1.A B C D 字母歌
Q R S and T U V
W X and Y and Z
Happy happy we shall be
When we learn our A B C’s
2.Happy Birthday生日快乐
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear friend
Happy birthday to you
hello hello hello hello
hello hello how are you
hello hello hello hello
hello hello how are you
hello hello hello hello
hello hello how are you
thank you thank you 李邕书法
I am fine and I hope that you are too
4.table number桌子号码
We are table number one
Number one ,number one
We are table number one
辽宁师范大学录取分数线Where is number two
We are table number two
Number two ,number two
We are table number two
Where is number three
We are table number three
Number three ,number three
We are table number three
Where is number four
5.Tell me告诉我
Tell me tell me what it is?
Tell me tell me what it is?
It’s a book. It’s a book.
It’s a book. Yes, it is a book.
Tell me tell me what it is?
Tell me tell me what it is?古筝初学
It’s a pen. It’s a pen.
It’s a pen. Yes, it is a pen.
Tell me tell me what it is?
Tell me tell me what it is?
It’s a ball. It’s a ball.
It’s a ball. Yes, it is a ball.
6.I am a Boy我是个男孩
I am a boy and you are a girl
I am a boy and you are a girl
I am a boy and you are a girl
Do you want to be my friend
I am a girl and you are a boy
I am a girl and you are a boy
I am a girl and you are a boy
Yes I want to be your friend
7.What’s your name你叫什么名字
what’s your name?
My name is John
what’s your name?
My name is John
8.We Wish You a Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
And a Happy New Year
9.Row Your Boat划小船
Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
昆岩池Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream
10.Ten Little Indians十个印度安小男孩
One little two little three little Indians
Four little five little six little Indians他夏了夏天
Seven little eight little nine little Indians
Ten little Indian boys
1. The Farmer in the Dell山谷里的农夫
The farmer in the dell
The farmer in the dell
Heigh-o the derry-o
The farmer in the dell
2. Bingo宾果
There was a farmer had a dog
And bingo was his name
And bingo was his name O’
And Bingo was his name O
3. The Clock时钟
Hark to the sound of the old wooden clock
Tick Tock Tick Tock
Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo
Bong Bong Bong Bong
It tells the time for each minute and hour
Tick Tock Tick Tock
Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo
Bong Bong Bong Bong
4. Goodbye little fish再见,小鱼
Little fish goodbye to you
Goodbye goodbye goodbye to you
May our lord bless you
May our lord bless you
See you e you
See you again See you again
5. Teddy Bear玩具熊
Teddy bear Teddy bear英文情话短句
Turn around
Teddy bear Teddy bear
Touch the guound
Teddy bear Teddy bear
Show your shoes
Teddy bear Teddy bear
That will do
6. Are You Sleeping还要睡吗?
Are you sleeping Are you sleeping
Brother John Brother John
Morning bells are ringing
Morning bells are ringing
Ding dong ding
7. Sally萨丽
Sally is wearing a white dress white dress
White dress
Sally is wearing a white dress all day long
Sally is wearing black shoes black shoes
Black shoes
Sally is wearing black shoes all day long
8. I Can Hear The Bell我能听到钟声
I can hear I can hear I can hear the bell
Ding-a-dong Ding-a-dong
I can hear I can hear I can hear the bell
Ding-a-dong Ding-a-dong
I can hear the bell