A 1、(AZ)按照信息的重要性进行分类也非常有必要。It is necessary to rank information by importance.
小气候2、(AZ)按照你的建议去做是行不通的.It's not feasible to follow your proposals.
B 3、(BG)不管你怎么读法,这个句子总是不知所云。No matter how you read it,this ntence doesn't make n.
4、(BG)报告中有一段谈到工作中的事故问题.The report has a ction on accidents at work
5、(BG)不管他说什么你都不要相信他Don’t trust him no matter what he says
6、(BG)罢工的失败使公司恢复了正常的公共汽车营业The collap of the strike enabled the company to resume normal bus rvices.
7、(BL)不论你业务的规模大小,全新的电子化结算与支付方式将使你无须再打印结算清单和支付邮资,也无须再投入大量的人力处理支付过程。No matter what size your business is,emerging alternatives will save you from having to print statements,pay for postage,and dedicate large numbers of people to processing pay-ments.
8、(BL)不论我们工作多么努力也达不到老板的要求No matter how hard we work we cannot meet the boss’requirement..
9、(BT)不太可能有雨/下雨.There is unlikely to be rain/it's unlikely to rain/it's unlikely that it will rain.
10、(BX)必须考虑到商标,域名的法律效力以及其他外部威胁,以使名誉免于受损。The legal aspects of trademarks,domain names,and other external threats must be considered to protect the name and reputation from harm.
11、(BX)必须考虑外在威胁以保护名誉免受威胁External threats must be considered to protect one’s reputation from harm.
12、(BY)不用说,我们现在已不是生活在传统社会。It goes without saying that we are not living in a traditional society.
13、(BZ)不注意英语的习惯说法我们就不可能把英语学好We cannot learn english well without watching out for idiomatic ways of saying things
14、(BZ)报纸是最为广泛运用的广告宣传工具Newspapers are the most widely ud advertising medium
C 12、CQ)成千上万的人都参与了四年一度的选举活动。Thousands of people were involved in the election campaign held every four years.
13、(CR)CRM的目标是在企业的销售,市场和客户服务等活动之间建立一种协作,以获得和保持客户群。CRM's goal is to create a synergy among sales,marketing,and customer-rvice acticities within an organization in order to obtain and retain customers.
14、(CS)勿受坏榜样的影响。Don't be influenced by bad examples.
15、家庭幸福(CT)传统的付兑方式惟有通过在结算单上填塞广告而获利。Tradition billing methods prent lucrative opportunities to stuff statements with ads.
16、(CY)从一方面来说这个项目花费太大,另一方面也太难实施。On the one hand, the project is too expensive; on the other hand it is also too difficult to carry out.
D 17、(DD)大多数单亲父母发现独自照顾家庭有困难Most single parents find it hard to take care of a family along
17、(DJ)但就算你并不是一个先行者,你仍然可以在电子世界中占有相当的市场份额But enven if you are not a first-mover,you can still take a significant market share in the e-world.
18、(DK)对客户而言,EBPP意味着随时随地可以了解账户数据。To the customer,EBPP means access to account data an any time,from anywhere.
19、(DN)当你的公司电子商务化后,你与客户之间的关系就变了。When you become an e-business you transform your relationship with your customers.
20、(DN)当那个贼意识到警察认出了他时,便向门口走去The thief made his way to the door when he realized the police had recognized him
栀子花开201720、(DR)然而,他解释说,设立两种对立的定价系统在某些时候可能导致不良企图的滋生。However,he explains that tting up two parate pricing systems is likely to generat
e ill will at some point.
21、(DS)当说到他父亲时,他就一言不发了.When it comes to his father,he keeps silent
22.(DY)当一个企业准备建立电子商务业务时,它应该考虑清楚实现其战略目标的其他可选择的途径。When preparing to establish an e-business prence,enterpris should explicitly consider alternative ways to attain the strategic objectives.
23、(DY)对这份工作我的星空,我们接到了400份申请.We received 400 applications for the job
24、(DZ)电子贸易指网上财务往来,电子商务则指所有形式的网上交易。E-commerce refers to financial transactions over the Web and e-business refers to all forms of transactions over the Web.
25、(DZ)电子商务的交易通常涉及几个互动的步骤。E-business transactions often involve veral interactive steps.
26、阳的笔画(DZ)电子化结算能简化你绝大部分支付程序。You'll be able to streamline most of the process by billing your customers electronically.
27、(DZ)电子商务不是简单的传统在线商务E-business is not just traditional business being conducted online.
E 28、(EB)EBPP能降低你公司用于客户支付的费用。EBPP can cut down the cost of your company's customer support.
29、(ED)edocs刘丹萌意识到此类技术具有更大的适用范围,因而避免使用EBPP这一术语而倾向于称其为英特网结算与客户管理。Recognizing the larger scope of the technologies,edocs eschews the term EBPP in favor of Internet billing and customer managetment.
30、(ET)儿童的鞋并不便宜--反而更贵Children's shoes aren't cheap--quite the rever.
F 31、(FG)法官的权利由法律制定.The powers of a judge are defined by law
32、(FL)法律顾问可以探讨由于技术,业务及法律环境的变化而产生的风险和弱点。Counl can address risks and vulnerabilities that ari from changes in the technical,business and legal environments.
G 33、(GB)该报告声称价值源于业务的改进而非成本的节约。The report states that the value comes from business improvement rather than cost savings.
34、(GG)该公司宣布利润增加.The company has declared an increa in profits/incread profits