With the fast economic development, people have their living standard improved. A lot of families are no longer worried about the money problem. Parents want to give their kids better life in the aspect of material. When their kids leave home for college, parents always give them lots of money and tell them again and again that “buy what you want” ”eat more nutritious food” ”don’t save money for home” ”if no money, tell me, I will give you” and so on.
鸡年是哪年 This common thing results in a very bad effect on the college students.
Lots of college students spend a lot of money buying what they need and they needn’t. For example, parents give them two thousand Yuan every month, they often u out in twenty or twenty-five days. Then they’ll borrow money from others. When they get the next month’s living expens, they have to pay back the money. If things go on like this, they’ll fall into a wor situation and cannot pay off their debts finally. I think parents’ original thought is good. Parents just want to give kids a better material environment. Obviously they receive the opposite effect.
I think that college students should learn financial management, becau it can bring them a clear life and benefit to their jobs or family. Maybe they can make bookkeeping. Set a fixed amount of money every day.
For college students, do their own financial planning, revenue and reducing expenditure is equally important. Today, many college students feel that "enough money to spend, most positive solution is to find ways to increa revenue to compensate for insufficient funds embarrassment. Work-study program is the most common college students "open source" approach to help teachers to do rearch, tutor to the company or business part-time work ... The are to help students to increa revenue.
Just open source is not enough, the key is to learn how to take care and plan their own money, to learn to throttle job. Bank financial planner recommends Students throttle may wish to start from the accounting. Many college students part-time, feel that they have income to spend money to start lavish dinner party, entertainment consumption expenditure soared, to the end of the month or the end at hand is still very tight even need to borrow money from the "transitional". Financial planner, said many college students is not no money to spend, but do not spend money, write down every day of your spending over time to e which is the unnecessary expens, you can try to save tho
who can spend from time spent expenditures. If the money is deposited into banks, but also get a small fortune in interest.
You can also try to do a small investment, stock, fund, is scheduled to vote and so on.
After a certain economic ba, can also be involved in real estate, not to mention the real estate, they think of high investment, in fact, real estate, small investment, the money to do real estate.
Money, start from the housing commission and the housing charter, commissioned rental profit model can rely on to operate the property, which requires your experience, then there should have confidence and action, is not very high capital requirements, need to be addresd is the landlord, tenant, a number of key issues can be.
Student finance: top 10 student money saving tips
Whether it’s your first or your third year, the temptation to spend is everywhere – not least at the uni
on bar. Problem is, you’ll need cash left at the end of term if you fancy joining the university ski trip. Here are ten great money saving tips for old and new students alike.
Budget during the first weeks of term
With the living expens fresh in your account, you’re so far 'in the black' that you’re positively itching to spend. Beware – you have entered the danger zone. Someone organis a fancy dress party: you fork out on an expensive costume. You need a new hobby: you acquire a ukulele.
It’s hard to budget when you’re keen to have fun, but it is worth holding off on extravagant spending
early on. If you want to go out and celebrate at the end of term, check out some student budget apps to make sure you have something left to spend.
Plan meals in advance
Walking back from a lecture, you’re likely to want to pick up lunch and a coffee with friends. Pay attention to jaunts like the – if they become too much of a habit, they will significantly impact your finances.
Preparing food at home is a great way to save money over the week, and there’s no need to cut back on the ingredients you love if you budget correctly.
Enjoy student discounts
Congratulations – you are now eligible for a ridiculous number of discounts. This doesn’t mean you should be increasing your spending just to enjoy them, but it does mean savings when you do go shopping.宇智波带土语录
Be sure to check the list of offers before registering for a card, as it’s only worth buying if you are likely to u it.
Travel smarter
Travelling home for a weekend or visiting friends at other universities can be a costly affair, but that doesn’t have to put you off. There's the railcard that can get you up to a fifth off rail fares.
Alternatively – your friends will only turn 21 once – so get to their birthday celebrations with a ride-sharing rvice. If you have a car, you can offer ats to paying pasngers, raking back a third of your petrol costs for each person you take on board.
Sell, ll, ll
蒙古狼 Your textbooks are surprisingly valuable, so when you’re sure that a book’s future is to sit and gather dust, head to Amazon to trade it in for a gift card. The same applies to your clothes. Rid yourlf of fashion faux-pas at eBay, or head to flea markets if you think they’re worth a buck or two.
Head online for money saving tips
Once you've arrived at university, chances are you’ll spend more time online than can really be healthy – generally at 1am. As you're already connected, make the most of your browsing time by heading to some websites for offers, discounts and budgeting tips.
赞美老师的歌 ⼀旦进⼊⼤学,你泡在⽹络上的时间很有可能已经超过健康范围——普遍在凌晨⼀点以后。既然你已经在⽹上了,好好利⽤你的时间去浏览某些⽹站,去寻找特价产品,折扣和预算⼩贴⼠。
Buy non-branded
We understand that there’s something less than glamorous about supermarket value ranges. Don’t
let that stop you – the quality is often indistinguishable from that of branded produce. Avoiding the houhold names can mean a hefty saving on filling the fridge, so you’d be wi to look beyond the labels.
Next time an all-nighter leaves you with a headache, remember that the same principle also applies to medicines. Branded pain killers can be significantly more expensive than supermarket versions, which often ll for less than £1.不脱蓑衣卧月明
Avoid the kebab shop
You’re on your way home from another night in the KTV and trying to conver over adeafening beat. It’s time for something greasy, and you can already smell the kebab shop on the crisp morning
air …
Stop! Adding fast food to each and every night out is going to take its toll, not only on your waistline, but also on your finances. Indulge in some cheesy chips from time to time, but if you’re rious about saving money, try returning home to a bowl of cereal or some toastedpitta.
Get paid to do stuff
Shouldn’t that say ‘get a job’? Well, sort of – but we’re aware that not every university gives you time to put your all into studying while working in a bar along the way. If you think you can balance it, by all means apply for a job. If you can’t, try taking part in paid online surveys or market rearch focus groups. After all, everyone cretly loves a good survey!
Ipsos rewards urs for completing surveys online, offering vouchers from the likes of Amazon and John Lewis. If you have a little more time, a focus group like Saros will pay £30 to £100 for two hours’ work – a welcome boost to your budget.
We’re not advocating drinking, but you’re a student now, so we suspect you’re doing it anyway. Take our advice on this, though – you’ll save money if you drink before going out. Your local supermarket is almost always going to beat student bars on price, so buy accordingly, and start your evening at home with friends. Bonus: you’ll actually be able to hear what they’re saying.