Tourism Geographies An International Journal of Tourism Space, Place and Environment Reflections
学习文案and discussions: tourism matters in the new normal
post COVID-19
鸡精对人体有没有危害期刊名称: Tourism Geographies
作者: Patrick Brouder,Simon Teoh,Noel B Salazar,Mary Mostafanezhad,Helene
Balslev Claun
年份: 2020年
关键词: COVID-
中国瓷器情感情感摘要:The large number of commentaries in this special issue reflect the need that so many people have to express themlves as a way of releasing the anxieties and
integrating the hopes that the COVID-19 pandemic has engendered in individuals and groups around the world. The guest editors of this special issue provide the following comments in reflecting on the major themes that are envisioned for travel and tourism in微信红包制作
a COVID-19 world. Comments from the guest editors are individually identified in this conclusion editorial.