.不约而同
His views on natural sciences laid the groundwork for many of his works.
打扫的英文 He contributed to almost every field of human knowledge in his era.
His works contain the earliest known formal study of logic, and even today all aspects of Aristotle's philosophy continue to be the important subject of academic study. His philosophy had a long-lasting influence on the development of all Western philosophical theories.
More than 2,300 years after his death, Aristotle remains one of the most influential philosophers and scientists.
中庸思想(Doctrine of the Mean)是儒家思想的核心内容。孔子所谓的"中"不是指"折中",而是指在认识和处理客观事物时的一种"适度"和"恰如其分"的方法。孔子主张不仅要把这种思想作为一种认识和处理事物的方法来看待,而且还应该通过自身修养和锻炼,把它融入自己的日常行为当中,使之成为一种美德。中庸思想是儒家思想的核心,也是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。从它形成到现在,一直为民族精神的构建、民族智慧的传播、民族文化的发展发挥着不可估量的作用。 武汉风俗
The Doctrine of the Mean is the core of Confucianism. The so-called "mean" by Confuciu
s doesn't mean "compromi" but a "moderate" and "just-right" way when understanding and handling objective things. Confucius advocated that this thought should not only be treated as a way to understand and deal with things but also be integrated into one's daily conduct to make it a virtue through lf-cultivation and training. The Doctrine of the Mean is not only the core of Confucianism but also an important component of traditional Chine culture. From the time it came into being to the prent, it has played an invaluable role in the construction of national spirit, the transmission of national wisdom, and the development of national culture.
Have you ever heard people say that they tend to be more of a right-brain or left-brain thinker?你听说过人们说他们更倾向于右脑或左脑思考者吗?
From books to television programs,you have probably heard the term mentioned numerous times,or perhaps you have even taken an online test to determine which type best describes you.从书籍到电视节目,你可能已经听过这个词无数次了,或者你甚至参
Do different parts of the brain really control different bodily and mental functions?Over the years, a theory that has gained in popularity is that the right brain and the left brain are responsible花灯会 for different modes of thought and that the way in which a person thinks will depend on which side of his brain works more actively.大脑的不同部分真的控制不同的身体和精神功能吗?多年来,一个越来越受欢迎的理论是,右脑和左脑负责不同的思维模式,一个人思考的方式将取决于他大脑的哪一侧工作更积极。
People who rely more heavily on the right half of their brain tend to be more imaginative and spontaneous.They are interested in patterns, shapes and sizes, for the right brain is associated with artistic ability like singing,painting, writing poetry, etc. Left-brain dominated people are quite opposite in the way they think.They tend to be more logical and analytical in their thinking and usually stand out in mathematics and word skills.更依赖右脑的人往往更有想象力和自发性。他们对图案、形状和大小感兴趣,因为右脑与唱歌、绘画、写诗等艺术能力有关。左脑主导的人在思维方式上完全相反。他们的思维往往更具逻辑性和分析性,通常在数学和文字技能方面表现突出。
While the different functions of the two brain parts may have been distorted and exaggerated by popular psychology, understanding your strengths and weakness in certain areas can help you develop better ways to learn and study.For example, if you are usually stumped in trying to follow verbal instructions,an activity often cited as a right-brain characteristic, you can benefit from writing down directions and developing better organizational skills.虽然这两个大脑部分的不同功能可能已经被流行心理学扭曲和夸大了,但了解你在某些领域的优势和劣势可以帮助你发展更好的学习和研究方法。例如,如果你在试图遵循口头指示时经常被难住,这是一种经常被引用为右脑特征的活动,你可以从写下方向和发展更好的组织技能中受益。
William Shakespeare is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent (杰出的) dramatist. 人们普遍认为,威廉•莎士比亚是最伟大的英语作家和世界杰出的戏剧家。
His plays have been translated into a vast number of languages and are performed more often than tho of any other playwright.他的剧本被译成多种语言,并且比其他任何剧作家的作品都上演得多。
Shakespeare's early works were mostly comedies and histories, which have the reputation of being among the finest masterpieces produced in the genres (体裁) even today.他的剧本被译成多种语言,并且比其他任何剧作家的作品都上演得多。
Later on, Shakespeare wrote mainly tragedies, some of which, like Hamlet and King Lear威灵仙的作用与功效, earned him fame in the entire Western literature.后来莎士比亚的创作主要是悲剧,其中一些作品,如《哈姆雷特》和《李尔王》,为其在整个西方文学界赢得了声誉。
The most striking features of Shakespeare are his brilliant u of language and his universal themes. He contributed thousands of words to English, many of which have become embedded in the language. 莎士比亚最显著的特点是其精彩的语言运用及具有普遍意义的主题。他创造了数千个英语词汇,其中许多已经深植于英语中。
His themes are so universal that they transcend generations to stir the imaginations of readers and audiences worldwide. 他的作品主题具有普遍意义,所以能够数代流传,激发世界各地读者和观众的想象力。