
更新时间:2023-07-07 09:13:31 阅读: 评论:0

1. Dawn or dusk?/你更喜欢破晓还是黄昏? [单选题] *
2. Forest or river?/你更喜欢森林还是河流? [单选题] *
3. Moon or stars?/你更喜欢月亮还是星辰? [单选题] *
4. Which of the following would you most hate people to call you?/你最讨厌人们称你 [单选题] *
5. After you've died, what would you most like people to do when they hear your name?/你去世后,你希望世人听到你的名字时作出什么反应? [单选题] *
○miss you, but smile/带着笑容缅怀你
○ask for more stories about your adventures/询问更多关于你奇遇的故事
○think with admiration of your achievements/想起你令人钦佩的成就
读书计划○don't care what people think of me after I'm dead; it's what they think of me while I'm alive that counts/我才不介意去世后人们如何评价我,我活着的时候他们怎么评价我才重要
6. How would you like to be known to history/你想在让后人认为你是个? [单选题] *
○the wi智者
○the good好人
○the great伟人
○the bold勇者
7. Given the choice, would you rather invent a potion that would guarantee you/如果可以,你希望发明能让让你获得以下哪一点的魔药 [单选题] *
8. Once every century, the Flutterby bush produces flowers that adapt their scent to attract the unwary. If it lured you , it would smell of/振翅灌木每个世纪盛开一次,用花朵变幻的气味粗心者。如果它要你,你闻到的的味道会是 [单选题] *
○A crackling log fire/燃烧得滋滋作响的木头
○The a/大海
○Fresh parchment/崭新的羊皮纸
9. Four goblets are placed before you. Which would you choo to drink?/你面前有四个高脚杯。你会选择喝? [单选题] *
○The foaming, frothing, silvery liquid that sparkles as though containing ground diamonds/泡沫绵密,像含有碎钻石般闪耀着的银色液体
○The smooth, thick, richly purple drink that gives off a delicious smell of chocolate and plums/香滑浓稠,闻着像巧克力和李子口味的紫色饮料
○The golden liquid so bright that it hurts the eye, and which makes sunspots dance all around the room/耀眼的金色液体,令房间里充满了跳动的光斑
○The mysterious black liquid that gleams like ink, and gives off fumes that make you e strange visions/像墨水般闪烁的神秘黑色液体,散发出的烟雾令你眼前浮现出奇怪的幻象
10. What kind of instrument most pleas your ear?/你觉得哪种乐器最悦耳? [单选题] *
○The violin小提琴
○The trumpet喇叭
○The piano钢琴
○The drum鼓
11. You enter an enchanted garden. What would you be most curious to examine first?/你进入了一个魔法花园。最令你好奇,让你忍不住立即前去仔细观察的是? [单选题] *
○The silver leafed tree bearing golden apples/一棵长着银叶子金苹果的树
○The fat red toadstools that appear to be talking to each other/一堆厚厚的红色毒蕈,似乎正在相互交谈
○The bubbling pool, in the depths of which something luminous is swirling/冒着泡泡的池塘,里面好像有什么发光的东西在旋转
○The statue of an old wizard with a strangely twinkling eye/一名年纪很大的巫师的塑像,奇怪地眨着一只眼睛
12. Four boxes are placed before you, which would you try and open?/你面前有四个盒子,你会打开: [单选题] *
○The small tortoishell box, embellished with gold, inside which some small creature ems to be squeaking/有金色装饰的龟壳做的小盒子,里面似乎有什么小动物在发出吱吱的叫声
○The ornate golden casket, standing on clawed feet, who inscription warns that both cret knowledge and unbearable temptation lie within/有着爪型支架的华丽金匣子,上面的铭文警示着匣子里有秘密知识和令人无法抵抗的诱惑
○The small pewter box, unassuming and plain, with a scratched message upon it that reads 'I open only for the worthy‘/一个平凡无奇的小锡盒,上面潦草地刻着“只有配得上的人才能将我打开”
○The gleaming jet black box with a silver lock and key, marked with a mysterious rune that you know to be the mark of Merlin/亮黑色有银锁和钥匙的盒子,上面神秘的符文是梅林的标志
13. A troll has gone berrk in the Headmaster's study at Hogwarts. It is about to smash, crush and tear veral irreplaceable items and treasures. In which order would you rescue the objects from the troll’s club, if you could?/一只巨怪在霍格沃茨校长办公室里疯狂乱砸。它马上要毁掉几个不可替代的物件和珍宝。如果可以,你会以下面哪种顺序从巨怪的棍子下抢救这些东西?
[单选题] *
○First, a nearly perfected cure for dragon pox. Then student records going back 1000 years. Finally, a mysterious handwritten book full of strange runes./首先,接近完美的龙痘治疗方案,然后,一千年以来的学生记录,最后,一本神秘的满是奇怪符文的手写书籍
○First, student records going back 1000 years. Then a mysterious handwritten book full of strange runes. Finally, a nearly perfected cure for dragon pox./首先,一千年以来的学生记录,然后,一本神秘的满是奇怪符文的手写书籍,最后,接近完美的龙痘治疗方案
○First, a mysterious handwritten book full of strange runes. Then a nearly perfected cure for dragon pox. Finally, student records going back 1000 years./首先,一本神秘的满是奇怪符文的手写书籍,然后,接近完美的龙痘治疗方案,最后,一千年以来的学生记录
○First, a nearly perfected cure for dragon pox. Then a mysterious handwritten book full of strange runes. Finally, student records going back 1000 years./首先,接近完美的龙痘治疗方案,然后,一本神秘的满是奇怪符文的手写书籍,最后,一千年以来的学生记录
○First student records going back 1000 years. Then, a nearly perfected cure for dragon pox. Finally, a mysterious handwritten book full of strange runes./首先,一千年以来的学生记录,然后,接近完美的龙痘治疗方案,最后,一本神秘的满是奇怪符文的手写书籍
○First, a mysterious handwritten book full of strange runes. Then student records going back 1000 years. Finally, a nearly perfected cure for dragon pox./首先,一本神秘的满是奇怪符文的手写书籍,然后,一千年以来的学生记录,最后,接近完美的龙痘治疗方案
14. Which of the following do you find most difficult to deal with?/你认为以下哪种情况最难应对?
[单选题] *
○Being ignored/被忽略
15. Which would you rather be?/你愿意被他人____? [单选题] *
16. If you could have any power, which would you choo?/如果你有任何能力,你会选择哪个? [单选题] *
○The power to read minds/读心术
○The power of invisibility/隐形术
○The power of superhuman strength/超人的力量
○The power to speak to animals/与动物交流的能力
○The power to change your appearance at will/随意改变样貌的能力
17. What are you most looking forward to learning at Hogwarts?/你最期待在霍格沃茨学什么? [单选题] *
○Apparition and Disapparition/幻影显形
○Flying on a broomstick/飞天扫帚飞行
○Hexes and jinxes/恶咒
○All about magical creatures, and how to befriend/care for them/神奇动物和如何与它们交朋友或照顾它们
○Secrets about the castle/城堡的秘密
○Every area of magic I can/我所能学的所有魔法领域

本文发布于:2023-07-07 09:13:31,感谢您对本站的认可!



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